In all cases in which these By-laws require a permit to be issued, the permit shall be applied for, and issued prior to the commencement of any work or activity for which the permit is required.. As appropriate, the issuing authority may require a bond to be posted to assure compliance with standards imposed and the protection and preservation of public property. The issuing authority may, in appropriate circumstances, suspend any permit to the extent that the public health and safety so require, and may revoke said permit after a hearing.
No person shall place or maintain any sign, awning, canopy, shade, or frame for the same, in or over any street without first obtaining a permit from the town manager to do so. In no case shall any sign, awning, canopy, shade or frame be less than seven feet above the sidewalk, nor extend into the street beyond the line of the sidewalk. The town manager may require a bond to insure performance. (Article VIII, § 1)
No person shall place an obstruction, or cause an obstruction to be placed in any of the public streets or squares, or upon any public sidewalk, without first obtaining a written permit for a specified time from the chief of police. (Article VIII, § 3)
No person shall erect, set up or maintain any fence, portico, roof, platform, or doorstop extending into or over any public highway or street without first obtaining a written permit for a specified time from the chief of police. (Article VIII, § 14)
[Amended 2-25-2008]
No person shall sweep, rake or throw, or place any rubbish, leaves or other like substance upon any sidewalk or street in the town without first obtaining a permit from the chief of police. (Article VIII, § 4)
No person shall place any leaves, garden trimmings or other like substance upon any sidewalk or street in the Town except in officially approved containers for the sole purpose of collection by employees or designated agents of the Town during designated period of collection. Such placements, conforming to these guidelines, shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 7-104.1 of these bylaws. Such containers shall not remain upon any sidewalk or street in the town for longer than 24 hours before or after the collection period.
[Amended 12-2-1991]
No person shall place, paint, print or work figures or pictures on any public sidewalk or street without a permit to do so issued by the chief of police. (Article VIII, § 4)
No person shall post any posters, handbills, placards, signs, notices or similar material upon any sidewalk, street, public building or other public property in the town; provided, however, that the town manager may designate particular locations where such materials may be posted. (Article VIII, § 6)
No person shall play upon any musical instrument or form any public gathering in any street or public place in the town without a written permit therefore from the town manager. (Article VIII, § 8)
No person, except the town manager and the director of the DPW in the lawful performance of their duties, or those acting under their orders, or those who are otherwise properly authorized, shall break up or dig in any street or public way in the town without first obtaining a written permit from the town manager, which permit shall state the regulations under which such excavation and restoration shall be done. All persons acting under such a permit shall put up, erect, and maintain a suitable railing or fence, or pedestrian walk around the part of the street so excavated, so long as the same shall remain unsafe and inconvenient for travelers, and sufficient lights shall be attached to such railings or fence from sunset to sunrise so as to protect all travelers from injury until the work is completed. The work or excavation done under said permit must be in accordance with such regulations and, upon the completion of said work, the surface of said street or way shall be promptly restored as specified in the permit. (Article VIII, § 9)
The town manager shall have control of the public streets, sidewalks and grounds of the town for all purposes of public gatherings, and no public assembly or parade on such places within the town shall be permitted unless a written permit stating the time, place, and purpose of such event has been issued by the town manager. (Article VIII, § 26)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation either as principal, agent, or employee to plan, use or operate for advertising purposes, or for any other purpose whatsoever, on or upon the public streets, alleys, sidewalks, or thoroughfares in the Town of Southbridge, any device known as a sound truck loudspeaker or sound amplifier or radio or phonograph with a loudspeaker or sound amplifier, or any other instrument known as a calliope, or any instrument of any kind or character which emits there from loud and raucous noises and is attached to and upon any vehicle or any individual car operated or standing upon said streets or public places aforementioned unless a written permit stating the time, place and purpose of such event has been issued by the town manager. (Article VIII, § 27)
No person shall drive, ride, push or tow any motor vehicle including, but not limited to, motorcycles, recreational vehicles as defined by MGL Chapter 90B, automobiles, mopeds, or other motorized conveyances upon any park, playground, cemetery, conservation land, school yard or any other land of the town, except as otherwise permitted by the town manager. No owner and no other person in custody or control of any of the abovedescribed vehicles shall allow another person to drive, ride, push or tow said vehicle upon any of the lands above-described.
Any person who violates this By-law shall be punishable by a fine of $25.00 for the first offense in any calendar year or by a fine of $50.00 for any subsequent offense in a calendar year.
Any police officer who observes a violation of this By-law may, as an alternative to initiating criminal proceedings, give to the offender a written notice to appear before the Clerk of the District Court having jurisdiction of the offense, at any time during business hours, not later than 21 days after the date of such notice. Such notice shall be prepared in triplicate, on a form which complies with the requirements of MGL Chapter 40, Section 21D, as amended, and shall be delivered to the offender in a manner consistent therewith. Whenever practicable, said notice shall be signed by the offender, as an acknowledgement of the receipt thereof. The disposition of all such offenses shall follow the procedure established by MGL Chapter 40, Section 2lD, as amended. (Article VIII, § 33)
Any person who intends to repair or take down any building on land abutting on any way which the town is required to keep in repair and intends to make use of any portion of said way for the purpose of placing thereon building materials or rubbish shall give notice thereof to the town manager. Thereupon, the town manager may grant a permit to occupy a portion of said way to be used for such purposes as in the judgment of the town manager the necessity of the case and security of the public require. Such permit, in no event to exceed a period of more than 90 days, shall contain such conditions as the town manager may require. Sufficient lights shall be so placed from sunset to sunrise as to protect all travelers from injury. (Article VIII, § 12)
The town manager may, before granting such permits, require such persons to furnish a satisfactory bond to save the town harmless from any damages that may arise from such obstructions in the street and to insure the faithful compliance with the conditions of said permit. (Article VIII, § 13)
No person shall hoist any material from any street or sidewalk into a building adjoining same so that said material by being hoisted shall overhang any part of the street or sidewalk without first obtaining a permit from the chief of police. (Article VIII, § 22)