[Ord. 2/22/1985]
In accordance with the Fairfield Borough Comprehensive Plan of Development as revised and adopted by the Fairfield Borough Council on February 22, 1985, there is hereby established a new Comprehensive Zoning Plan for the Borough, which plan is set forth in the text and map that constitute this Chapter. The Plan is adopted in the interest of protecting and promoting the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare, and shall be deemed to include the following objectives, among other as may be stated in the Borough of Fairfield’s Revised Comprehensive Plan:
The following objectives are subscribed to meeting this goal:
To direct new development to support and enhance the existing character of the Borough and the districts within which new uses are located.
To preserve and promote a balanced variety of residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, and conservation land uses in the Borough.
To ensure that adjacent land uses are compatible with regard to noise, traffic, odor, activity, and appearance.
To guide existing vacant land resources to achieve a desired pattern of land development relative to the community infrastructure and natural features carrying capacity.
To safeguard the tax base, promote economic development, and provide for local employment through appropriate utilization of existing and potential nonresidential lands.
To promote the conservation of existing land uses, rural traits, and natural amenities which presently characterize the Borough.
To maintain the quality of land development and the local environment with reasonable controls.
To assure that land development and other construction does not conflict with adjacent municipalities, and other developments not under the jurisdiction of the Borough.
To assimilate private development and redevelopment within reasonable time periods in relation to the phasing of public improvements.
To provide thorough land use controls, design standards, and guidelines which would encourage mutually compatible and supportive development.