No person shall in any manner remove, deface or injure any public property, public building or public grounds of the town, nor shall any person throw or place any substance into the same or into any of the public waters of the town. (Article VIII, § 7).
Any violation of this section shall be enforceable by any police officer of the Town through non-criminal disposition pursuant to MGL Chapter 40, §21D and Section 1-111 of the By-laws, and for such purposes, Schedule of Penalties A through C shall be applicable.
No person shall allow any gate or door belonging to premises under their control, and adjoining any public way, to swing on, over or into said public way. (Article VIII, § 2)
Whenever a department of the town is about to construct or repair any street or way, it shall, before beginning the work, give reasonable notice of such intention to other departments and corporations affected thereby and to all abutting owners. After such notice has been given and work completed, no department, corporation or person shall for a space of one year break up or disturb the surface of said street or way within the area so constructed and repaired except in the case of emergency. (Article VIII, § 10)
No person shall break, remove, deface or otherwise injure any marker or bound which marks a street, line or public way on town land. (Article VIII, § 17)
No person shall extinguish any street light, nor extinguish or remove any light placed to denote an obstruction or defect in any street or way, without proper authority. (Article VIII, § 19)
[Amended 11-13-1995; 8-24-2015; 10-18-2021]
No owner or agent of an owner of premises abutting upon brick, concrete or other curbed or other finished sidewalk shall place or suffer to remain for more than 24 hours upon cessation of the snow storm any snow upon such sidewalk. Snow must be cleared to a minimum width of 36". Any packed snow or ice must be melted, covered with sand, sawdust or ashes, to prevent slipping. Such snow or ice may be removed from the sidewalk to the street; provided, however, that the same is windrowed at the gutter at the time of removal. No owner or owner’s agent of premises abutting on a public way shall allow any fire hydrant close to the property to be obstructed by snow. No owner or owner’s agent shall place any snow or ice removed from private property on a public way. Each owner or agent of premises in which he/she does not reside, must furnish a name, address and telephone number of the person designated by the owner or agent to comply with the provisions of this By-law. Said information shall be furnished to the department of public works on or before November 1 of each year and the director of public works shall be notified immediately upon a change of designation. Violations of this By-law, including failure to furnish information as required herein, shall be enforceable pursuant to General Laws Chapter 40, § 21D.
The following schedule of penalties shall apply to violations of this section:
For a first offense in any one calendar year: $100;
For a second offense in any one calendar year: $150;
For a third offense and any subsequent offense in any one calendar year: $200.
If the owner, agent, or designee shall fail to properly clear the sidewalk and/or otherwise neglects or violates the duties imposed by this By-law, the town may, in addition to any other penalties available in law or in equity, perform or cause to be performed such duties at the expense of the owner. Such expense may be imposed as a municipal charge lien under the provisions of MGL Chapter 40, Section 58 and Section 5-109 of these By-laws. (Article VIII, § 23)
No owner or person having care of a building abutting upon any curbed or finished sidewalk, the roof of which slants toward such sidewalk, shall permit such building to be without a barrier, snow guard, or other device to prevent the falling of snow or ice from such roof to the sidewalk, nor shall the owner or person having care of any such buildings permit water to discharge on any sidewalk from such building in such a manner as to flow over the sidewalk. (Article VIII, § 29)