[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Harristown 4-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-07. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Special use permit required. Any small wind energy system shall require a special use permit.
Standards. Any small wind energy system shall meet the following standards unless modified through a condition(s) attached to the ordinance approving the special use.
Roof-mounted small wind energy systems shall not exceed 15 feet in height above the elevation of the roof installation point, measured from the point of attachment to the top of the turbine blade at its highest point. Small wind energy systems shall be located no closer than 10 feet from an adjacent property line.
Freestanding small wind energy systems shall be set back a distance equal to 110% of the combined height of the tower plus the length to the tip of the blade from all adjacent property lines. Additionally, portions of the small wind energy system, including guy wire anchors, may extend no closer than 10 feet to the property line. The wind energy system shall maintain a circular clear zone that has a radius which is equivalent to 110% of the combined distance of the tower height plus the length to the tip of the blade. This clear zone shall be maintained free of any occupied structures, tanks containing combustible/flammable liquids, and aboveground utility/electrical lines.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I, Div. I)]
Small wind energy systems shall have a nonreflective finish and shall be neutral in color. Small wind energy systems shall not be artificially lighted.
A building permit shall be required prior to erecting any small wind energy system. Mounting for such systems shall be in conformance with all electrical codes and building codes[1] to ensure wind and weight loading requirements are met. Plans shall be stamped by a licensed structural engineer and inspected by a qualified inspector for such installations.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 5, Building Regulations, Art. II, Building Code.
An emergency direct current disconnect switch shall be provided in an accessible location near the electric meter to shut off such system in the event of an emergency.
Small wind energy systems shall have a governor installed to regulate and limit the speed of the turbine in high wind events.
Small wind energy systems not in service for a period of 180 days shall be removed and the property on which it is located restored to its original condition within 30 days.
Small wind energy systems shall be primarily used to generate energy for the properties where they are located and can be located in Zones RE-1, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-5, as listed in Chapter 40, Zoning Code, of the Code of Ordinances.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I, Div. I)]
No large wind energy system shall be permitted within the Village's corporate limits or within the 1 1/2-mile radius surrounding the Village's corporate limits.
Solar panels shall be permitted on any roof in any zoning district as permitted accessory uses.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I, Div. I)]
Solar panels shall be flush with the roofline when possible and shall not be elevated more than 30° off the roof pitch where it is attached or no more than five feet, whichever is less. Solar panels shall not extend beyond the roofline and shall be located no closer than 10 feet to an adjacent property line. Solar panels may cover up to 100% of the total roof surface of a structure.
Solar shingles shall be permitted to cover any amount of a roof without the location limitation in Subsection (B) above, provided that they are incorporated into and made to appear as part of the roof continuous in area without gaps, rectangular in shape and do not cause glare to reflect on to neighboring properties.
All frame and visible structural parts of a solar panel shall match the roof color. No solar panel shall be artificially lighted.
A building permit shall be required prior to erecting any solar panel. Mounting for such systems shall be in conformance with all electrical codes and building codes[1] to ensure wind and weight loading requirements are met. Plans shall be stamped by a licensed structural engineer and by qualified inspector for such installation.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 5, Building Regulations, Art. II, Building Code.
Ground-mounted solar energy systems shall be permitted with a special use permit required and shall be set back as required under Chapter 40, Zoning Code, and shall occupy no more than 30% of the ground coverage permitted by Chapter 40.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I, Div. I)]
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Art. I, Div. I)]
When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the definitions indicated in this section.
A wind energy system not falling within the definition of “small wind energy system.
A wind energy conversion system consisting of a single wind turbine, single tower and associated control or conversion electronics that generates power for an individual property for the purpose of reducing on-site consumption of utility power.
A system for which the primary purpose is to convert solar energy into thermal, mechanical or electrical energy for storage and use.
A group of photovoltaic cells that are assembled on a panel used as part of a solar energy system.