The Village allows for temporary, short-term use of Village
property, or closures of public streets and sidewalks, to promote
celebrations, processionals, block parties, and other events that
may contribute to the enjoyment of Village life. However, the Village
recognizes the need for orderly administration when such activities,
left uncontrolled, might have a deleterious effect on the health,
safety, and general welfare of the community and the peaceful enjoyment
of the Village for its residents.
Each applicant shall pay a permit fee to the Village for any
event regulated herein, or any other use of public property, as set
forth in the Master Fee Schedule adopted by resolution of the Village
Board of Trustees as such fee may be amended from time to time.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Village Manager, the Building
Inspector, or their respective designees, and any member of the Village
of Briarcliff Manor Police Department.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, an applicant who has been
previously convicted of or plead guilty to a violation of this chapter
shall not be granted a permit hereunder for a period of 18 months
from the date of such conviction.