Editor’s Note: Ord. No. 16-08-05 set out procurement policies that only apply to procurement under Missouri Department of Transportation Grants. This ordinance can be found on file in the City offices.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020[1]]
This policy provides guidelines to be followed in purchasing goods and services for the City of Excelsior Springs, Missouri. The City Manager shall be responsible for enforcing this policy. These policies are intended to promote increased efficiency, standardization of purchasing procedures while obtaining supplies, equipment, and services as economically as possible.
All purchasing will demonstrate a reasonable and good faith effort to obtain goods and services at the lowest possible cost with the optimum quality needed. Competition among suppliers shall be encouraged.
Editor's Note: Former Chapter 165, Purchasing Policy, which derived from Ord. No. 13-01-01, was repealed 6-15-2020 by Ord. No. 20-06-08.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Any type of agreement, regardless of what it may be called, for the procurement or disposal of supplies, services, or construction.
Actual billing received from the vendor. Invoices must indicate the following to be processed for payment:
Account coding/project number/transaction types if applicable.
Invoice number.
Invoice total.
Purchase order number (if previously encumbered).
Description of purchase.
Department head approval.
Used in non-construction, competitive bidding, such as equipment, professional services, and supplies. An evaluation is completed that weighs the amount of the bid with factors such as ability to perform, timeliness, character and reputation, quality of past performance, compliance with laws, quality and availability, future maintenance and services, and compliance with bid specifications. Reviewer may "score" bidders based on weighting that reflects which criteria is most important to them. There must be written documentation to support the selection. The term "lowest and best" is interchangeable with "lowest, responsible bidder."
[Ord. No. 23-03-07, 3-20-2023]
A document issued by the accounting system that can be shared with the vendor and shows that a financial obligation exists. A purchase order should not be generated until all of the appropriate approvals have been obtained.
An internal document generated by the accounting system which documents items being purchased, quotations, and various approvals.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
Consideration should be given for goods and services purchased by the City from merchants and business owners located in the City, unless:
Such goods of like quality and services are not available in the City, or
The cost of such goods and services plus shipping and handling may be purchased outside the City at a savings of five percent (5%) or more; or
An emergency exists and such goods or services are not immediately available in the City;
State/Federal requirements are such to require lowest bid.
All purchases shall give preference to Excelsior Springs vendors where maintenance and warranty requirements make purchasing from local vendors more cost effective.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
It is the policy of the City to encourage the purchase of products manufactured or assembled or produced in the United States.
The Mayor shall certify, in writing, pursuant to the Missouri Domestic Products Procurement Act that the City has adopted a formal written policy to encourage the purchase of products manufactured, assembled, or produced in the United States.
It is the intent of the City Council that, by virtue of the adoption of the policy stated in this Section, Section (3) of the Missouri Domestic Products Procurement Act shall not apply to the City, pursuant to the provisions of that Act.
State and Federal purchasing requirements may or may not require the purchase of American goods, but may require the use of the least expensive goods regardless of where those goods are manufactured. In the event that State or Federal dollars are involved, the appropriate guidelines must be used.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
All contracts and agreements over three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) which obligate the City to expend funds shall be in writing and approved as required by this policy prior to delivery of supplies or services. A properly approved purchase order accepted, in writing, by the vendor is sufficient unless the contract requires periodic payments by the City after goods or services are delivered or performed or is for professional services.
All contracts for fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) or more shall be approved by the City Council as evidenced by ordinance or resolution appearing in the record of proceedings.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
In the event that there is only one (1) firm, company or individual capable of providing a particular service or supplies, requirements contained above shall not be applicable and the City Manager is authorized to proceed with the purchase of such services or supplies as are required by the City within the approval levels set forth later in this Chapter. The determination that there is only one (1) source for the required service or supplies must be made, in writing, by the requesting Department Head and approved by the City Manager and Finance Department. Bid specifications which restrict the responsive bids to a sole source of goods or services must be approved as provided herein for sole source purchasing.
The following items may be approved for sole source procurement:
Interface upgrades, add-on parts and components to existing, City-owned equipment that requires total compatibility assurance; license renewals for City-owned software and repair and maintenance for City-owned equipment and software for which it is technologically and cost effective to procure from the original seller or manufacturer;
Materials for resale in City concession operations that are purchased in response to customer demands;
Spot market purchases that are evidenced to provide a substantial savings to the City and that are approved by the City Manager and Finance Department. Any purchase of a dollar amount requiring City Council approval shall be submitted for review at the next scheduled City Council meeting; or
Specialized computer software for network applications that have been technically reviewed, tested, and justified by the City Manager or designee and that are obtainable from a single source. This shall not apply to individual PC software obtainable from multiple suppliers.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
No contract shall be subdivided to avoid the requirements of this policy.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
The City Manager or designated representative may authorize emergency procurement of supplies, services, or construction items when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety; or when immediate repair is necessary to prevent further damage to public property, machinery, or equipment; or when City operations will be adversely affected as determined by the City Manager or designated representative. Such purchase should be made at the lowest obtainable price and should, if possible, be procured on an existing purchasing contract on a timely basis. Emergency purchases shall be made with as much competition as practical under the circumstances.
During periods of a "declared City emergency" by the Mayor, purchases may be made in accordance with the City Emergency Operations Plan.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
The City Manager shall have the authority to join with other units of government in cooperative purchasing when the best interest of the City would be served. The requirements of this Section therefore, relative to competitive bidding, shall not apply to purchases made through or with the State of Missouri or any other governmental jurisdiction which operates a cooperative procurement program and will allow the City to purchase goods or services that the jurisdiction has made available following the completion of its own internal purchasing procedures.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020; Ord. No. 23-03-07, 3-20-2023]
The competitive bidding requirements of this Section shall not apply to professional services and the requirements herein shall not be required in the employment of professional services, including, but not limited to, physicians, attorneys, engineers, certified public accountants, planners, and land surveyors. The City Manager is authorized to request proposals and/or qualifications from capable professionals within a required discipline. In securing professional services, it is the primary goal of the City to obtain the services of a professional who has a proven record of providing, in a professional way, those services required. The City Manager shall make a recommendation to the City Council for the procurement of professional services when the fee for such services will exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00).
With regard to engineering, land surveyor, or architectural services, the City shall issue a request for qualifications which must be advertised at least one (1) time allowing a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the due date, but it may be advertised multiple times if desired. The City shall evaluate such proposals, select, and negotiate with such companies in accordance with Sections 8.289 and 8.291, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
No officer or employee of the City shall participate in a contract for supplies or services when that person knows that:
The officer or employee or any member of the officer's or employee's immediate family has a financial interest pertaining to the contract; or
A business or organization in which the officer or employee, or any member of the officer's or employee's immediate family, has a financial interest pertaining to the contract.
Any contract in which any officer or employee of the City has a financial interest, directly or indirectly, shall be void, except when the contract is awarded as a result of open bidding.
Every officer and employee of the City shall not directly or indirectly solicit any gift or accept or receive any gift, whether in the form of money, services, loans, promises or any other form, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence them, or could reasonably be expected to influence them, in the performance of their official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on their part.
No City employee or official shall have a financial interest in any purchase or contract issued by the City. Accepting gratuities in exchange for preferential treatment is strictly prohibited. Any discounts, free merchandise or prizes given as the result of City purchases become the property of the City.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020; Ord. No. 23-09-02, 9-5-2023]
Situations when sealed bidding is required:
City officials are prohibited from selling or providing services to the City in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per transaction or five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in one (1) year, unless public notice is given and bids are submitted. The official must submit the lowest bid or offer in order to be awarded the contract.
Entering into an agreement with a risk management fund in accordance with Section 376.696, RSMo.
Purchase of health insurance in compliance with Section 67.150, RSMo.
Work under special assessment as authorized by Chapter 88, RSMo.
Use of Construction management services in accordance with Section 8.679, RSMo.
As required pursuant to Section 165.130 of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020; Ord. No. 23-09-02, 9-5-2023]
Table A-10, set out in Section 165.150 of this Chapter, establishes bidding process requirements, purchase order requirements, and approval levels.
Micro purchases may be made by the department head without obtaining price quotes, but department heads are expected to obtain the lowest price and best value possible under the circumstances.
Written proposals may be obtained through informal means: via emails from providers or from published catalogues or price lists (paper or digital). The department head may phone a supplier to request an email quote or send an email request for a quote if the goods or services being purchased are best described in writing. Documentation should include the vendor, item specification, total quote, and date. No specific number of written proposals are required, but reasonable efforts should be made under the circumstances to obtain at least three (3) proposals. Department heads are expected to obtain the lowest price and best value possible under the circumstances.
Sealed bidding must be handled as a formal invitation for bids/request for proposals for a firm-fixed price lump sum or unit price to be awarded to the bidder whose bid, conforming to all the material terms and conditions of the bid, is the lowest and best bid, after due opportunity for competition which shall include at a minimum posting of the bid solicitation on the City's website.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020]
Purchases of the following consumable items are exempted from the approval portions of this policy as long as monies are available in the budget to fund the purchase:
Gasoline and diesel fuel;
Sodium hypochlorite;
Carbon Dioxide;
Salt and sand for snow removal.
This list is to be narrowly construed — only items specifically listed are exempted. Purchase orders should still be issued for these purchases. In addition, any equipment or vehicle purchases involving the trade in of like equipment are exempted from only the purchase order requirements but are subject to the approval portions of this policy. The reason these items are exempted from the purchase order system is that the system will not allow for the recording of trade-in value to a revenue account.
Change Orders. Notwithstanding any provision of the City Code to the contrary, the City Manager may approve change orders, whether singularly or in the aggregate, for any contract up to an amount equal to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), as well as no-cost change orders, provided that the change order does not materially alter the purpose of the contract and sufficient funds are available in the current year's budget. The City Manager shall report all change orders to the City Council within thirty (30) days of their approval.
Notwithstanding any provision of the City Code to the contrary, the City may, upon approval of the City Council, enter into any contract for the purchase of goods or services without utilizing the bidding procedures as herein described, when the City Council determines that such contract is in the best interest of the City.
[Ord. No. 23-09-02, 9-5-2023]
The following contract provisions are required for public works projects:
Prevailing wage rates required on construction of public works for projects over seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.);
Work authorization required for contracts in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00);
Bid bonds for contracts exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), equivalent to five percent (5%) of bid price;
Contracts over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to provide performance bond for one hundred percent (100%) of contract;
Contracts over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to provide payment bond for one hundred percent (100%) of contract.
[Ord. No. 23-03-08, 3-20-2023]
Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, the City may utility the design-build project delivery method in accordance with Missouri law (Section 67.5060, RSMo.) for civil works projects regardless of cost or non-civil works projects in excess of seven million dollars ($7,000,000.00).
Definitions. As used in this Section the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Roads, streets, bridges, utilities, storm drainage and flood control projects.
Any individual, partnership, joint venture or corporation subject to a qualification-based selection that offers to provide or provides design services and general contracting services through a design-build contract in which services within the scope of the practice of professional architecture or engineering are performed respectively by a licensed architect or licensed engineer and in which services within the scope of general contracting are performed by a general contractor or other legal entity that furnishes architecture or engineering services and construction services either directly or through subcontracts or joint ventures.
A person, corporation, partnership or other legal entity duly licensed and authorized to practice architecture or professional engineering in Missouri that is employed by or contracted by the City to assist the City in the development of project design criteria, requests for proposals, evaluation of proposals, the evaluation of the construction under a design-build contract to determine adherence to the design criteria, and any additional services requested by the City to represent its interest in relation to a project. The design criteria consultant may not submit a proposal or furnish design or construction services for the design-build contract for which its services were sought.
The scope and specifications for the design-build project sufficient to permit a design-builder to prepare a response to the City's request for proposals for a design-build project. The package may include capacity; durability; standards; ingress and egress requirements; performance requirements; description of the site; surveys; soil and environmental information concerning the site; interior space requirements; material quality standards; design and construction schedules; site development requirements; provisions for utilities, storm water retention and disposal; parking requirements; applicable governmental code requirements; preliminary designs for the project or portions thereof; and other criteria for the intended use of the project.
Buildings, site improvements and other structures in excess of seven million dollars ($7,000,000.00) commonly designed by architects.
Unless the City employs a design criteria consultant, the City will select and negotiate for the services of a design criteria consultant using a request for qualifications selection process.
At least one (1) week prior to publishing the request for proposals (RFP) for a design-builder, the City Council will publicly disclose at a regular meeting its intent to utilize the design-build method and the project design criteria that will be used to select the design-builder.
The City will solicit proposals in a three-stage process. Phase I shall be the solicitation of the design-build team. Phase II shall be the solicitation of a technical proposal, including conceptual design for the project. Phase III shall be the proposal of the construction cost. The City will assign points to each proposal in accordance with law and as set out in the instructions of the RFP.
Prior to opening the proposals, the City will publish notice of the RFP once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the County where the City is located. The notice will include a description of the project, the procedures for submission and the selection criteria to be used. The RFP will include a time, place and other specific instructions for the receipt of proposals. Proposals not submitted in strict accordance with the instructions will be subject to rejection.
The RFP must minimally include the following information about the project and the process:
The procedures to be followed for submitting proposals, the criteria for evaluating proposals and their relative weight, and the procedures for making awards;
The proposed terms and conditions for the design-build contract, if available;
The design criteria package;
A description of the drawings, specifications or other information to be submitted with the proposal, with guidance as to the form and level of completeness of the drawings, specifications or other information that will be acceptable;
A schedule for planned commencement and completion of the design-build contract, if any;
Budget limits for the design-build contract, if any;
Requirements, including any available ratings, for performance bonds, payment bonds and insurance, if any;
The amount of the stipend that will be available [at least one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the total project budget]; and
Any other information that the City in its discretion chooses to supply, including, but not limited to, surveys, soil reports, drawings of existing structures, environmental studies, photographs, references to public records, or affirmative action and minority business enterprise requirements consistent with State and Federal law.
In Phase I of the RFP, the City will require design-builders to submit a statement of qualification, that will include, but is not limited to:
Demonstrated ability to perform projects comparable in design, scope and complexity;
References of owners for whom design-build projects, construction projects or design projects have been performed;
Qualifications of personnel who will manage the design and construction aspects of the project; and
Names and qualifications of the primary design consultants and the primary trade contacts with whom the design-builder proposes to subcontract or form a joint venture. The design-builder may not replace an identified contractor, subcontractor, design consultant or subconsultant without the written approval of the City.
In Phase I, the City Manager or designee and the design criteria consultant will evaluate the qualifications of all the design-builders who submitted proposals in accordance with the instructions in the RFP. Architectural and engineering services will be evaluated in accordance with policy FEB. The City will have the discretion to disqualify any design-builder that lacks the minimum qualifications, based on the opinion of the City.
Upon recommendation of the City Manager or designee and the design criteria consultant, the City Council will select not more than five (5) and not fewer than two (2) design-builders with the appropriate qualifications to proceed to the next step in the process. The City will not consider price or fees when making this decision. The points assigned in Phase I of the evaluation process will not carry forward. The final decision on a design-builder will be made based on points given in Phases II and III.
The design-builders selected in Phase I will be invited to participate in Phase II and Phase III. The Phase II and III proposals will be submitted to the City concurrently in separate envelopes or separately submitted using other methods designated by the City. The City will reject any proposal that is not submitted on time.
Phase II requires the design-builder to submit its design for the project to the level of detail required in the RFP. The design-builder also needs to indicate whether the builder is able to deliver the project on time and within the City's budget. However, the Phase II proposal will not contain any reference to the cost of the design-builder's proposal.
Phase III requires the design-builder to submit a firm, fixed cost of design and construction. The Phase III proposal will include bid security and any other information required in the request for proposal.
The designs submitted in Phase II will be evaluated, assigned points and ranked in order by the City Manager or designee and the design criteria consultant. The ranking will be presented to the City Council for review, revision and final approval. Phase II will account for at least forty percent (40%) of the total point score. Up to twenty percent (20%) of the points awarded in Phase II may be based on the design-builder's qualifications and ability to design, contract and deliver the project on time and within the budget. The City will post notice of the points attributed to each design-builder and the design-builder's ranking in the same location the City posts notice of City Council meetings.
Once the Phase II rankings have been posted, the Phase III cost proposals will be opened and read aloud at the time and place specified in the RFP. Phase III will account for not less than forty percent (40%) of the total point score as specified in the RFP.
The lowest responsive bidder will be awarded the total number of points for Phase III. For all other bidders, cost points will be calculated by reducing the maximum points available in Phase III by at least one percent (1%) for each percentage point by which the bidder exceeds the lowest bid.
The points assigned in Phase III will be added to the points given in Phase II to each design-builder. The responsive bidder with the highest number of points will be awarded the contract. All design-builders who participate in Phase II and Phase III will receive a reasonable stipend as detailed in the RFP. Upon payment of the stipend to any unsuccessful design-builder, the City will acquire a non-exclusive right to use the design submitted. Design-builders who decide to retain all rights in the design forfeit the stipend.
If the City Council determines that it is not in the best interest of the City to proceed with the project with the design-builder with the highest number of points, the City will reject all proposals. If this occurs, all qualified and responsible design-builders with lower point totals will receive a stipend, and the design-builder with the highest number of points will receive an amount equal to two (2) times the stipend. The City may solicit new proposals using different design criteria, budget constraints or qualifications.
[Ord. No. 20-06-08, 6-15-2020[1]]
Purchasing Policy Requirements.
Must be in writing.
Must be approved in accordance with the policy below.
Approval Requirements.
[Ord. No. 22-07-04, 7-18-2022; Ord. No. 23-08-03, 8-21-2023; Ord. No. 23-09-02, 9-5-2023]
Dollar Value
Budget Monies Available
Micro Purchases
Written Proposals
Sealed Bidding
Depart-ment Head Approval
Purchase Order Required
Finance Depart-ment Approval
City Manager Approval
City Council Approval
< $3,499.99
< $14,999.99
> $15,000.00
> $50,000.00
Note that local vendors receive preference if the cost they quote is within five percent (5%) of the lowest price quoted
Editor's Note: With supplement #22, the City provided a corrected version of the material found herein after finding that the original version supplied for codification was not correct. We have updated to the corrected copy.