During street sweeping operations, there shall be no parking on streets designated by the town manager or the director of public works. Any vehicle parked in violation of this By-law shall be removed by order of the town manager, chief of police or director of public works or their authorized representatives. If the vehicle is removed for the purpose of street sweeping operations, towing and storage charges may also be imposed, as otherwise provided by law. A record of registration numbers of each vehicle so removed shall be kept that also states the place to which it was removed, and within 12 hours, the police department shall notify the owner or his agent. Before the owner or his agent shall be permitted to claim a vehicle which has been removed as aforesaid to a garage or other convenient place, he shall furnish satisfactory evidence to the owner or person in charge of said garage, or the chief of police, of his identity and ownership or right to the possession of said vehicle. (Article VIII, § 34)
[Amended 9-24-1984]
No person owning, possessing or having charge of a motor vehicle that is inoperable shall allow said vehicle to remain out of use upon any street or way, except in case of emergency.
No person shall perform any work including, but not limited to, repair work, maintenance work, changing parts, etc., on any motor vehicle on any public street, public way or public parking lot, except such emergency repair work as is necessary to remove said vehicle from the said street, way or parking lot. (Article VIII, § 35)
[Amended 10-26-1987]
No person shall park any vehicle in excess of 7 feet in width or 8 feet in height on any public way for a period of longer than 20 minutes, unless for some purpose incidental to the operation of the vehicle, loading or unloading of the vehicle, or the performance of a service during a normal working day. (Article VIII, § 36)
No person shall move a building in a public way without a permit. Such permit may be issued by the town manager, upon such terms as public safety may require, and any person to whom a permit is granted shall execute a bond to the town in such a sum as the town manager deems appropriate.
Definitions. As used in this section, the term “motor scooter” shall mean any wheeled device designed to transport one or more persons which is powered by any type of motor, except:
Any “motorcycle” or “motorized bicycle” as defined in MGL Chapter 90, Section 1;
Any vehicle registered as a motor vehicle by the registrar of motor vehicles or lawfully exempt from registration;
Any wheelchair used by a person with physical disabilities, or any similar mobility–assisting device used by a person whose ambulatory mobility has been impaired by age, illness, or physical ailment; or
Any vehicle owned or leased by the Town of Southbridge.
Prohibited Conduct. No person shall operate any motor scooter on any portion of any public street or private street without permission of the owner(s) as shown on the official map of the town, including the sidewalk area of any such street, or on any other public property including schools, playgrounds, and parks, within the Town of Southbridge.
No person shall ride as a passenger on any motor scooter operated by another person in violation of the above restrictions.
Exception. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of Section 7-205.2, this Bylaw shall not prohibit the operation of any electric vehicle not capable of speeds in excess of 12 ½ miles per hour on any paved sidewalk or marked pedestrian crosswalk.
Enforcement. The provisions of this section may be enforced by any police officer of the Town of Southbridge, by any means available including, but not limited to, disposition pursuant to MGL Chapter.40, Sections 21 and 21D. Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation.
When enforced through non-criminal disposition the penalties shall be as follows:
For operating a motor scooter in violation of Section 7-205:
First violation:
$ 25.00
Second violation:
$ 50.00
Third and subsequent violations:
For riding as a passenger on a motor scooter operated by another person in violation of Section 7-205:
First violation:
$ 25.00
Second violation:
$ 50.00
Third and subsequent violations:
In General. The traffic and parking commission established in Section 3-221 of these By-laws, and in conformity with the provisions of said section, shall have authority to adopt, amend, alter, and repeal rules and regulations relative to vehicular traffic in the town, and to the movement, stopping or standing of vehicles on, and their exclusion from, all or any streets, ways, highways, roads and parkways, under the control of the town.
Penalties for Violations. The traffic and parking commission may prescribe penalties for violations of the provisions of any By-law regulating traffic or parking, and for violations of the rules and regulations of the traffic and parking commission, pursuant to MGL Chapter 40, Sections 20 and 21D.
Enforcement. Police officers of the Town of Southbridge shall be authorized to enforce the provisions of this By-law and any rules, regulations or orders of the traffic and parking commission.
Procedure for Public Suggestion to the Traffic and Parking Commission. Ten residents of the town who are eighteen years of age or older may petition the traffic and parking commission relating to any rule or regulation adopted, or proposed to be adopted, by the commission relating to traffic or parking.
The commission shall hold a public hearing concerning any petition addressed to it by residents within 30 days after the filing with the commission of such petition. If a public hearing shall be held pursuant to this section on any proposed rule or regulation, the proposed rule or regulation shall not be adopted until the public hearing has been concluded. After the public hearing has been held, any vote on the subject matter must be passed by a majority of the entire membership of the commission. Petitioners may be represented by any interested party or legal representative.