The following regulations shall apply in the R-1A Zone:
A. Permitted uses. No building, structure or premises shall be used
and no building shall be erected or altered except for the following
A use by the Borough of any property owned or leased by it,
including any use of property owned or leased by the Borough by any
lessee of the Borough; provided, however, that such use by a lessee
shall be, in whole or in part, in furtherance of a municipal purpose.
Accessory uses customarily incident to the above principal uses,
provided that they shall not include any activity commonly conducted
for gain unless specifically permitted in this section.
Private garages as an accessory use. Structures used for garaging,
as an accessory use, of not more than four motor vehicles, may be
erected or used on a single lot.
Private swimming pools, as permitted and regulated by Chapter
Signs, as regulated by this chapter.
B. Conditional uses. Permitted conditional uses shall be as follows:
Public and private nonprofit schools.
Public utility buildings and power generating stations.
C. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
The following regulations shall apply in the R-1 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. No building, structure or premises shall be used
and no building shall be erected or altered except for the following
A use by the Borough of any property owned or leased by it,
including any use of property owned or leased by the Borough by any
lessee of the Borough; provided, however, that such use by a lessee
shall be, in whole or in part, in furtherance of a municipal purpose.
Accessory uses customarily incident to the above principal uses,
provided that they shall not include any activity commonly conducted
for gain unless specifically permitted in this section.
Private garages as an accessory use. Structures used for garaging,
as an accessory use, of not more than four motor vehicles may be erected
or used on a single lot.
Private swimming pools, as permitted and regulated by Chapter
Signs, as regulated by this chapter.
B. Conditional uses. Permitted conditional uses shall be as follows:
Public and private nonprofit schools.
Public utility buildings and power-generating stations.
C. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
The following regulations shall apply in the R-2 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. No building, structure or premises shall be used
and no building shall be erected or altered except for the following
Single-family semiattached.
A use by the Borough of any property owned or leased by it,
including any use of property owned or leased by the Borough by any
lessee of the Borough; provided, however, that such use by a lessee
shall be, in whole or in part, in furtherance of a municipal purpose.
Accessory uses customarily incident to the above principal uses,
provided that they shall not include any activity commonly conducted
for gain unless specifically permitted in this section.
Private garages as an accessory use. Structures used for garaging,
as an accessory use, of not more than four motor vehicles may be erected
or used on a single lot.
Private swimming pools, as permitted and regulated by Chapter
Signs, as regulated by this chapter.
B. Conditional uses. Permitted conditional uses shall be as follows:
Public and private nonprofit schools.
Public utility buildings and power-generating stations.
C. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
The following regulations shall apply in the R-3 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. No building, structure or premises shall be used
and no building shall be erected or altered except for the following
Uses permitted in R-1A, R-1 and R-2 Residential Zone Districts,
provided that bulk, area, coverage, setback and all other restrictions
and regulations applicable to uses in R-2 Zones shall govern.
Medium-density multifamily apartment uses, subject to all restrictions
and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained in the Schedule
of Bulk and Coverage Controls for the R-3 Zone.
B. Permitted maximum density. The maximum density permitted shall not
exceed 24 dwelling units per net acre, excluding streets and interior
C. Screening and buffers. Along any and all side and rear lot lines,
a visual screen not less than four feet in height consisting of evergreens
or evergreen-type hedges, shrubs or bushes or other suitable natural
planting of trees shall be located and maintained in good condition
within 10 feet of the property line and shall be so spaced as to eliminate
any glare from or into adjoining properties.
D. Required facilities. Arrangements shall be made for the following:
To provide each dwelling unit with an adequate receptacle for
the storage of garbage and to further provide, in a suitable and adequately
protected area, adequate space for the storage of excess garbage.
To provide in some portion of the structure, outside of the
dwelling unit or garbage unit, at least 500 cubic feet of secure and
adequate bulk storage area for the designated use of each dwelling
To provide adequate lighting for all parking areas, interior
walks and hallways, all in such manner that the direct source of light
is not reflected into any residential area.
The following regulations shall apply in the R-4 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. No building, structure or premises shall be used
and no building shall be erected or altered except for the following
Uses permitted in R-1 and R-2 Residential Zone Districts, subject
to the bulk, area, coverage, setback and all other restrictions and
regulations applicable to uses in R-2 Zones shall govern.
Garden apartment uses, subject to all restrictions and limitations
hereinafter set forth and as regulated in the Schedule of Bulk and
Coverage Controls for such use within the R-4 Zone.
B. Setup of units. Units shall be arranged as follows:
No more than 20 dwelling units shall be contained in any one
continuous structure except where garden apartments consist only of
one-bedroom units, in which case, the total number of dwelling units
in a continuous structure may be 22.
There shall be no more than 12 dwelling units in any unbroken
building line. A setback of not less than four feet shall be deemed
a satisfactory break in the building line. However, in no event shall
any structure exceed 200 feet in length measured against the face
of any broken or unbroken building line.
C. Front yards. Front yards shall be provided as follows:
Minimum depth. No apartment building, its walls, covered porches
or accessory structure shall be erected nearer than 50 feet to the
street line of any through street or nearer than 25 feet to the street
line of any interior street or interior driveway, except that garages
may front directly on interior streets.
Maximum depth. No requirements.
D. Building area. No more than 15% of the net lot area, excluding streets
and interior driveways, shall be occupied by structures, which building
area may not be enlarged by abandonment of streets.
E. Open space. At least 10% of the site area, excluding public streets
and interior driveways, shall be set aside and equipped for recreation
areas. Paved parking areas and access drive areas shall not be considered
to constitute recreation spaces. Recreation spaces shall be such as
to provide for common open spaces and facilities suitable to serve
the residents of the garden apartment development and may include
playgrounds, areas for active recreation, gardens and sitting areas.
No such recreation space shall be located in any front or side yard
areas required under the regulations established by this chapter.
F. Side and rear yards. Side and rear yards shall be subject to the
Each garden apartment dwelling shall have a side yard on each
side of each structure. The side yards of principal structures shall
be 50 feet each in width, and the side yards for accessory structures
shall be 10 feet each in width.
Each garden apartment dwelling shall have a rear yard on the
rear of each structure, which said rear yard shall, in every instance,
be a minimum of 50 feet in depth, exclusive of parking areas.
G. Proximity of units. In no event shall any garden apartment dwelling
be located within 50 feet of any part of any other garden apartment
H. Inner courts. There shall be a minimum open area of 50 feet between
the front of any garden apartment building and the rear of any other
garden apartment buildings and a minimum distance of 50 feet from
the side of any garden apartment building and the front, side or rear
of any other garden apartment building. Courts bounded on three sides
by the walls of the same building shall not be less than 30 feet in
width along any building line.
I. Density. The maximum density permitted shall not exceed 14 dwelling
units per acre.
J. Off-street parking. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for
each dwelling unit in accordance with RSIS, of which at least 20%
shall be in garages. No off-street parking shall be located in any
area required hereunder nor shall any off-street parking be permitted
within 25 feet of any apartment building structure. Each parking space
shall be not less than 180 square feet in area and nine feet in width
along the least dimension of clear area with suitable access provided
to the same. Where detached garages are provided, no such detached
garages shall exceed a capacity of 15 automobiles.
K. Screening and buffers. Along any and all side and rear lot lines,
a visual screen consistent with the requirements of this chapter,
consisting of evergreens or evergreen-type hedges, shrubs or bushes
or other suitable natural plantings of trees, shall be located and
maintained in good condition within 10 feet of the property line and
shall be so spaced as to eliminate any glare from or into adjoining
L. Basement and cellar apartments. No cellar or basement apartments
shall be permitted. A "basement or cellar apartment" shall mean any
apartment, the ceiling of which extends less than five feet above
the curb level. Any apartment the ceiling of which extends five feet
or more above the curb level shall be counted as a story within the
maximum height regulations of this chapter.
M. Required facilities. Arrangements shall be made for the following:
To provide each dwelling unit with an adequate receptacle for
the storage of garbage and to further provide, in a suitable and adequately
protected area, adequate space for the storage of excess garbage.
To provide in some portion of the structure, outside of the
dwelling unit or garbage unit, at least 500 cubic feet of secure and
adequate bulk storage area for the designated use of each dwelling
To provide adequate lighting for all parking areas, interior
walks and hallways, all in such manner that the direct source of light
is not reflected into any residential areas.
To provide a resident superintendent.
The following regulations shall apply in the R-5 Zone:
A. Use regulations. To the extent permitted in this article, a planned
unit residential development, as regulated herein, shall be permitted
in only those areas of the Borough of Hawthorne which are zoned R-5,
provided that the area of land controlled by a landowner making application
therefor in said zone so to be developed as a single entity is not
less than five contiguous gross acres. All land within such R-5 Zone
Districts may, exclusive of any provisions contained in this article,
be utilized for R-1A uses, subject to all requirements of the R-1A
Zone, and any land so utilized need not be considered a part or section
of a planned unit residential development requiring review and approval
as provided in this article.
B. Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the PUD
Dwelling units in detached, semidetached, attached, groups of
attached or clustered structures, or any combination thereof.
Recreation areas and facilities.
C. Schedule of requirements.
Single-family detached, semiattached, groups of semiattached
or clustered dwelling units:
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 100 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet.
Minimum front setback: 40 feet.
Minimum rear setback: 30 feet.
Minimum side setback: 10 feet; combined: 25 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings:
Maximum building height: 2 1/2 stories, not to exceed 35
Maximum density: 2.5 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum percentage of total area devoted to single-family dwelling
units: 40%.
Single-family, semiattached units shall be permitted in groups
or clusters of not more than four residences, provided that the attachment
is a separate nonessential wall, fence, screen or partition and provided
further that the minimum distance between such units shall be eight
feet. Distance between groups or clusters of semiattached dwelling
units shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
No building, existing or proposed, shall be set back less than
20 feet from a dead-end or cul-de-sac street nor less than 50 feet
from a through street.
Minimum front setback: 60 feet from an interior street, 100
feet from a major street.
Minimum rear setback: 50 feet.
Minimum side setback: 50 feet.
Maximum density: 10 townhouse dwelling units per acre.
Maximum percentage of total area devoted to townhouses: 25%.
A structure shall be deemed to be a townhouse where it is a self-contained
single-family residence having a separate utility system and exterior
entrances or exits and shall share a common roof or party wall with
a similar type unit.
Maximum building height: 2 1/2 stories, not to exceed 35
No townhouse unit shall have more than two bedrooms.
Occupancy shall be only residential, but noncommercial facilities
shall be permitted for recreation or social activities which are solely
for the residents of the project and are not operated for profit.
Concrete curbing and sidewalks shall be constructed along existing
and proposed street frontages; curbing only on access streets or driveways
or parking areas.
No building, existing or proposed, shall be located closer than
25 feet from any curbline on site for driveway or parking areas.
Garbage and refuse pickup stations at townhouses shall be situated
and constructed so as to prevent unsanitary and unsightly conditions.
All garbage and refuse facilities shall be appropriately screened
or fenced from view.
A screening strip shall be provided along the entire perimeter
of the property on which townhouse units or two-family units are erected
of at least 20 feet in width, measured inward from the property line
and suitably landscaped with grass and/or ground cover, shrubs and
trees. No parking shall be allowed in this area.
No commercial, business or professional use shall be permitted
in any residential building.
No building shall be located closer than 100 feet to any building
on the same site or lot which is in a linear continuation, parallel
to or within 30° of being parallel to said building. This distance
can be reduced to not less than 50 feet for buildings situated other
than above. No building shall be located closer than 100 feet from
any building on an adjoining lot or site.
There shall be no continuous structure of townhouses or attached
dwellings containing more than eight dwelling units, 50% of which
shall contain no more than six dwelling units.
The facades of all dwelling units shall be varied by changed
front yard setbacks and variation of materials or design so that no
adjacent buildings will have the same front yard setback and no two
of any three buildings the same or essentially the same architectural
treatment of facades and rooflines.
Buildings or groups of buildings shall be placed on the site
such that they are located in a non-uniform pattern (grid pattern
to be omitted). Distances between buildings are to be varied.
Each unit shall have two exterior walls. No common hallways
will be permitted except foyers at exterior entrances for two-family
buildings, provided that no safety hazard is created by doors with
common or conflicting opening areas. Window openings on the exterior
walls shall comply with the existing Building Code of the Borough.
No dwelling unit shall be constructed with any portion of the
height below ground or finished grade.
Each dwelling unit shall be considered a one-family living unit.
Combining separate households into a unit, regardless of relationship,
shall be prohibited.
The site shall be finished landscaping with the following minimum
planting units, either existing or new:
[a] Twelve deciduous trees per acre.
[b] Twenty-four evergreen trees per acre.
The existing and proposed finished landscaping to comply with
this requirement shall be shown on the final site plans or separate
landscaped plans.
Whenever screening is necessary for the planned unit, the requirement
thereof shall not be included as part of the landscaping requirement
hereinbefore set forth.
Outdoor lighting fixtures shall be provided for walks, steps,
parking areas and driveways to assure safe and convenient nighttime
Existing trees, shrubs, evergreens, and ground cover shall be
D. Facilities to comply. All public facilities, such as streets, highways,
sidewalks, streetlights, parks, playgrounds, stormwater drainage,
water supply and distribution and sanitary sewers, shall be in accordance
with the standards and requirements of the ordinances of the Borough
of Hawthorne.
E. Intent of requirements. It is the intention of this section to incorporate
by reference as part of the standards for any planned unit residential
development all requirements applicable to other subdivisions in this
municipality, and the final approval of any such plan hereunder shall
be deemed to incorporate the requirement of compliance with such ordinances
of the municipality pertaining to any other subdivision during the
development of said plan.
F. Flexibility of requirements. In cases of planned unit residential
development proposed to be developed over a period of years, deviations
may be authorized from the density or intensity of use established
for the entire planned community development. To encourage flexibility
of bounding density design and type intended by the planned community
enabling legislation, the Planning Board may recommend a greater concentration
of density or intensity of land use within some section or sections
of development, whether it be earlier or later in the development,
than upon others. The approval and recommendation of the Planning
Board of greater concentration of density or intensity of land use
for any section to be developed must be offset by a smaller concentration
in any completed prior stage, or there must be an appropriate reservation
of common open space on the remaining land by a grant or easement
or covenant in favor of the owner's organization. Such reservation
shall, as far as practicable, defer the precise location of such common
open space until an application for final approval is filed.
G. Common open space. Common open space shall comply with the following:
The amount, location or locations, types, configurations, topography
and maintenance of common open space in any proposed planned unit
residential development shall be reviewed by the Planning Board. It
shall make detailed findings concerning the adequacy or inadequacy
of the aforementioned items in conformance with the provisions of
the enabling legislation.
There shall be devoted within the planned unit residential development
a minimum of 25% of the total area to open spaces, excluding roadways,
rights-of-way and open easements, at least 10% of which shall be allocated
to recreation areas. Recreation areas shall provide for playground
areas, outdoor grills and benches or sitting areas or such other items
subject to approval of the Planning Board.
In order to secure proper improvement and maintenance of all
common open space in any proposed planned unit residential development,
the developer shall provide for and establish an organization for
the ownership and maintenance of any common open space, to which organization
said open space shall be deeded absolutely. Such organization shall
not be dissolved, nor shall it dispose of any common space, by sale
or otherwise (except to an organization conceived and established
to own and maintain the common open spaces), without first offering
to dedicate the same to the Borough or a governmental agency designated
by the Borough. The Planning Board shall make findings concerning
the operation of the organization for the ownership and maintenance
of any common open space. It shall require the following assurances,
in form and substance approved by the Planning Board:
Time when organization is to be created; form of bylaws; deed
covenants for protection of all parties concerned.
Mandatory or automatic nature of membership in the organization
by the resident or successor.
Permanence of open space safeguards.
Liability of the organization for insurance, taxes and maintenance
of all facilities.
Provision for pro rata sharing of costs and assessments.
Capacity of the organization to administer common facilities
and preserve the benefits of common open space.
In the event that the organization to own and maintain common
open space or any successor organization shall, at any time after
establishment of the planned unit residential development, fail to
maintain the common open space, streets, walks, drainage and other
site improvements in reasonable order and condition in accordance
with the plan, the Borough may serve written notice upon such organization
or upon the residents and owners of the planned unit residential development
setting forth the manner in which the organization has failed to maintain
the common open space in reasonable condition, and said notice shall
include a demand that such deficiencies of maintenance be cured within
30 days thereof and shall state the date and place of a hearing thereon
which shall be held within 14 days of the notice. At such hearing,
the Borough may modify the terms of the original notice as to the
deficiencies and may give an extension of time within which they shall
be cured. If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or
in the modification thereof shall be cured within said 30 days or
any extension thereof, the Borough, in order to preserve the taxable
value of the properties within the planned unit residential development
and to prevent the common open space from becoming a public nuisance,
may enter upon said common open space and maintain the same for a
period of one year. Said entry and maintenance shall not vest in the
public any rights to use the common open space except when the same
is voluntarily dedicated to the public by the residents and owners.
Before the expiration of said year, the Borough shall, upon its initiative
or upon the request of the organization theretofore responsible for
the maintenance of the common open space, call a public hearing, upon
notice to such organization or to the residents and owners of the
planned unit residential development, to be held by the Borough, at
which hearing such organization or the residents and owners of the
planned unit residential development shall show cause why such maintenance
by the Borough shall not, at the election of the Borough, continue
for a succeeding year. If the Borough shall determine that such organization
is ready and able to maintain such common open space in reasonable
condition, the Borough shall cease to maintain said common open space
at the end of said year. If the municipality shall determine such
organization is not ready and able to maintain said common open space
in a reasonable condition, the Borough may, in its discretion, continue
to maintain said common open space during the next succeeding year
and, subject to a similar hearing and determination, in each year
thereafter. The decision of the Borough in any such case shall constitute
a final administrative decision, subject to judicial review.
H. The cost of such maintenance by the Borough shall be assessed ratably
against the properties within the planned unit residential development
that have a right of enjoyment of the common open space and shall
become a tax lien on said properties. The Borough, at the time of
entering upon said common open space for the purpose of maintenance,
shall file a notice of such lien in the office of the County Clerk
upon the properties affected by such lien within the planned unit
residential development.
I. Additional standards and requirements.
The average density shall not exceed in any event three dwelling
units per acre throughout any planned unit residential development.
The ratio of approved single-family dwelling units versus multifamily
units shall not exceed 15 multifamily units to one single unit.
The recreation areas shall be developed prior to the completion
of 10% of the dwelling units, or a surety bond posted to cover the
cost for completing same.
There shall be off-street parking facilities which shall provide
parking areas for each use and which shall be in accord with parking
requirements specified in other sections of this chapter or amendments
thereto, unless otherwise amended herein.
Sidewalks and curbs shall be installed on all streets, except
only curbs shall be required on access streets, driveways or parking
areas in townhouse areas of the development. The Planning Board shall
have the right to require certain streets in the development to be
dedicated to the public where traffic conditions exist and proposed
streets outside the development make necessary such dedication.
The distance between streets running in the same general direction
shall be no less than 200 feet apart.
All projects shall provide and connect public water supplies
and public sanitary collection systems to the nearest existing Borough
A drainage assessment shall be made to defray the future off-site
drainage cost which may be caused by the proposed project in the drainage
basin in which the project lies as determined by the Borough Engineer.
Performance guaranties shall be required to ensure construction of curbing, streets, sidewalks, accessways, monuments, shade trees, screening, drainage, streetlighting, sanitary sewers, water and all other public improvements. To cover all costs in processing, supervising, reviewing and inspecting the planned unit, the applicant shall pay to the Borough, at the time of final approval, a fee equal to 5% of the estimated cost of construction of said improvements as determined by the Borough Engineer. In no case shall the fee be less than as set forth in Chapter
220, Fees. This fee is in addition to the application fee as set forth in Chapter
220, Fees.
If the site adjoins or includes existing, in part or in whole,
or proposed dedicated streets which are not improved, the developer
shall construct same to the extent of such joiner or inclusion in
accordance with Borough requirements in effect at time of application.
Where the developer does not have complete control over both sides
of said right-of-way, he shall be assessed his proportionate share
of said improvement costs in order to defray the Borough's cost
of construction.
Application can be made by the same applicant to affix additional
lands immediately adjacent to an approved site plan subject to the
approval of the Planning Board, and said addition shall conform in
all respects to the requirements of this article and achieve the maximum
of coordination with uses, streets, patterns, topography and site
development and appearance of the project and otherwise is made part
of the original plan of the development.
In the event that right-of-way lines are not established, minimum
building setbacks and distances shall be from the curb lines.
Architectural renderings showing color and materials shall be
required for all structures to be erected on the site, and construction
plans showing floor layout and wall cross sections shall also be submitted.
Each site or area for single-family residences, townhouses or
attached housing shall be clearly delineated on the site plan or separate
plan submitted for approval showing these limits and the individual
area of each site for such use.
Off-street parking for two vehicles for each dwelling unit shall
be required and shall be placed or screened from direct vision from
existing or proposed streets.
Street patterns within and around proposed dwelling unit sites
shall conform to the proposed plans of the Borough as to right-of-way
locations and pavement widths, considering traffic demands.
The distance between curbs shall not be less than 30 feet on
all through accessways or streets. The minimum radius of the outside
curb line of any cul-de-sac shall be 50 feet.
J. Criteria for evaluation of design and location. The standards and
criteria by which design, location, use and buildings shall be evaluated
are as follows:
Location of land for housing:
Demand for the type of housing in the proposed location.
Probable impact on municipal services, utilities and facilities.
Effect on and from land use, form and character of adjacent
Effect on the site resulting from the transportation network,
transit facilities and traffic densities.
Relationship of the site to an existing or probable source of
Physical characteristics of the site:
The final topography of the site and its drainage must be suitable
for the proposed development.
Natural features such as lakes, streams, topsoil, trees and
shrubs shall be preserved and incorporated into the final landscaping
of the development whenever possible and desirable.
The effects of prevailing winds, seasonable temperatures and
hours of sunlight on the physical layout and form of the proposed
land use and building shall be taken into account.
Visual considerations:
The design of residential and nonresidential uses and buildings,
community facilities, parks and landscape and the design of street
furniture and the nature, size, shape, lighting and style of all outdoor
signs must be found to be in harmony with the purposes of this chapter.
Skillful treatment of vegetation in the development of sites
shall be encouraged.
Favorable aesthetic and community appearance factors will be
encouraged by the Planning Board.
The visual relationships between buildings shall be examined
by the Planning Board.
The space between buildings as it relates to the visual character
of an area shall be examined by the Planning Board.
Care shall be taken in the siting of buildings so that advantage
may be taken of desirable views.
Siting of housing:
All housing shall be designed with regard to the topography
and natural features of the site and the focal points of the project.
To create identity and interest in the layout of housing fronting
streets, variations in setbacks shall be encouraged.
All housing shall be sited so as to preserve privacy and to
ensure natural light.
Orientation for sun and wind shall be considered.
Routes for vehicular and pedestrian access and parking areas
shall be convenient without creating nuisances or detracting from
Grading and drainage:
Seeding, sodding and other planting shall be applied to stabilize
topsoil and enhance the appearance of open areas.
Where adequate surface drainage is not possible by grading alone,
a supplementary drainage system approved by the Borough Engineer will
be required.
Where streams are improved or altered or lakes and ponds created,
adequate provisions will be made to protect the slopes along the water
to prevent erosion. Approval of such method of slope protection is
required before granting site plan approval.
Supplementary project facilities:
Swimming pools, skating rinks and all recreational areas shall
be located so as to avoid nuisance to adjacent dwelling units. All
recreational or other areas must be properly fenced or screened as
appropriate to the use and enjoyment of residential development.
Refuse stations, where required, must be designed and located
to be convenient for garbage removal and inoffensive to the occupants
of adjacent dwelling units.
Adequate lighting must be provided to the outdoor areas used
by occupants after dark. Appropriate lighting fixtures must be provided
for walkways and to identify steps, ramps, directional changes and
signs. Lighting shall be located to avoid shining directly into habitable
room windows in the project or into private outdoor open space which
is associated with dwelling units.
Site preparation:
Desirable trees shall be preserved wherever possible. The location
of trees must be considered when planning the location of buildings,
underground services, walks, paved areas, playgrounds, parking areas
and finished grade levels.
The Planning Board will inquire into the means whereby trees
and other natural features will be protected during construction.
Street and land use. Streets must be designed with regard to
topography, natural features, function, clarity of movement and economy
of street length. In the design of any street system, the following
criteria must be followed:
The street system must be integrated with the existing network
of streets so that there are at least two points of access. Where
an area is to be developed in phases, each phase must provide two
points of access.
The layout must be designed to take advantage of the existing
contours in order to provide satisfactory road gradients and suitable
building lots and facilitate the provision of piped services.
Where possible, natural features such as watercourses and trees
should be preserved so that they may be incorporated into the layout
to enhance the overall design of the planned unit development.
The overall clarity of vehicular movement within the planned
community must be evident, and the function of all streets must be
easily identified.
Lots fronting on more than one street are prohibited.
Street widths must reflect the function of the road. Due consideration
must be given to special street width construction. The Planning Board
shall decide street width, construction, paving and other pertinent
street consideration above the minimum requirements.
K. Timing of development. In the timing of the development, which shall
be controlled through the issuance of building permits, the Planning
Board shall determine the schedule of the various stages of the planned
unit residential development and make it a condition of tentative
and final approval of said plan. Performance of stages of development
may be guaranteed by the Planning Board requiring the posting of a
bond or bonds to cover the cost of construction of public facilities,
roads or recreation areas, which are to be developed later than the
immediate stage, at the time of the final approval of such immediate
L. Enforcement and modifications of plan. The enforcement and modification
of the provisions of the plan as finally approved, whether recorded
by plat, covenant, easement or otherwise, shall be subject to the
following provisions:
Enforcement by Borough. The provisions of the plan relating
to the use of land and the use, bulk and location of buildings and
structures, the quality and location of common open space and the
intensity of use or the density of residential units shall run in
favor of the Borough and shall be enforceable in law or in equity
by the Borough without limitations on any powers or regulation otherwise
granted the municipality by law.
Enforcement by residents and owners. All provisions of the plan
shall run in favor of the residents and owners of the planned community,
but only to the extent expressly provided in the plan and in accordance
with the terms of the plan, and to that extent, said provisions, whether
recorded by plat, covenant, easement or otherwise, may be enforced
at law or equity by said residents and owners, acting individually,
jointly or through an organization designated in the plan to act on
their behalf; provided, however, that no provisions of the plan shall
be implied to exist in favor of residents and owners of the planned
unit residential development except as to those portions of the plan
which have been finally approved and have been recorded.
Modification of plan by Borough. All those provisions of the
plan authorized to be enforced by the Borough this section may be
modified, removed or released by the Borough (except grants or easements
relating to the service or equipment of a public utility unless expressly
consented to by the public utility), subject to the following conditions:
No such modifications, removal or release of the provisions
of the plan by the Borough shall affect the rights of the residents
and owners of the planned unit residential development to maintain
and enforce those provisions, at law or equity, as provided in this
No modification, removal or release of the provisions of the
plan by the Borough shall be permitted except upon finding by the
Planning Board following a public hearing that the same is consistent
with the efficient development and preservation of the entire planned
unit residential development, does not adversely affect either the
enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the planned
unit residential development or the public interest and is not granted
solely to confer a special benefit upon any person.
Residents and owners of the planned unit residential development
may, to the extent and in the manner expressly authorized by the provisions
of the plan, modify, remove or release their rights to enforce the
provisions of the plan, but no such action shall affect the right
of the Borough to enforce the provisions of the plan in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter.
This section shall hereafter be known and cited for purposes
of reference, amendment or otherwise as the "R-6 Affordable Housing
Zone of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Hawthorne." The following
regulations shall apply in the R-6 Zone:
A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-6 Zone is as follows:
The R-6 Zone is intended to fulfill the mandate of Mount Laurel
II and comply with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Council
on Affordable Housing (COAH).
The R-6 Zone is intended solely to meet the terms of the settlement
agreement between the Borough of Hawthorne and Lafayette Realty Company
and Delford Gardens, Inc., the terms of the same being incorporated
herein by reference.
B. Permitted principal uses. A building may be erected or used, and
the lot may be used or occupied for the following purpose: multifamily
residential housing, in buildings with three or more dwelling units,
in which units may be located one over another and on more than one
floor, including but not limited to rental apartments.
C. Permitted accessory uses.
Recreation areas for passive and active recreation solely for
the residents of the development, including, but not limited to, a
swimming pool and clubhouse.
A single project identification sign, with an aggregate area
of not more than 30 square feet, is permitted. In addition to the
permanent development identification sign referenced above, the developer
is permitted temporary construction and sales signs as necessary to
safely guide visitors and properly separate construction traffic from
customer traffic having total area of not greater than 50 feet. No
temporary sign shall be illuminated, and all such temporary signs
shall be installed and located in accordance with good traffic engineering
practices. All temporary signs shall be removed from the property
prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for that particular
section or phase of the development.
An office for a resident or nonresident project manager; provided,
however, that not more than 750 square feet of floor area on the ground
floor may be utilized for this purpose. Further, a temporary construction/sales
trailer is permitted on site during construction.
Additional customary accessory structures and uses are permitted
if they serve and are incidental to the primary permitted use and
include off-street parking facilities, stormwater detention/retention
facilities, one-story maintenance buildings, mail kiosks and fences
and walls.
D. Maximum number of dwelling units. The total number of dwelling units
in the R-6 Zone shall not exceed 108.
E. Maximum tract density. A maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre shall
be permitted, provided that under no circumstances shall the tract
contain more than 108 dwelling units.
F. Bulk, coverage and other requirements. The following requirements
shall apply:
Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
Minimum building setbacks: 30 feet from all other property lines
except that a patio or deck, having a height of not more than three
feet, extending not more than 12 feet from the building and having
a total area of not more than 120 square feet, shall be permitted
in the rear yard of any residential unit. In addition, a balcony,
extending not more than four feet from the building and having a total
area of not more than 40 square feet, shall be permitted in the rear
yard of any residential unit.
Minimum distance between buildings:
G. Minimum parking requirements.
Per New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS)
(N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq.), every dwelling unit shall be provided
with one garage space. Driveways in front of a garage may be included
in the satisfaction of the parking requirements, provided that the
driveway located in front of the garage is used by the garage occupant,
and further provided that minimum driveway length of the space in
front of the garage is 18 feet.
No parking area or access roadway, except for driveways and
aprons providing garage access, shall be located closer than six feet
to any principal building.
No parking areas shall be located closer to the property line
of any residential lot outside the boundaries of the R-6 Zone than
the required setback for principal buildings. No parking areas shall
be located closer than five feet to an adjacent industrial zone.
Each parking space shall be at least nine feet in width and
18 feet in length.
H. Regulations as to principal buildings:
There shall be no more than eight dwelling units in a continuous
building line and not more than 16 dwelling units in any building.
Maximum length: 200 feet.
Each dwelling unit shall have at least two exterior walls.
I. Perimeter buffer.
Screening shall be provided along the entire perimeter of the
site. A minimum thirty-foot planted perimeter buffer width shall be
provided around the site perimeter. Notwithstanding the same, in areas
where screening is inappropriate due to road access, site distance
requirements or the location of utilities, this standard shall be
relaxed or eliminated. In addition, the perimeter buffer along the
southwest border of the property, where the same adjoins houses having
frontage on Braen Avenue shall be a minimum of 50 feet wide. On the
northwest perimeter of the site, where the same adjoins property fronting
on Lafayette Avenue, the minimum planted perimeter buffer shall be
15 feet wide. In areas where a fifteen-foot-wide planted buffer is
proposed, the developer shall be required to install, where feasible
and to the extent permitted by the adjoining landowner, a planted
buffer of up to 15 feet wide on the lands of the adjoining property
owner. This perimeter buffer shall be as depicted upon the preliminary
plan for development submitted in connection with the settlement agreement
cross-referenced herein.
The screening shall consist of suitable plant materials and,
if determined appropriate, a decorative solid fence. The screening
shall be designated so as to form a year-round visual barrier between
the site and adjacent properties. Existing trees and shrubs shall
be retained in portions of the site not affected by construction.
The Planning Board shall consider the adequacy of screening to ensure
compliance with this subsection.
J. Low- and moderate-income housing obligation. A monetary contribution
of a maximum of $625,000 at a per-unit cost of $5,787 per unit shall
be required, as provided for in the Borough of Hawthorne Housing Element
and Fair Share Plan, in fulfillment of the low- and moderate-income
housing obligation associated with this site. See the Borough of Hawthorne
Housing Element and Fair Share Plan for details.
K. Regulations for condominiums. The following regulations apply to
development in the R-6 Zone if the development is proposed as a condominium
with common open space:
In order to secure the proper improvement and maintenance of
all common open space in the condominium, the developer shall provide
for and establish an organization for the ownership and maintenance
of any common open space, to which organization said open space shall
be deeded absolutely. Such organization shall not be dissolved nor
shall it dispose of any common space, by sale or otherwise, except
to an organization conceived and established to own and maintain common
open space, without first offering to dedicate the same to the Borough
or governmental agency designated by the Borough. The Planning Board
shall make findings concerning the operation of the organization to
be established for the ownership and maintenance of any common open
space. It shall require the following assurances, in form and substance
approved by the Planning Board:
Time when organization is to be created; form of bylaws; deed
covenants for protection of all parties concerned.
Mandatory or automatic nature of membership in the organization
by resident or successor, and permanence of open space safeguards.
Liability of organization for insurance, taxes, and maintenance
of all facilities.
Provision for pro rata sharing of costs and assessments.
Capacity of the organization to administer common facilities
and preserve the benefits of common open space.
Failure to maintain; Borough to perform maintenance; costs.
In the event that the organization to own and maintain common
open space, or any successor organization, shall at any time after
establishment of the condominium fail to maintain the common open
space, streets, walks, drainage, and other site improvements in reasonable
order and condition in accordance with the approved site plan, the
Borough may serve written notice upon such organization or upon the
owners of all dwelling units in the development setting forth the
manner in which the organization has failed to maintain the common
open space in reasonable condition, and said notice shall include
a demand that such deficiencies of maintenance be cured within 30
days thereof and shall state the date and place of a hearing thereon
which shall be held within 14 days of notice. At such hearing, the
Borough may modify the terms of the original notice as to the deficiencies
and may give an extension of time within which shall be cured. If
the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or in the modification
thereof shall not be cured within said 30 days or any extension thereof,
the Borough, in order to preserve the taxable value of the properties
within the condominium and to prevent the common open space from becoming
a public nuisance, may enter upon said common open space, and maintain
the same for a period of one year. Said entry and maintenance shall
not vest in the public any rights to use the common open space except
when the same is voluntarily dedicated by the owners and accepted
by the public. Before the expiration of said year, the Borough shall,
upon its initiative or upon the request of the organization theretofore
responsible for the maintenance of the common open space, call a public
hearing upon notice to such organization or to the owners of the development,
to be held by the Borough, at which hearing such organization or the
owners of the development shall show cause why such maintenance by
the Borough shall not, at the election of the Borough, continue for
a succeeding year. If the Borough shall determine that such organization
is ready and able to maintain such common open space in reasonable
condition, the Borough shall cease to maintain said common open space
at the end of said yard. If the municipality shall determine such
organization is not ready and able to maintain said common open space
in a reasonable condition, the Borough may, in its discretion, continue
to maintain said common open space during the next succeeding year
and subject to a similar hearing and determination in each year thereafter.
The decision of the Borough in any such case shall constitute a final
administrative decision subject to judicial review.
The cost of such maintenance by the Borough shall be assessed
proportionally with the real estate assessment against the owners
within the condominium that have a right of enjoyment of the common
open space and shall become a tax lien on said properties. The Borough,
at the time of entering upon said common open space for the purpose
of maintenance, shall file a notice of such lien in the office of
the County Clerk upon the properties affected by such lien within
the development.
L. Water and sewer requirements. All projects shall provide and connect
to public water supply and public sanitary collection systems.
M. Surface drainage. The project engineer shall design all components
of the surface drainage system in accordance with the requirements
of RSIS.
N. Soil erosion control. Seeding, sodding, and other planting shall
be applied to stabilize topsoil and enhance the appearance of open
areas. Vegetation shall be reestablished on all disturbed areas in
accordance with and under the authority of the Hudson-Essex-Passaic
Soil Conservation District Standards.
O. Protection of slopes required. Where streams are improved or altered
or detention ponds created, adequate provisions will be made to protect
the slopes along the water to prevent erosion in accordance with Hudson-Essex-Passaic
Soil Conservation District standards.
P. Refuse stations. Refuse stations, where required, shall be designed
and located so as to be convenient for garbage removal. All refuse
pickup stations must be screened from view.
Q. Outdoor lighting requirements. Adequate lighting must be provided
in all outdoor areas which are designed for use by occupants after
dark. Site lighting is to be provided along roadway and parking areas,
providing an average maintained light level of 0.5 footcandle, with
poles not exceeding 20 feet in height, utilizing metal halide luminaires.
The maximum light level at the property lines is not to exceed 0.25
footcandle. Lighting shall be located and or shielded to avoid shining
directly into habitable room windows in the project or into private
outdoor open space which is associated with dwelling units.
R. Tree removal. In areas not subject to regrading, existing trees shall
not be disturbed except as determined by the Borough Engineer to be
necessary for the completion of the project.
S. Staged development. If development occurs in stages or sections,
each stage or section shall be self-sustaining with regard to access,
parking, utilities, open space and similar physical features and capable
of substantial occupancy, operation and maintenance upon completion
of construction and development.
T. Retaining walls. A single retaining wall may be located in the perimeter
buffer area having a height not in excess of 10 feet and a length
not in excess of 50 feet. Retaining walls located in the interior
of the project and not in the buffer area shall not exceed 15 feet
in height. Where retaining walls exceed 10 feet, appropriate fencing
and hostile vegetation shall be provided.
This section shall hereafter be known and cited for purposes
of reference, amendment or otherwise as the "Assisted Living/Affordable
Housing Zone of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Hawthorne."
The following regulations shall apply in the R-7 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the R-7
Continuing care and assisted-living units are permitted as principal
permitted uses in the R-7 Zone.
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above-permitted
Signs, as permitted and regulated by this chapter.
B. Area and setback requirements. The following requirements shall apply:
Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
Minimum setback to internal roadway: 20 feet.
C. Maximum density. The maximum permitted density shall not exceed 22.5
units per acre.
D. Supplemental requirements.
Landscaping: All landscape plans shall provide for a minimum
of 12 deciduous trees per acre and 24 evergreen trees per acre.
Minimum landscape element: 55% of the site.
Minimum treed buffer width to R Zone: 20 feet.
A minimum of 55 parking space per unit shall be provided.
All projects shall provide and connect public water and sanitary
collection systems to the nearest existing Borough facility of adequate
Where adequate surface drainage is not possible by grading alone,
a supplementary system approved by the Borough Engineer will be required.
Seeding, sodding and other planting shall be applied to stabilize
topsoil and enhance the appearance of open areas. Vegetation shall
be reestablished on all disturbed areas.
E. Lower-income housing obligation. A total of eight units within any
continuing care or assisted-living development shall be set aside
for persons of low income, as provided for in the Borough of Hawthorne
Housing Plan, provided that in no event shall more than 20% of the
total number of units on site be required to be set aside for that
F. Affordable housing regulations for assisted-living residences.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings. Unless provided for specifically in this §
540-154, the definitions contained in Article
VII, §
540-50 shall apply.
For a rental unit in an assisted-living residence, that the
initial rent for a unit is calculated so as not to exceed 30% of the
eligible household income of the appropriate household size, including
an allowance for utilities.
Designated units or numbers of units in an assisted-living
residence that are restricted to and rented for a monthly fee that
is affordable to low- and moderate-income households, in accordance
with the standards of this section.
A housing development which is a facility licensed by the
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services to provide apartment-style
housing and congregate dining and to assure that assisted-living services
are available when needed. Apartment units offer, at a minimum, one
unfurnished room, a private bathroom, a kitchenette, and a lockable
door on the unit entrance.
A household with a total gross annual household income equal
to 50% or less of the median income.
The median income by household size for Passaic County as
adopted annually by the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing (COAH).
A household with a total gross annual household income in
excess of 50% but less than 80% of the median income.
Low-income units required. At least 50% of the designated affordable
units in each bedroom type in the assisted-living residence shall
be affordable to low-income households.
Unit of credit for affordable units. The unit of credit for
affordable units in an assisted-living residence shall be the apartment,
except for an apartment with two distinct bedrooms that house two
unrelated low- or moderate-income adults.
Unit type distribution. The distribution of affordable units
in the assisted-living residence by unit type (efficiency or studio
units, one-bedroom units, and shared two-bedroom units) shall, as
best as practicable in the judgment of the entity administering the
affordability controls, be at a minimum equal the distribution of
market-rate units of the same unit type in the assisted-living residence,
excluding those units reserved for persons with Alzheimer's.
Household size for calculating rent. Efficiency or studio units
shall be affordable to one-person households and a one-bedroom unit
shall be affordable to 1.5-person household, or such other standard
as COAH may prescribe by rule; the current standards are codified
at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.4.
Income verification and certification. The income of low- and
moderate-income households shall be verified and certified in accordance
with the standards and procedures established by COAH; the current
standards and procedures are codified at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.16.
Monthly fee. The monthly fee for a unit in an assisted-living
residence includes charges for rent, meals, and basic services and
shall be calculated in accordance with the underwriting guidelines
of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA).
Maximum rent. The rent portion of the monthly fee for designated
affordable units in an assisted-living residence shall be established
such that the rent of the designated low-income units is affordable
at 50% of median income and the rent of the designated moderate-income
units is affordable at 80% of median income.
Maximum monthly fee. Monthly fees for designated affordable
units may not exceed 80% of the applicable low or moderate gross household
Eligible residents. An assisted-living residence may have two
categories of low- and moderate-income residents: private pay residents
and Medicaid waiver residents.
Increases of monthly fee. If annual increases of the monthly
fee are permitted by NJHMFA, the increases shall be based on the entire
fee package for rent, food and services.
Affirmative marketing. The developer-operator of an assisted-living
residence shall prepare, submit to the Borough for approval, and,
once approved, implement, and, when necessary, update and implement,
a regional affirmative marketing plan in accordance with COAH rules,
currently codified at N.J.A.C. 5:93-16.
Affordability controls. Long-term affordability controls, in
the form of a deed restriction in a form as prescribed by COAH and/or
NJHMFA (currently codified at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., Appendix
B), and in a form approved by the Borough Attorney, shall ensure that
the designated affordable units in an assisted-living residence remain
affordable to low- and moderate-income households for a minimum of
30 years. The deed restriction may allow the designation of a specific
number of units in the assisted-living residence that shall remain
affordable for the term of the affordability controls, rather than
specifically designating units as affordable units.
Administration of affordability controls. The developer-operator
of an assisted-living residence shall contract with NJHMFA, or some
other experienced entity subject to the prior approval of the Borough,
to administer the affordability controls by establishing initial monthly
fees and allowable increases in monthly fees for the affordable units,
certifying the income eligibility of prospective residents of the
assisted-living residence, monitoring the income eligibility of residents
of the affordable units, and maintaining the distribution of unit
types in accordance with this section.
This section shall hereafter be known and cited for purposes
of reference, amendment or otherwise as the "Supportive Housing/Affordable
Housing of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Hawthorne." The
following regulations shall apply in the R-8 Zone:
A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-8 Zone is as follows:
The R-8 Zone is intended to fulfill the mandate of Mount Laurel
II and comply with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Council
on Affordable Housing (COAH).
The R-8 Zone is intended solely to meet the terms of the settlement
agreement between the Borough of Hawthorne and Lafayette Realty Company
and Delford Gardens, Inc., and in furtherance of Hawthorne's
obligation to permit the development of low- and moderate-income housing.
B. Whenever any subsection of this section conflicts with any provision
of any other ordinance, the provisions of this section shall apply.
C. Use regulations. The following uses shall be permitted within the
R-8 Zone:
Permitted principal use. Alternative living arrangement home.
Permitted accessory uses.
Recreation areas for passive and active recreation solely for
the residents of the development.
A single project identification sign, with an aggregate area
of not more than 20 square feet, is permitted.
Additional customary accessory structures and uses are permitted
if they serve, and are incidental to, the primary permitted use, including
such accessory uses as off-street parking facilities, stormwater detention/retention
facilities, and fences and walls as regulated elsewhere in this chapter.
Additionally, one caretaker's unit shall be permitted.
D. Area and setback requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback
requirements shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations
hereinafter set forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage
E. Maximum density. Maximum density shall not exceed 22 du/ac.
F. Minimum affordable units. The minimum number of affordable units
shall not be less than 12 units.
G. Regulations as to access. Access shall be no more than required in
order to meet the public health, safety and welfare of the residents
and guests.
H. Steep slope regulations. The Borough's steep slope regulations
are not applicable to the R-8 Zone.
This section shall hereafter be known and cited, for purposes
of reference, amendment or otherwise, as the "Affordable Housing Multifamily
Zone of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Hawthorne." The following
regulations shall apply to the R-9 Zone:
A. Use regulations. The following uses shall be permitted within the
R-9 Zone:
Permitted principal use: Multifamily attached housing.
Permitted accessory uses:
Off-street parking facilities.
A single project identification sign.
Retaining walls and fences.
Additional customary accessory structures and uses are permitted
if they serve, and are incidental to, the principal permitted use.
B. Compliance with affordable housing regulations.
Any affordable unit constructed in the Borough of Hawthorne
shall comply with the regulations set forth by the Council on Affordable
Housing (COAH) and the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls concerning
bedroom distribution, low-moderate income split, affordability controls,
income-qualification and affirmative marketing, and all other applicable
provisions. All deed-restricted affordable housing units shall be
affirmatively marketed in accordance with current applicable COAH
rules and regulations and at all times be occupied by a certified
low- or moderate-income household.
Developments in this zone shall provide an affordable housing
set aside of no less than 20% of the total number of units comprising
the development. As permitted by COAH regulations, the developer may
elect to provide a cash payment in lieu of on-site construction and
occupancy to the municipality for 50% of the affordable housing obligation.
In no case, however, shall less than 50% of the affordable housing
obligation be satisfied on site. Half of all affordable units shall
be available to low-income households while the remaining half may
be available to moderate-income households as defined by COAH.
C. Area and setback requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback
requirements shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations
hereinafter set forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage
D. Maximum density. Maximum density shall not exceed 28 du/ac.
E. Minimum number of affordable units. The minimum number of affordable
units shall be no less than 20% of total units.
F. Conflict. Where the above requirements are in direct conflict with
any other subsection of this section, the above requirements shall
G. Supplemental requirements.
All portions of the property not occupied by buildings, driveways,
parking lots, walkways and dumpster or recycling bins shall be landscaped.
The landscape plan shall be prepared by a licensed professional landscape
architect or other appropriate licensed professional recognized by
the State of New Jersey and shall include, at a minimum, the following
design elements:
A landscaped buffer area shall be provided along any lot line
that abuts residentially zoned property. The buffer shall be a minimum
of five feet in width, and shall provide a visual screen consisting
of evergreens or evergreen-type hedges, shrubs or bushes or other
suitable natural planting of trees and shall be so spaced as to provide
adequate screening of view, noise and other activity in the R-9 Zone
Shade trees shall be planted 40 feet on center in the street
right-of-way. Said spacing of trees, if necessary to insure adequate
sight distance for motorists entering onto the public roadway, can
be adjusted, provided that the required number of trees is not diminished.
Street trees and other plant material shall be provided at the
ends of parking bays. Landscaped islands shall be at least four feet
in width.
Foundation plantings, including ornamental trees and shrubs,
shall be planted along the perimeter of the building.
Underground irrigation systems shall be installed as part of
the necessary site infrastructure.
Exterior lighting shall be designed to provide uniform light
coverage and minimize glare and light trespass outside the boundaries
of the subject property. Maximum height of pole-mounted light fixtures
shall not exceed 16 feet measured to the surrounding grade.
Notwithstanding building height limitations described earlier
in this article, that portion of a building exclusively containing
a stair tower and/or elevator shaft shall be permitted to exceed the
building height limitation by no more than 12 feet. Building system
infrastructure, including HVAC, shall not exceed 15 feet in height
and cover no more than 15% of the roof surface.
Refuse and recyclable storage area.
A refuse and recyclable storage area is a permitted accessory
structure in this zone. Said area shall be enclosed by a decorative
concrete block wall not to exceed six feet in height. Said refuse
and recycling storage area can be located within otherwise required
front or side yards so long as it does not impede safe sight distance
for drivers entering onto or exiting from either the subject property
or adjacent properties.
The dimensions of the recycling area shall be sufficient to
accommodate recycling bins or containers which are of adequate size
and number and which are consistent with anticipated usage and with
current methods of collection in the area in which the project is
located. The dimensions of the recycling area and the bins or containers
shall be determined in consultation with the Municipal Recycling Coordinator
and shall be consistent with the district recycling plan adopted pursuant
to Section 3 of P.L. 1987, c. 102 (N.J.S.A. 13:1E-99.13).
Fences shall be designed to comply with the requirements of §
Retaining walls are permitted in all yards. Said walls shall
be designed by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer. Notwithstanding
any provision of this chapter to the contrary, retaining walls shall
be no taller than required to permit the site to function effectively,
but in no event shall be permitted to be greater than eight feet in
height. Walls over four feet in height shall have a protective fence
or other suitable barrier at the top to insure public safety. Walls
must be set back a minimum of five feet from property lines.
Identification signage shall be a maximum height of five feet
and an aggregate area of no more than 20 square feet. Signage may
be wall-mounted or monument-type, with a minimum setback of 15 feet
from the curbline. Signs shall be nonilluminated.
This section shall hereafter be known and cited for purposes
of reference, amendment or otherwise, as the "R-10 Detached Single-Family
Affordable Housing Zone of the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of
Hawthorne." The following regulations shall apply to the R-10 Zone:
A. Use regulations. The following uses shall be permitted in the R-10
Permitted principal use: all principal permitted uses that are
allowed in the R-1 Zone.
Permitted accessory uses: all accessory uses that are permitted
in the R-1 Zone.
B. Bulk requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements
shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set
forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
C. Maximum density. Maximum permitted density shall not exceed 10.89
D. Front yard restriction. In the front yard, no driveway, carport or
paved area shall be permitted except for one driveway having a width
not in excess of 18 feet and one front walkway having a width not
in excess of four feet.
The following regulations shall apply in the B-1 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. In districts zoned B-1 Neighborhood Commercial, no
building shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered
which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for local
retail or personal service business establishments such as or similar
Barbershops and beauty parlors.
Groceries and foodstuffs.
Drugs and pharmaceuticals.
Confectionery, newspaper, stationery, and tobacco.
Laundry and dry-cleaning collection, but not processing.
Radio, television and small appliance sales.
Bank and financial institution branch offices.
Professional and business offices.
Restaurants including restaurants with outdoor dining subject to §
R-2 residential uses, subject to restrictions applicable to
such zone.
B. Prohibited uses. In addition to all uses prohibited in business zone districts or prohibited throughout the Borough of Hawthorne, and all uses patently not permitted by, or the same or similar to uses permitted by §
540-161A, any use involving the sale, servicing, repairing of automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles shall not be considered a permitted use in a B-1 Zone District.
C. The permitted hours of operation for food stores and pharmacies are
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. For restaurants, the permitted hours
are 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, or as permitted by the liquor license
for the premises. All other uses are permitted to operate 6:00 a.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Nothing herein shall preclude the reviewing board hearing
any application from establishing more restrictive hours of operations,
based upon the nature of the proposed business operations and other
facts and circumstances considered by the board.
D. Bulk requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements
shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set
forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
E. Maximum floor area. No building or part of any building used, designed
or intended to be used as and for a use permitted under this section
shall contain or utilize more than 5,000 square feet of floor area
for retail sales, display or service and not more than 7,500 square
feet of total area, including any purpose connected with the principal
use and any uses accessory thereto.
F. Concurrent R-2 Zone uses. R-2 residential uses may be permitted in
the same building as a B-1 use, provided that the entire first floor
of the building is devoted to such B-1 use and the entire second floor
is devoted to residential use, with a separate entranceway for access
to such second floor. In such instances, the requirements of the R-2
Zone Districts will apply, except that buildings need not be set back
more than 40 feet from the center line of the street on which the
lot may front, no side yards shall be required, and the building area
and rear yard requirements may begin at the second-story sill level,
or 20 feet above the curb.
The following regulations shall apply in the B-2 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the B-2
In districts zoned B-2 Central Business, no building shall be
used and no building shall be erected or altered which is arranged,
intended or designed to be used except for general retail, personal
service, amusement and recreation or cultural facilities and establishments
consistent with the B-1 Zone and not otherwise prohibited by any section
of this chapter and wherein the principal activity shall be the sale
on the premises to the ultimate consumer of goods, commodities, services
or the furnishing of facilities.
Residential development above storefronts subject to the requirements of §
No use permitted in a B-1 Zone District shall be excluded from
a B-2 Zone District, including R-2 uses in the same manner permitted
within the B-1 Zone District.
B. Prohibited uses. In addition to all uses prohibited in business zone districts or prohibited throughout the Borough of Hawthorne, and all uses patently not permitted by, or the same or similar to uses permitted by §
540-161, any use involving the sale, servicing, repairing of automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles and drive-through eating establishments shall not be considered a permitted use in a B-2 Zone District.
C. The permitted hours of operation for food stores and pharmacies are
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. For restaurants, the permitted hours
are 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, or as permitted by the liquor license
for the premises. All other uses are permitted to operate 6:00 a.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Nothing herein shall preclude the reviewing board hearing
any application from establishing more restrictive hours of operations,
based upon the nature of the proposed business operations and other
facts and circumstances considered by the board.
D. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, there shall be no requirement for any business operating in the B-2 Central Business Zoning District to provide for off-street parking for any permitted use hereunder except for residential development as required pursuant to Article
XVIII, Parking and Loading. Any reviewing Board may nevertheless review and plan submitted for off-street parking in terms of safety and circulation and impose restrictions or conditions in accordance with such review.
E. Residential units above commercial uses.
Residential development above a commercial use is permitted,
provided that the entire first floor of the building is devoted to
such B-1 use and the entire upper stories are devoted to residential
use, with a separate entranceway for access to such second floor.
The maximum permitted residential density shall not exceed 12
dwelling units per acre.
Residential development shall be subject to an affordable housing set-aside of 20% of all residential units developed and shall be further subject to all requirements as provided for under Article
XXIV, Affordable Housing.
Development shall be subject to the zone regulations of the
B-2 Zone.
Parking consistent with RSIS requirements consistent with N.J.A.C.
5:21-4.14, Table 4.4, shall be required except alternative parking
standards to those shown in Table 4.4 shall be accepted if the applicant
demonstrates these standards better reflect local conditions. Factors
affecting minimum number of parking spaces include household characteristics,
availability of mass transit, urban versus suburban location, and
available off-site parking resources.
F. Supplemental regulations.
Any business use permitted by this section shall only be conducted within the confines of a building, with the exception of nurseries, florists, outdoor dining subject to the standards of §
No business shall carry merchandise other than that intended
to be sold at retail in the premises or used in the rendering of a
service permitted to be conducted on the premises.
More than one building may be permitted on one lot, provided
that yard and area requirements are met for each building, except
where a building is used exclusively for residential purposes; then
such building, together with accessory buildings as permitted by this
chapter, shall be the sole use permitted on said lot.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, there
shall be no requirement for any business operating in the B-2 Central
Business Zoning District to provide for off-street parking for any
permitted use hereunder. Any reviewing board may nevertheless review
any plan submitted for off-street parking in terms of safety and circulation
and impose restrictions or conditions in accordance with such review.
Bulk requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements
shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set
forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
The following regulations shall apply in the O-1 Zone:
A. Permitted uses. In districts zoned O-1 Research and Restricted Offices,
no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected
or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except
for one or more of the following uses:
Laboratories for scientific research.
Office facilities utilized by the same person, firm or user of the use described in Subsection
A(1) above, when located in the same building or complex of buildings on the same lot, tract or parcel.
B. Bulk requirements. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements
shall be subject to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set
forth and contained in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
C. Supplemental regulations.
No use or structure shall be permitted under this section which
results in noise, dust, smoke, fumes, gas, offensive or noxious odors
or other atmospheric effluent being disseminated outside the building.
Manufactured or commercial explosives shall be kept, maintained
or stored on said premises, except in small quantities for laboratory
research, and then only in compliance with all applicable federal,
state and local safety statutes.
No animal shall be kept or maintained for laboratory research
unless a written permit is first obtained from the Municipal Council
upon the recommendation of the Board of Health.
The following regulations shall apply in the I-1 Zone:
A. Permitted use. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-1 Zone:
Establishments which are engaged in research and development, manufacturing, processing, fabricating, indoor warehousing and storage, provided that no land or building shall be used or occupied for a use which will in any manner create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable fire, explosive, radioactive or other hazard; noise or vibration; smoke, dust, odor or other form of air pollution; heat, cold, dampness; movement of air; electrical or other disturbance; glare; liquid or solid wastes, any of which shall violate the performance standards as set forth in §
Uses permitted in the B-1 and O-1 Zone Districts shall be permitted
in I-1 Industrial Zones; provided, however, that no residential use,
even as allowed by B-1 Zone District regulations, will be permitted.
Outdoor storage of materials shall not be permitted as a principal
or primary use and shall only be permitted as incidental to a permitted
principal or primary use. Outdoor storage of materials may not take
place, even where incidental to a primary use, as a matter of right,
and shall be strictly subject to review, approval, and such conditions
as may be imposed by the reviewing board hearing any application seeking
approval of the same.
B. Prohibited uses. The following uses are hereby prohibited in the
I-1 Zone:
In an I-1 Industrial Zone District and except as specifically permitted under §
540-167A, no land or building shall be used or occupied and no building shall be erected, altered or enlarged which is arranged, intended or designed to be used or occupied for any of the following specified trades, businesses or uses:
Acetylene gas manufacture.
Ammonia, chlorine or bleaching powder manufacture.
Animal black, lampblack or bone black manufacture.
Asphalt manufacture or refining.
Brick, pottery, tile or terra cotta manufacture.
Creosote treatment or manufacture.
Disinfectant, insecticide or poison manufacture.
Distillation of coal, petroleum, refuse, grain, wood or bones,
except in the manufacture of gas.
Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture.
Explosives manufacture or storage, except small arms ammunition.
Gas storage, in excess of 20,000 cubic feet.
Glue, size or gelatin manufacture, where the processes include
the refining and recovering of products from fish, animal refuse or
Grease, lard, fat or tallow rendering or refining.
Grain drying or food manufacture from refuse, mash or grain.
Incineration, reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse
refuse, rancid fats, garbage, dead animals or offal, except by the
municipality or its agents.
Iron, steel, brass or copper industry.
Lime, cement or plaster of paris manufacture.
Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture.
Paint, oil varnish, turpentine, shellac or enamel manufacture.
Petroleum storage in excess of 10,000 gallons.
Power forging, riveting, hammering, punching, clipping, drawing,
rolling or tumbling of iron, steel, brass or copper, except as a necessary
incident of manufacture of which those processes form a minor part
and which are carried on without objectionable noise outside the plant.
Printing ink manufacture.
Pyroxylin plastic manufacture or the manufacture of articles
Raw hides or skins: storage, cleaning, curing or tanning.
Rubber or gutta-percha manufacture or treatment.
Shoe blackening or stove polish manufacture.
Smelting of iron, copper, tin, zinc or lead from ores.
Starch, glucose or dextrine manufacture.
Steel furnaces, blooming or rolling mill.
Structural steel or glue works.
Sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric, picric, carbolic or hydrochloric
acid manufacture.
Tar distillation or manufacture.
Tar roofing or waterproofing manufacture.
Tobacco (chewing) manufacture or treatment.
Wood pulling or scouring.
Any other trade or use that is noxious or offensive by reason
of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas or noise, provided that
the manufacture of paint and lacquer which is not noxious or offensive
by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas or noise shall
not be limited or restricted in that portion of the industrial zones
known as Block 17, Lot 11, on the Official Tax Map of the Borough
of Hawthorne.
(aaa) Terminal or terminal facilities or transfer station
or loading or unloading or stopping point for any interstate or intrastate
motor vehicle common carrier or any other common carrier, or any facility
for the handling of any goods, wares or merchandise by any carrier
or for the purpose generally of parking, storing, maintaining or repairing
vehicles used in the transportation of goods, wares or merchandise
for hire, including any warehouse in connection therewith.
(bbb) Any kind of self-service gasoline station, or
any place where gasoline is dispensed to the public through means
of self-service.
C. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements shall be subject
to all restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth and contained
in the Schedule of Bulk and Coverage Controls.
D. Compliance with performance standards. Any use conducted within the zone shall comply with the requirements under §
The following regulations shall apply in the Public Open Space
A. Permitted use. Uses permitted in the Public Open Space Zone shall
include passive and active municipal and county recreational uses.
B. Prohibited uses. Any use other than passive and active municipal
or county recreational uses.
C. Minimum lot area, yard and setback requirements. There shall be no
minimum lot area, yard or setback requirements required for this zone.