The Commission, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion,
shall have the right to approve the revision without the submission
of a new application; or where the proposed revision is considered
a significant alteration of the approved plans, the Commission shall
have the right to require the submission and processing of a new site
plan application. Revisions to signs shall not require the submission
and processing of a new site plan application.
Failure to obtain necessary approval for revisions to approved plans shall be considered a violation and pursued in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of these Regulations.
The Commission or, in the case of property within an SC-SDD
zone district, the Director of Planning and Development and the Zoning
Agent, shall have the right to require site inspections and the preparation
of the written monitoring reports to be performed by a professional
engineer, soil scientist or other qualified professional.
More detailed guidance for implementation of these measures
can be located in the 2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual as
may be amended.
Required Parking Spaces
| |
Residences (single and multi-family)
Two for each dwelling unit
Home occupation
As determined by the Commission
Buildings & open stands for display & sale of agricultural
1 for each 5 feet of building frontage
1 for every 4 seats
School, Public & Private
1 for each 12 seats of students
Private recreational facilities
As determined by the Commission
Telephone exchanges utility substations
1 for each 2 employees or 300 square feet of floor area, whichever
is greater
Trailers, trailer coaches, & mobile homes
2 for each dwelling unit
Theatres (Enclosed)
1 for each 3 seats
Restaurants where food and drink are consumed on site &
there is no specified take-out service
1 for each 3 customer spaces (seats, stools, spaces along counters
and spaces in other areas where customers may be located and/or on-site
consumption may occur)
Restaurants located on a site with 5 or more separate stores,
shops, or businesses, where food, & drink are consumed on site
and there is a specified take-out service
1 for each 3 customer spaces (as defined in Subsection F(10)
above) plus 5 additional spaces; or the number of spaces required
for a retail & personal service use as per Subsection F(15) below,
whichever number of spaces is greater
Restaurants located on a site with 4 or fewer stores, shops
or businesses, where food & drink are consumed on site & there
is a specified take-out service
1 for each 3 customer spaces (as defined in Subsection F(10)
above), plus 5 additional spaces; or the number of spaces required
for a retail and personal service use as per Subsection F(15) below,
whichever number of spaces is greater
Office building
1 for each 250 square feet of floor area
1 for each 200 square feet of floor area, but not less than
1 for each 5 seats
Retail & Personal service uses within a building and involving
one or 2 retail or personal service operations per store or shop.
5 spaces for the first 300 square feet or less of floor area
and one for each additional 200 square feet of floor area.
For retail and personal service uses on sites with 50,000 square
feet or greater of commercial building square footage "net retail
floor area" may be used to calculate required parking
Industrial uses
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area or 2 employees, whichever
is greater
1 space for each unit
As determined by the Commission
Retail and personal service uses within a building & involving
3 or more retail or personal service operations per store or shop
As determined by the Commission
Retail & personal service uses utilizing an outdoor area
As determined by the Commission
Retail, personal services, restaurant and other similar uses
within a building or buildings on a site that contains not less than
250,000 square feet of gross floor area in all buildings.
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net retail floor area Interior
pedestrian walkways between tenant spaces shall not be included as
net retail floor area
Group Dwelling
1 space per bedroom plus 10 spaces for every 100 bedrooms
Table 1: Parking Reductions for Multi-Family and Group
Dwelling Uses
| ||
Credit Type
Maximum Reduction Allowed
Available to properties located within 1/2 mile of a designated
bicycle route.
1 space for every long-term bicycle parking space (sheltered
bicycle locker or bicycle rack within enclosed storage area)
5% of required parking
Available to properties served by WRTD or the UConn Shuttle.
Properties must be connected to bus stop by a public sidewalk. Distance
to the bus stop shall be measured along the public sidewalk from the
point at which the on-site pedestrian walkway connects to the sidewalk.
Bus stop located either on-site or directly in front of
15% of required parking
Within 750 feet of bus stop:
10% of required parking
Within 2,500 feet of bus stop:
5% of required parking
Per Distance Requirement
Vehicular parking requirements for residential uses that do
not meet the locational requirements for public transit credits may
be reduced where the owner commits to provide regular daily shuttle
service to areas of employment and activity such as UConn, Downtown
Storrs, 4 Corners, the Route 6/Route 195 area, Eastern Connecticut
State University (ECSU) and Willimantic. Credits shall be awarded
based on frequency and timing of service and number of employment/activity
centers served. Any applicant proposing use of the private transit
credit shall provide a proposed operating schedule for approval by
the PZC.
Hourly Service:
Half-Hour Service:
Additional 2% for each stop along route at a major employment/activity
50% PB-4 and I zones
25% all other zones
Vehicular parking requirements may be reduced by designating
parking spaces as car-share parking spaces. Applicant must provide
documentation of an agreement with a car-share company providing services
to building tenants or location of a publicly accessible car-sharing
facility within specified distances
On-Site Car Sharing:
2% credit for each designated car-sharing space up to 20%
Publicly accessible car-sharing facility within 1/4 mile
and connected by sidewalk:
1% credit for every designated car-sharing space up to 10%
Credits are available for low-income and affordable housing
units provided on site provided the property is located within 1/4
mile of a transit stop and is connected to the transit stop by off-street
Low Income Housing Units:
25% reduction
Affordable Housing Units:
10% reduction
Per Number of Income-Restricted Units
Off-Street Loading Berths
Public facilities & public schools
One berth for each 10,000 square feet and an additional berth
for each additional 25,000 square feet or fraction thereof
Buildings with offices, retail and service establishments, and
1 berth for 8,000-25,000 square feet & 1 additional berth
for each additional 25,000 square feet or fraction thereof
1 berth for each chapel, minimum size 10' x 20'