The specific ordinances providing for participation in the Texas Municipal Retirement System, as adopted by the city, are not included in this chapter, but they are hereby specifically saved from repeal and shall be maintained on file in the office of the city secretary.
(Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
Creation of office.
The office of city secretary is hereby established.
Powers and duties.
The city secretary shall have all the powers and perform all duties prescribed to him/her by law. These duties shall include the following:
The city secretary shall attend every meeting of the city council for the purpose of keeping accurate minutes of the proceedings of the city council.
The city secretary shall engross and enroll all motions and resolutions of the city council and ordinances of the city and include these in the city code.
The city secretary shall attest all commissions and licenses issued.
The city secretary shall preserve and keep in order all books, papers, documents and records of the city council.
The city secretary shall have custody of all laws and ordinances of the city.
The city secretary shall have custody of the city seal and shall affix this seal to obligations of the city only by order of the city council.
The city secretary, in compliance with the open meetings law, shall post in a place readily accessible to the public and 72 hours preceding such meetings, notices of the date, time and place of each meeting of the city council.
The city secretary shall perform all other necessary duties that pertain to such office and all other duties as required by the mayor and the city council.
Appointment and removal.
The city secretary shall be employed and removed by the mayor and city council.
Organizational relationships.
The city secretary reports to the mayor and city council. He/she must work effectively with the mayor and city council, with all city employees, and with the general public.
(1984 Code, secs. 12.1–12.4)
The other officials of the city such as the tax assessor/collector, city treasurer, city health officer, city attorney, fire marshal, assistant fire marshal and civil defense coordinator shall be appointed by the mayor and city council.
(1984 Code, sec. 12.50)