[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Eureka 6-7-2005 (Ordinance 4, Ch. 2, of the 2005 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The primary objectives of this chapter are to protect public safety, reduce interference with public travel, protect the public's interest in its rights-of-way, and to provide for the efficient and uniform administration of the Township's road rights-of-way. The Town Board finds that the regulations, requirements, and restrictions, as set forth in this chapter, are in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the Township's citizens.
As a road authority, the Town Board has broad authority to regulate what occurs within the Township's road rights-of-way. This authority is found in M.S.A. § 365.10, Subdivision 17, a variety of sections in Chapters 160, 164, 165, 169, 222, and 237, and other chapters, as well as the rules associated with those chapters.
[Added 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-02]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A road giving access from a Township road, private road or cartway to one or more dwelling units or agricultural buildings located or to be constructed on adjacent lands.
An access route from a public road to an adjacent field or pasture.
Permit required.
That all persons seeking to construct a new driveway, new field approach or to convert an existing field approach to a driveway accessing a Township road must apply for and obtain a driveway/culvert permit from the Township prior to commencing construction.
Every application for an access driveway/culvert permit shall provide such information as the Township may require.
No driveway/culvert permits shall be issued to persons not in compliance with the terms of this section.
That all persons seeking to construct a new driveway, new field approach or to convert an existing field approach to a driveway accessing a county/state road must apply for and obtain a driveway/culvert permit from Dakota County and/or State of Minnesota prior to commencing construction.
Conditions of permit.
Except for access onto county/state highways, no work under this section is to be started until the Town Board or its designee approves the access driveway or field approach permit application and all applicable fees and escrow deposits have been received by the Township. Access driveway or field approach on county/state highways shall conform to ordinances or statutes of the county and/or state as appropriate. A copy of a county or state permit shall be provided to the Town Clerk.
All work performed by the applicant covered by this ordinance shall comply with all specifications adopted by the Town Board and any additional requirements of the Township Engineer.
No driveway or field approach shall cross a wetland unless the wetland permit has first been obtained.
No obstructions shall be constructed or planted in the Township right-of-way. Obstructions include, but are not limited to retaining structures, rip rap, posts, trees, shrubs and other such items. Mailboxes and support posts may be located within the Township right-of-way; however, the Township is not responsible for damage to mailboxes or posts during maintenance or snowplowing of the right-of-way. All mailbox supports must comply with Federal Highway Administration and Postal Service guidelines. Stone, masonry or other nonbreakaway mailbox supports are not allowed within the Township right-of-way.
Applicant shall allow such persons as the Town Board shall designate to enter onto their property for inspection purposes prior to the issuance of the permit, during the progress of the work, and after the permitted work has been completed.
Unless a written extension of time has been granted by the Town Board or its designee, if work is not completed within one year of the date of issuance of the permit, any driveway or field approach permit which has been granted under this section is null and void and applicant must reapply for a permit and pay the required fee should they wish to continue with work covered under this ordinance.
If required by the Town Board or its designee, the applicant shall provide and install the necessary pipe and aprons for the driveway or field approach pursuant to the Township's specifications.
Applicant must locate the driveway or field approach at least 10 feet from the property line or as necessary to provide adequate drainage onto the parcel the driveway serves.
Applicant must locate the driveway or field approach at least 300 feet from the intersection of any two or more public roads.
Applicant shall furnish and place all soils and other materials needed in the construction or reconstruction of the driveway and/or field approach embankment.
Unless otherwise agreed to by the Town Board or its designee, the applicant will surface with gravel the portion of the driveway or field approach within the road right-of-way.
The applicant may surface that portion of the driveway within the road right-of-way using materials other than gravel provided the applicant has obtained the approval of the Town Board or its designee prior to the start of the work.
Where work on the traveled roadway is necessary, traffic must be protected, and signing and proper barricades must be utilized pursuant to the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Dirt or debris from driveway/access construction activities are not allowed on Township roads and shall be removed within 24 hours of placement or within three hours' notice to do so by the Town Board or its designee, whichever is earlier. If an applicant fails to comply with this section, the Town Board may remove the dirt or debris itself and charge the cost of clean up against the deposited escrow money. Costs incurred by the Township to clean up the street in excess of the deposited escrow money may be assessed to the offending property owner pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 429.101, 366.012 and any other relevant statutes.
Unless otherwise directed by the Town Board or its designee, the roadside must be cleaned after work is completed and restored to a condition similar to that prior to construction.
Applicant must place stakes in exact location of the proposed driveway prior to review by Town Board or its designee, and again prior to culvert delivery.
Applicant shall construct only one driveway or field approach per parcel of land without the express written permission of the Town Board.
Applicant shall be responsible for cleaning and maintenance of any culvert installed under this ordinance. Should applicant fail to comply with this requirement, the Township may assess the cost of any maintenance to the applicant pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 429.101, 366.012 and any other relevant statutes.
If any excavation is to take place, "Gopher State One Call" is to be notified at (800) 252-1166 prior to start of construction.
After construction is completed, the driveway shall remain clean and free of debris at all times. Any debris deposited on the driveway or roadway shall be removed immediately.
Inspection of the work, escrow amount and fees.
Prior to construction of the driveway and installation of the culvert, the applicant shall meet with the Town Board or its designee at the site to inspect the site, to determine the location of the driveway or field approach, and to determine the scope of the work to be performed. Every new driveway or field approach shall also be required to have an inspection after the work is completed.
Applicant shall establish with the Township an escrow fund for any costs incurred by the Township relating to the construction of the driveway or installation of the culvert including, but not limited to, repairing damage to any roadways as a result of the construction of the driveway and the installation of the culvert, turf establishment and removing an unacceptable driveway. The escrow amount shall be collected even if there is an existing driveway on the property. The amount of the initial escrow shall be established by a resolution of the Town Board. If additional escrow is required or bills incurred beyond the escrow amount, applicant shall be billed directly for such costs and applicant agrees to furnish additional monies as requested by the Township. Any amounts not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the applicant, without interest, when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the Township have been satisfied, and the Town Board has approved the final inspection.
Applicant shall provide to the Township a nonrefundable permit application fee (in addition to the escrow deposit) to cover the Township's inspection costs. The Town Board shall establish the amount of the permit application fee. In addition, the Town Board shall have the authority to revise or redetermine (including rate increases) fees whenever the Town Board deems necessary. However, an additional fee as determined by the Town Board shall be required if the applicant installs the driveway or field approach prior to obtaining a permit or scheduling an inspection by the Township. This additional nonrefundable permit application fee is to cover the Township's additional inspection and administrative costs.
After construction is completed, the applicant shall notify the Township that the work has been completed and is ready for final inspection and approval by the Town Board or its designee.
No changes or alterations in the approved construction may be made at any time without the written consent of the Town Board or its designee.
If at the time of final inspection, the driveway and related grading and turf establishment is found to be acceptable, any remaining escrow deposit shall be refunded, without interest, at the next Township Board meeting.
The applicant, applicant's successors and assigns, as a condition precedent to obtaining permit approval, hereby agree to release Eureka Township, its officers and agents, from any and all liability and claims concerning the herein above-described permit request, construction of the subject work, and the finished driveway or field approach.
The applicant, applicant's successors and assigns, as a condition precedent to obtaining permit approval, hereby agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend Eureka Township, its officers and agents, from any and all liability and claims concerning the herein above described permit request, the construction of the subject driveway or field approach, and the finished driveway or field approach, and further shall be deemed to have consented to the assessment of clean-up costs as set forth in this ordinance.
The Township shall have no responsibility to repair a driveway or field approach that encroaches upon a public right-of-way that is damaged during the course of Township maintenance of the roadway.
A violation of this section shall be grounds for the immediate revocation of the access driveway or field approach permit.
In the event of a violation of this section, the Town Board may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations. Should the Township determine to correct or abate such violations, the applicant or property owner shall be invoiced for the Township's costs not covered by the escrow deposit which shall be paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice, should the applicant or property owner not reimburse the Township within said time, the Township shall be authorized to certify said unreimbursed costs to the County Auditor for payment with the owner's property taxes pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§ 429.101, 366.012 or any other relevant statute.
Further, each day of violation of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor for which the Township may bring prosecution. In the event of a successful prosecution, then the prosecution costs may be added to any fines or penalties imposed by the court, all as provided by statute. The maximum penalty shall be the same as the maximum penalty provided by Minnesota law for misdemeanor violations.
Driveway property rights.
The owner of a buildable lot may be the sole owner of the driveway that is 33 feet wide and provides access to a public road as required by these ordinances.
The owner of a buildable lot may satisfy the requirement that the lot have 33 feet of frontage on a public road by obtaining a permanent easement on an adjacent parcel (the servient parcel) that provides the buildable lot with permanent access to the public road by way of a thirty-three-foot driveway easement. The easement will be in a form acceptable to the Township and will be recorded against both properties in the Dakota County Property Records. The terms of the easement will ensure that it will not be voluntarily revoked or involuntarily revoked while the building erected on the lot in reliance on the easement for satisfaction of ordinance requirements remains. If the building is destroyed or removed, the easement must remain in place to protect the owner's right to rebuild at the owner's discretion.
Driveway sharing. Owners of two up to four lots may agree to share and maintain a driveway or any portion thereof to access an existing public road. One or more of the owners may enter into a permanent easement agreement with the owner of the land that satisfies the terms of Subsection G(2) above. The agreement must specify terms for maintenance and cost sharing. The agreement must be approved by the Township. Legal evidence of such a sharing agreement shall be recorded with Dakota County referencing the affected lots. The shared portion of the driveway shall meet or exceed the following specifications:
The driveway shall be designed to at minimum support access by emergency vehicles providing medical, fire, or police services.
There shall exist or be provided either by land ownership or by permanent easement a road right-of-way at least 33 feet in width.
The driveway shall include a passing apron at the intersection with the public road at least 18 feet in width and no less than 24 feet long.
The driving surface of the shared portion of the road shall be at least 12 feet in width.
[Amended 3-7-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-02]
Road specifications. In any division of land in the Township of Eureka in which it is necessary to construct a road to provide access for more than four properties to an existing public road, such road shall meet the following specifications:
There shall be provided a road right-of-way at least 66 feet in width.
The driving surface of the road as constructed shall be at least 24 feet in width.
A seven-ton gravel base which shall require four inches of Class V gravel and six inches of Class III gravel. The requirements for sand and gravel may be reduced in thickness in the event that subsoil conditions are well-drained. Any reduction in thickness must be in accordance with inspection and the recommendations of the Township Engineer or Town Board. In the event that subsoil conditions are poor (e.g., peat, muck, etc.), all substandard subsoil must be removed, and clean compacted fill used to bring the road up to grade before the gravel bases are applied.
Public dedication. No road shall be dedicated to the public and accepted by the Township unless it meets the specifications in § 198-3A, Road specifications, above, and in addition has applied to it a two-inch blacktop mat (M.H.D. 2341 - "hot mix") and four-foot-wide gravel shoulders. Acceptance by the Township shall be in the form of a resolution adopted by the Town Board.
Traffic control. The traffic generated by any use shall be channelized and controlled in a manner that will avoid:
Congestion on the public streets;
Traffic hazards; and
Excessive traffic through residential areas, particularly truck traffic.
Streets with a curb. Every vehicle parked upon any street with a curb shall be parked parallel to the curb and with the right-hand wheel of the vehicle within 12 inches of the curb unless otherwise posted.
Streets with no curbs. On other streets a vehicle shall be parked to the right of the main traveled portion of the road and parallel to it unless otherwise posted. Parking shall be in a manner so that it does not interfere with the free flow of traffic.
Disabled vehicle exception. This subsection shall apply to any vehicle disabled upon any street. Every police officer of the Township shall be authorized to require the person in charge of the disabled vehicle to move it to a place of safety. Upon neglect or failure to move the vehicle or in the case of any motor vehicle being left alone or abandoned in any such position, the officer shall be authorized to provide for the removal of the vehicle to the nearest convenient garage or other place of safe keeping. The removal and storage charge shall be paid by the owner of the vehicle.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
House trailer parking. No person shall, for camping purposes, leave or park a house trailer on any street or in the street right-of-way.
No parking spaces. At any time it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle to stand at any place where official signs prohibit parking, except when necessary in the case of an emergency or in compliance with the directions of a law enforcement officer.
Parking of commercial vehicles and other vehicles. No person shall park any noncommercial vehicle or equipment, whether licensed or unlicensed, on any public street, highway or alley in the Township for more than 48 consecutive hours. No person shall park any motorized vehicle as described and defined in M.S.A. § 169.011, Subdivision 16, commonly known as "commercial vehicles," whether licensed or unlicensed, on any public street, highway or alley in the Township for more than one hour. These provisions shall not be evaded or nullified by any inconsequential moving of the vehicle or equipment. Inconsequential moving includes movements of the vehicle for the purpose of defeating this subsection.
[Amended 6-10-2019 by Res. No. 2019-07]
Boat launching (hand or trailered) through a Township right-of-way is prohibited. Boat launching through a Township right-of-way may only be made through designated public water access sites as provided in Minnesota State Statutes. All public water access sites must be maintained as provided in state statutes and adhere to the following requirements:
Parking must be provided for the anticipated usage of the access site. If adequate parking is not available at the access site to prevent users from parking along the shoulders of the roadway or in other unacceptable locations, then the necessary lands must be secured adjacent to the access site and roadway right-of-way.
There shall be ample sight distance along the roadway in both directions in order that vehicles entering and leaving the roadway will not create a hazard to through traffic.
Reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent pedestrians from entering the roadway and from congregating on the roadway, thereby creating a hazard to themselves and to the traveling public.
The public water access site and other facilities shall not interfere with the maintenance of the roadway or bridges and, if necessary, shall be moved to accommodate reconstruction of the roadway or bridges.
The Township shall be held harmless from any and all claims for damages by persons using the access or claims for additional compensation by the abutting landowners arising out of the using of roadway rights-of-way for a non-highway facility.
The Township shall take reasonable measures to post or otherwise control the use of Township right-of-way, and to prevent damage caused by prohibited launching of boats through a right-of-way.
Cultivation. No person may cultivate, plant, harvest, or maintain agricultural crops, trees, bushes, or shrubs within a right-of-way which in any way impede or obstruct the visibility of the right-of-way.
Landscaping. No person may cultivate, plant, or maintain grasses, flowers, vegetables, or other vegetation in any manner that obstructs visibility of a road or otherwise interferes with, obstructs, or renders dangerous for passage a right-of-way. No person may place watering systems or sprinkler heads within a right-of-way.
Obstructions. No person may place, maintain, or allow any obstruction in a right-of-way other than those specifically permitted by this chapter, by state law or rule, or by written approval of the Town Board. Items prohibited by this section include, but are not limited to, fences, posts, structures, piled materials, hay bales, vehicles, trailers, campers, equipment, or any other items that interfere with the safe use or the maintenance of the right-of-way. No person shall park a functioning vehicle in a right-of-way in such a way as to unreasonably interfere with the safe use of a road or the maintenance of the right-of-way.
Junk. No person shall place or maintain junk in a right-of-way.
No person may alter or change the depth or contour of any portion of any ditch or embankment in a right-of-way without written approval of the Town Board.
No person may work, maintain, improve, or repair the traveled portion of a right-of-way without the written approval of the Town Board.
No person shall cause damage to a right-of-way without the written approval of the Town Board. Any person doing damage within a right-of-way with approval of the Town Board shall return the right-of-way to at least the same condition it was in prior to the damage.
Mailboxes. Mailboxes and newspaper boxes are permitted within a right-of-way if they do not interfere with, obstruct, or render dangerous for passage a road. Mailboxes placed within a right-of-way must comply with all of the standards in Minnesota Rules Chapter 8818. The Town Board may remove and replace mailboxes that do not comply with the standards as provided in M.S.A. § 169.072.
Signs. No sign of any nature may be placed or allowed to remain in any right-of-way except an official traffic sign placed by a governmental authority or other signage expressly permitted by state law.
Approaches. No person may construct or reconstruct any approach to a road without first obtaining a permit from the Town Board. A person may be required to submit a map or drawing of the existing or proposed approach when seeking approval.
A person constructing or reconstructing an approach may be required to install a culvert meeting the specifications set out by the Town Board if the Town Board determines a culvert is necessary for suitable approach to the road and to promote adequate drainage of the right-of-way.
The Town Board may require a culvert to be installed, or an existing culvert to be replaced or maintained, if it determines it is necessary for suitable approach to the road or to promote adequate drainage of the right-of-way.
[Amended 8-13-2007 by Res. No. 59]
Costs. A person constructing or reconstructing an approach to an existing road shall be responsible for paying all of the costs related thereto, including the cost of seeking all necessary approvals and the cost of a culvert if one is required. Property owners are responsible for maintaining all approaches and associated culverts on their property at their own cost.
Headwalls. No person may construct or reconstruct any headwall in a way that interferes with the safe use or maintenance of a right-of-way.
The prohibitions, requirements, and restrictions contained in this chapter do not apply to the Town Board; Township officers, employees, or agents while operating within the course and scope of their duties for the Township; or contractors while performing services within the scope of a contract with the Township.
Any person receiving permission or a permit from the Town Board as provided in this chapter must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and rules as well as all applicable Township ordinances, resolutions, specifications, regulations, and policies. Any person receiving permission or a permit must comply with all conditions, requirements, and limitations the Town Board expresses as part of the permission or permit. Failure to comply with any of the conditions, requirements, or limitations shall void the permission or permit and could place the person in violation of this chapter.
Correction order. Upon discovery of a violation of this chapter, the Town Board may issue a correction order to the violator ordering the person to correct the violation by a time certain. If the violator fails to comply with the correction order by the time indicated in the order, the Town Board may provide for the correction of the violation. Issuance of a correction order does not preclude imposition of the penalty set forth in this chapter.
Immediate correction. If the Town Board determines that the violation creates an immediate threat to public safety, the Town Board will make a good faith effort to notify the violator to immediately correct the situation. If the Town Board is not able to promptly reach the violator, or if the violator fails to immediately correct the situation upon notification, the Town Board will provide for the correction of the violation.
Cost of correction. The cost of correcting a violation shall be the responsibility of the violator. If the Town Board provides for the correction of the violation, all expenses incurred, including reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be billed to the violator. If the bill is not paid by the due date, the Town Board may exercise any lawful options available to it to collect the amount due.
Penalty. With the exception of those violations governed by provisions of M.S.A. Ch. 169, any person who violates this chapter shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and subject to the penalties for such provided in state law. Each day of existence of any such violation shall constitute as a separate offense. If convicted, the person may be assessed costs of prosecution as allowed by M.S.A. § 366.01, Subdivision 10.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
The failure of the Town Board to exercise, and any delay in exercising, any right under this chapter, including enforcement, shall not operate as a waiver thereof and shall not constitute a waiver of the Township's interest, however created, in any right-of-way, easement, or any other type of property interest.
Intent. It is the intent of this section to supplement the laws of the State of Minnesota, M.S.A. Chs. 84 and 168 through 171, as they may be amended from time to time, with respect to the operation of certain motor vehicles commonly called "snowmobiles" and "all-terrain vehicles" (ATVs). This section is not intended to allow what the state statutes prohibit.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
Operation on Township roads. No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) within any Township road right-of-way.
Operation on Township property. No person shall operate a snowmobile or ATV on the Eureka Town Hall property or school property. Permission from the Town Board may be granted to facilitate snowmobile and ATV training classes.
Personal operation of snowmobiles and ATVs. No person shall operate his/her snowmobile or ATV in a careless, reckless, or heedless manner, which endangers other persons or their property.
The Town Board shall have the authority and responsibility to determine how the Township roads shall be maintained and how plowing, grading, paving, and brushing services shall be provided. The Town Board may consider joint power agreements, contract services or other legal means that the Town Board may find are in the public interest.
Snow plowing. It is illegal and punishable as a misdemeanor to plow, shovel, blow, or place snow onto Township roadways.
No sign may, by reason of its location, color or intensity, create a hazard to the safe and efficient movement of vehicles or pedestrian traffic.
No private sign may contain words which might be construed as traffic controls, such as "stop," "caution" or "warning," or otherwise resemble any official marker erected by a governmental body or agency, unless such sign is a directional sign.
The regulatory provisions of M.S.A. Ch. 169, as it may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted as a traffic ordinance regulating the use of highways, streets, and alleys within the Township and are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this chapter as completely as if set out here in full.
The Township of Eureka may have a capital projects program to address capital needs and/or discuss infrastructure programs. The Planning Commission shall annually create a proposed plan for Town Board review and modification or approval.
[Added 3-9-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Title. This section shall be known, cited, and referred to as the "Eureka Township Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System Ordinance," herein referred to as "this section."
Purpose, jurisdiction and authority.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a uniform system for naming streets and assigning numbers to dwellings, principal buildings, and businesses to facilitate emergency services and deliveries and to provide the general advantages of a uniform street naming and addressing system.
Jurisdiction. This section applies to all Township roads located within the boundaries of the Township. This section does not apply to county highways
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
Authority. This section is adopted pursuant to M.S.A. § 368.01, Subdivision 10, or successor statute.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
Dakota County, Minnesota.
Has the meaning given to it in M.S.A. §160.02, Subdivisions 17 and 18, as may be amended.
Eureka Township, Dakota County, Minnesota.
Has the meaning given to it in M.S.A. § 160.02, Subdivision 28, as may be amended.
The Dakota County Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System Procedural Manual, as may be amended.
Standards adopted. Except as provided in Subsection F of this section, the USNAS is adopted by reference and made a part of this section. The Township shall utilize the standards and guidelines set forth in the USNAS in naming Township roads and assigning addresses within the Township.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
Administration. The Eureka Township Clerk shall administer the street naming and addressing system and all provisions of this section.
Changes to existing occupied addresses. In place of the procedure provided for in the USNAS, the Township adopts the following procedure for requests to change the name of any Township road:
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
Road name changes will be allowed only when the road name is a duplicate of another road within the designated postal area or within the county and interferes with the accurate dispatch of emergency vehicles or deliveries. A road name may also be changed when one road has two commonly used names or where portions of what appears to be the same road have two or more names. Any changes made shall be in conformance with the USNAS.
Procedure for road name change:
The person seeking to change the name of the Township road shall initially make this request to the Eureka Town Board. The request shall include the following information:
The current name of the Township road.
The proposed name of the Township road.
An explanation as to why the change is necessary.
The Town Board shall consider the request at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If found to have merit, the Town Board shall direct the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the matter.
In addition to public notice as required by law, the Eureka Township Clerk shall provide written notification to the applicant, all residents owning property on the subject Township road, and all landowners with property within 200 feet of the intersection of their street and the subject Township road.
The Planning Commission shall hold the public hearing, conduct further investigation as needed, and make its recommendations to the Town Board regarding the requested change.
The Town Board shall consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and, if approved, pass a resolution affirming the name change.
Individual address changes may be allowed if consistent with USNAS. The procedure for individual address changes is as follows:
The person seeking change of address shall provide written request to the Eureka Township Clerk, providing the current address, proposed address, and reason for request.
The Township Clerk shall review the application for compliance with USNAS. If consistent, the Township Clerk will place on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Board.
The Town Board shall consider the recommendation and, if approved, pass a resolution affirming the address change.
The Eureka Township Clerk shall provide the Dakota County Physical Development Division written notification of the resolution for name or address change. Notification shall also be provided to those people notified of the public hearing as in Subsection F(2)(c) above.
Severability. If any subsection, clause, provision, or portion of this section is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of law, the remainder of this section shall not be affected and shall remain in full force.
When effective. This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law.
A public or private right-of-way which affords a secondary means of access to abutting property.
The area of the right-of-way between the traveled surface of the road and the adjacent property that is intended to provide access for vehicles or equipment from the road to the adjacent property.
Rock, concrete, masonry, metal, timber or other similar materials placed on the sides of an approach as support, to prevent erosion, or for decorative purposes.
Old or scrap signs, copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper, synthetic or organic trash, garbage, waste materials, rubbish, rubber debris, appliances, waste, or junked, dismantled, or wrecked automobiles or farm or construction machinery or parts thereof, iron, steel, and other old or scrap ferrous or nonferrous material.
Editor's Note: The definitions that appear in this section were formerly included in § 1-4 of the Code; they were relocated to this section as part of the 2022 recodification of the Code.