The mayor is the presiding officer of the city council meetings, and, except in elections, may only vote in the event of a tie vote.
The mayor is the chief executive officer of the city, which is defined as the highest-ranking individual, responsible for the overall success of the city and for making top-level managerial decisions. The mayor may ask for input on major decisions but is the ultimate authority in making final decisions concerning the day-to-day administrative operations of the city.
The mayor shall actively ensure that the laws and ordinances of the city are enforced. The mayor must also perform all duties prescribed by the city council.
The mayor has the express powers to declare a local state of disaster and as the emergency management director for the city has statutory powers and duties during an emergency.
The mayor is empowered to inspect the conduct of the officers and employees of the city. The mayor is responsible for seeking and appointing officials or hiring staff, as needed, on probationary terms, with final full-time status being subject to approval by the council as a whole. The mayor is responsible for evaluation and discipline of personnel up to suspension without pay, with the council reserving the right to terminate upon the suggestion of the mayor.
The mayor is empowered to establish an official chain of command. The mayor is responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management of city staff, with staff reporting directly the mayor or her/his designee. The mayor will report to city council, as a whole, and any concerns or requests of the council are to be brought through the mayor, who will direct city staff accordingly.
The mayor is empowered in her/his day-to-day administrative duties to secure professional services, including selection of vendors, excluding those requiring contracts, which shall rest with the council as a whole. The mayor shall also be entitled to approve permits, travel and training requests required for job duties, and purchases up to $5,000.00, with any major purchases exceeding $5,000.00 being subject to council approval as a whole. However, in the event of an emergency, the mayor is empowered to make decisions on purchases exceeding $5,000.00 to ensure the safety and health of the public and shall report said purchase(s) to the council at the next regularly scheduled council meeting.
The mayor may administer oaths of office (i.e., swearing-in ceremonies).
The mayor may sign contracts, deeds, easements, bonds and other documents as directed or authorized by the city council.
The mayor may make appointments to certain vacant offices of the city, other than vacancies on the city council, subject to confirmation by the city council and in accordance with state law.
The mayor may call a special council meeting, at the mayor’s discretion or upon the request of three (3) councilmembers.
The mayor may veto resolutions or ordinances of the city council. However, state law provides the city council an opportunity to override the mayor’s veto.
The city council may confer additional powers and duties on the mayor in addition to those provided by state law.
(Ordinance O-10212019-2, sec. 2, adopted 10/21/19)
The mayor may not expend municipal funds over $5,000.00, with any major purchases exceeding $5,000.00 being subject to council approval as a whole. However, in the event of an emergency, the mayor is empowered to make decisions on purchases exceeding $5,000.00 to ensure the safety and health of the public and shall report said purchase(s) to council at the next regularly scheduled council meeting.
The mayor may not terminate employees of the city without the express written consent of the city council.
All policy initiatives may not be implemented without the express consent of the city council.
All complaints and requests presented to the city should be processed by city staff unless a complaint or request is controversial. Then that matter will be brought before the council as a whole. All other complaints and requests will be reported to the council at the regular city council meetings.
Any request made by a councilmember which will require a member of the city staff to spend greater than thirty (30) minutes to obtain must first be approved by the city council as a whole. This prior approval does not apply to requests for city records or documents for official city purposes.
(Ordinance O-10212019-2, sec. 3, adopted 10/21/19)