Approvals issued and actions taken under this chapter do not
relieve the applicant of the responsibility to secure required permits
or approvals for activities regulated by any other code, law, regulation
or ordinance.
A. An erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted to the Bucks
County Conservation District if earth disturbance is 1,000 square
feet or greater.
Volume controls will mitigate increased runoff impacts, protect
stream channel morphology, maintain groundwater recharge, and contribute
to water quality improvements. Stormwater runoff volume control methods
are based on the net change in runoff volume for the two-year storm
event. Volume controls shall be implemented using the Design Storm
Method in Subsection A or the Simplified Method in Subsection B below.
For regulated activities equal to or less than one acre, this chapter
establishes no preference for either methodology; therefore, the applicant
may select either methodology on the basis of economic considerations,
the intrinsic limitations of the procedures associated with each methodology,
and other factors. All regulated activities greater than one acre
must use the Design Storm Method.
A. Design Storm Method, Control Guideline 1 (any regulated activity). This method requires detailed modeling based on site conditions. For modeling assumptions refer to §
(1) Post-development total runoff should not be increased from predevelopment
total runoff for all storms equal to or less than the two-year, twenty-four-hour
duration precipitation.
(2) The following applies in order to estimate the increased volume of
runoff for the two-year, twenty-four-hour duration precipitation event:
To calculate the runoff volume (cubic feet) for existing site
conditions (predevelopment) and for the proposed developed site conditions
(post-development), it is recommended to use the soil cover complex
method as shown on the following page. Table B-3 in Appendix B is available to guide a qualified professional and/or
an applicant to calculate the stormwater runoff volume. The calculated
volume shall be either reused, evapotranspired, or infiltrated through
structural or nonstructural means.
Soil Cover Complex Method
Step 1: Runoff (inches) = Q = (P - 0.2S)2/(P + 0.8S)
2-year rainfall (inches)
(1000/CN) - 10, the potential maximum retention (including initial
abstraction, Ia)
Step 2: Runoff volume (cubic feet) = Q x area x 1/12 Where
Runoff (inches)
SWM area (square feet)
B. Simplified Method, Control Guideline 2 (regulated activities less
than or equal to one acre).
(1) Stormwater facilities shall capture the runoff volume from at least
the first two inches of runoff from all new impervious surfaces.
Volume (cubic feet) = (2 inches runoff/12 inches) * impervious
surface (square feet)
(2) At least the first one inch of runoff volume from the new impervious
surfaces shall be permanently removed from the runoff flow; i.e.,
it shall not be released into the surface waters of the commonwealth.
The calculated volume shall be either reused, evapotranspired or infiltrated
through structural or nonstructural means. Removal options include
reuse, evaporation, transportation, and infiltration.
Volume (cubic feet) = (1 inch runoff/12 inches) * impervious
surface (square feet)
(3) Infiltration facilities should be designed to accommodate the first
1/2 inch of the permanently removed runoff.
(4) No more than one inch of runoff volume from impervious surfaces shall
be released from the site. The release time must be over 24 to 72
C. Stormwater control measures. The applicant must demonstrate how the
required volume is controlled through stormwater best management practices
(BMPs) which shall provide the means necessary to capture, reuse,
evaporate, transpire or infiltrate the total runoff volume.
(1) If natural resources exist on the site and an SWM site plan submission
is required for the regulated activity, the applicant shall determine
and display the total acreage of protected area where no disturbance
is proposed on the plan. The acreage of the protected area should
be subtracted from the total site area and not included in the stormwater
management site area acreage used in determining the volume controls.
Stormwater management site area =
[Total site area (for both pre- and post-development conditions)
- protected area]
Natural resource areas shall be calculated in accordance with
the environmental protection standards specified in the Upper Southampton
Township Zoning Ordinance.
(2) Calculate the volume controls provided through nonstructural BMPs.
Table B-6 in Appendix B is recommended as guidance.
(3) Volume controls provided through nonstructural BMPs should be subtracted
from the required volume to determine the necessary structural BMPs.
Structural volume
Volume control (feet)
volume control (feet)
requirement (feet)
(4) Calculate the volume controls provided through structural BMPs. Table
B-6 in Appendix B is recommended as guidance. See Pennsylvania BMP Manual
Chapter 6 for description of the BMPs.
(5) Infiltration BMPs intended to receive runoff from developed areas
shall be selected based on the suitability of soils and site conditions
(see Table B-6 in Appendix B for a list of Infiltration BMPs). Infiltration BMPs shall
be constructed on soils that have the following characteristics:
A minimum soil depth of 24 inches between the bottom of the
infiltration BMPs and the top of bedrock or seasonally high water
An infiltration rate sufficient to accept the additional stormwater
load and dewater completely as determined by field tests. A minimum
of 0.2 inch/hour (in/hr) should be utilized, and for acceptable rates
a safety factor of 50% should be applied for design purposes (e.g.,
for soil which measured 0.4 in/hr, the BMP design should use 0.2 in/hr
to insure safe infiltration rates after construction).
All open-air infiltration facilities shall be designed to completely
infiltrate runoff volume within three days (72 hours) from the start
of the design storm.
(6) Soils. A soils evaluation of the project site shall be required to
determine the suitability of infiltration facilities. All regulated
activities are required to perform a detailed soils evaluation by
a soil scientist or other qualified design professional which at minimum
addresses soil permeability, depth to bedrock, and subgrade stability.
The general process for designing the infiltration BMP shall be:
Analyze hydrologic soil groups as well as natural and man-made
features within the site to determine general areas of suitability
for infiltration practices. In areas where development on fill material
is under consideration, conduct geotechnical investigations of subgrade
stability; infiltration may not be ruled out without conducting these
Provide field tests such as double ring infiltrometer or hydraulic
conductivity tests (at the level of the proposed infiltration surface)
to determine the appropriate hydraulic conductivity rate. Percolation
tests are not recommended for design purposes.
Design the infiltration structure based on field determined
capacity at the level of the proposed infiltration surface and based
on the safety factor of 2.
If on-lot infiltration structures are proposed, it must be demonstrated
to the municipality through soil testing that the soils are conducive
to infiltrate on the lots identified.
An impermeable liner will be required in detention basins where
the possibility of groundwater contamination exists. A detailed hydrogeologic
investigation may be required by the municipality.
Peak rate controls for large storms, up to the 100-year event,
are essential in order to protect against immediate downstream erosion
and flooding. The following peak rate controls have been determined
through hydrologic modeling of the Neshaminy Creek, Pennypack Creek,
and Poquessing Creek watersheds.
A. Standards for managing runoff from each subarea in the Neshaminy
Creek, Pennypack Creek, and Poquessing Creek watersheds for the two-,
five-, ten-, twenty-five-, fifty-, and 100-year design storms are
shown in Table 153-17A. Development sites located in each of the management
districts must control proposed development conditions' runoff
rates to existing conditions' runoff rates for the design storms
in accordance with the following table:
Table 153-17A Peak Rate Runoff standards by Stormwater Management
District Neshaminy Creek, Pennypack Creek and Poquessing Creek Watershed
Design Storm Post Developmen
(Proposed Conditions)
Design Storm Predevelopment
(Existing Conditions)
Neshaminy Creek
District B and Southampton Creek
Pennypack District B
Southampton Creek
Pennypack District A and Poquessing Creek
District A
B. General. Proposed conditions' rates of runoff from any regulated
activity shall not exceed the peak release rates of runoff from existing
conditions for the design storms specified on the Stormwater Management
District Watershed Map (Appendix D) and in this section of the chapter.
C. District boundaries. The boundaries of the stormwater management
districts are shown on official maps and are available for inspection
at the municipal office and county planning offices. A copy of the
Upper Southampton Township area of the map with zoomed-in extents
is included in Appendix D. The exact location of the stormwater management district
boundaries as they apply to a given development site shall be determined
by mapping the boundaries using the two-foot topographic contours
(or most accurate data required) provided as part of the SWM site
D. Sites located in more than one district. For a proposed development
site located within two or more stormwater management district category
subareas, the peak discharge rate from any subarea shall meet the
management district criteria for the district in which the discharge
is located.
E. Off-site areas. When calculating the allowable peak runoff rates,
developers do not have to account for runoff draining into the subject
development site from an off-site area. On-site drainage facilities
shall be designed to safely convey off-site flows through the development
F. Site areas. The stormwater management site area is the only area
subject to the management district criteria. Nonimpacted areas or
nonregulated activities bypassing the stormwater management facilities
would not be subject to the management district criteria.
G. Alternate criteria for redevelopment sites. For redevelopment sites,
one of the following minimum design parameters shall be accomplished,
whichever is most appropriate for the given site conditions as determined
by Upper Southampton Township:
(1) Meet the full requirements specified by the table in §
153-17A and by §
153-17A through
G; or
(2) Reduce the total impervious surface on the site by at least 20% based
upon a comparison of existing impervious surface to proposed impervious