Effect of this By-law. None of the provisions of this building inspection department By-law shall be construed so as to conflict with the requirements of state law or any regulations issued there under. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Safety Board of Standards Building Code, otherwise known as 780 CMR, and General Laws, Chapter 143, Section 3A are considered minimum standards and regulations when not provided for in these By-laws. (Article XI, § 1)
Department Established. There shall be a department known as the building inspection department which shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the town with office room and such supplies and implements as are necessary for the transaction of its business. (Article XI, § 2)
Inspector of Buildings. The town manager shall in June of each year appoint an inspector of buildings for the term of three years from that date and until another is appointed and qualified. Said inspector shall have charge and control of the enforcement of the regulations relative to buildings or structures and see that such regulations are complied with. The salary or compensation for the inspector of buildings shall be such as the town may from time to time determine. (Article XI, § 3)
Restrictions on Person Appointed Inspector of Buildings. The inspector shall have no financial nor business interest in the doing of work, or the furnishing of materials, for the construction, repair or maintenance of any building or structure in this town, nor in the making of plans or specifications therefor unless the inspector is the owner of the premises. (Article XI, § 4)
Annual Report of Inspector. The inspector shall keep a record of the business of the building inspection department and submit to the town manager a yearly report of such business and such other reports as the town manager may require and the report of the inspector of buildings shall be incorporated into the yearly report of the town; records to be open for the inspection of any citizen. (Article XI, § 5)
Applications for Permits. It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove, or demolish a building or structure; or to change the use or occupancy of a building or structure; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by 780 CMR without first filing a written application with the inspector of buildings and obtaining the required permit therefor.
Before commencing any activity described above, an application for a permit shall be filed with the inspector of buildings on forms furnished by the building inspection department giving a description of the building, pool, structure or additions, alterations or repairs proposed. Plans and specifications shall be submitted for examination and approval.
Also, a plan of the lot on which any proposed building is to be erected is to be filed with the application.
The location of the structure and its elevation in relation to the street is to be shown on the plot plan. All drawings are to be submitted in duplicate and one copy is to remain on file, the other copy to be stamped with this department’s seal of approval. If the inspector is of the opinion that the requirements of this By-law have been complied with, the inspector shall thereupon issue said stamped permits to the applicants. (Article XI, § 6)
Building Permit Fees. Fees for building permits shall be established by the building inspector, with the approval of the town manager.
Permits Required. All persons who desire to engage in, carry on or work at the business of plumbing within this jurisdiction shall be registered or licensed by the State Examiners of Plumbers, in accordance with the provisions of MGL Chapter 142.
Before commencing work in a building every plumber shall first, except in the case of the repair of leaks, file at the office of the board of health, upon forms provided for that purpose, a notice of the work to be performed. No such work shall be done in any building except in accordance with plans to be submitted, if required, which shall be approved by the inspector of plumbing and a permit issued therefor. Permits to perform plumbing shall be issued to master plumbers only. Permits may be recalled if the conditions are violated. No septic tank shall be installed without a permit from the inspector of plumbing. (Article XII, § 1)
All work considered plumbing and covered within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Plumbing Code, Chapter 358 Acts of 1965 as amended will be performed within the rules and regulations of said code. (Article XII, § 2)
Notice Required Before Installation of Wires, etc. No person shall install wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures or other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power within, or connected to any building, without first notifying the inspector of wires in writing of the proposed installations. (Article XIII, § 1)
Notice Required Before Enclosing or Covering Wires, etc. No wire, appliance or apparatus shall be covered or enclosed without first notifying and obtaining permission to do so from the inspector of wires. Said notification to be given to the inspector at least 24 hours before said work is covered or enclosed. (Article XIII, § 2)
Permit Required Before Any Electrical Work Begins. No person or corporation shall do any electrical construction work, whether original work or alterations, without obtaining from the inspector of wires a written permit to do such work. (Article XIII, § 3)
Application of these Provisions. The above sections shall apply to all new construction and changes in existing construction in private dwellings and other buildings the owners of which do not regularly employ the full time services of a licensed electrician. (Article XIII, § 4)
Application of State Electrical Code. The inspector of wires is hereby authorized to enforce the rules and regulations as contained and provided in the current edition of the Massachusetts Electrical Code (527 CMR 12.00) for the installation of electric wiring and apparatus, and in accordance with the provisions and requirements therein contained. (Article XIII, § 5)
Turning Off Electrical Current. Whenever, in the opinion of the inspector of wires, any electrical conductors or appliances used for the distribution or consumption of a current, or electricity for light, heat or power purposes are in a dangerous condition, said inspector is hereby authorized to cause the current to be shut off, if the existing defect is not remedied within a reasonable time after written notice has been given to the owner or user of such defective conductor or appliance. (Article XIII, § 6)
Installation of Electric Meters. No meter shall be installed without a written permit from the inspector of wires. (Article XIII, § 7)
[Amended 1-6-2017]
The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is a building energy code created by the International Code Council. It is a model code adopted by many state and municipal governments in the United States for the establishment of minimum design and construction requirements for energy efficiency, and is updated on a three-year cycle. The baseline energy conservation requirements of the MA State Building Code are the IECC with Massachusetts amendments, as approved by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards.
Codified by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards as 780 CMR Appendix 115.AA of the 9th edition Massachusetts Building Code, the Stretch Energy Code is an appendix to the Massachusetts Building Code, based on further amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to improve the energy efficiency of buildings built to this code.
Purpose. The purpose of 780 CMR 115.AA is to provide a more energy efficient alternative to the Base Energy Code applicable to the relevant sections of the building code for new buildings.
Applicability. This code applies to residential and commercial building. Buildings not included in this scope shall comply with 780 CMR 13, 24, 51, as applicable.
Stretch Code. The Stretch Code, as codified by the Board of Building Regulations and Standards as 780 CMR Appendix 115.AA, including any future editions, amendments or modifications, is herein incorporated by reference into the Code of By-laws, Town of Southbridge, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 9-104.
The Stretch Code is enforceable by the building inspector and/or the director of inspectional services.