The following words and phrases are definitions and shall be construed as set forth in this section for the purpose of this chapter;
"Bicycle lane,"
as used in this chapter, or any resolution adopted in accordance thereto, means a separate lane established on a public street, on designated bicycle routes, between the traffic lane and the parking lane, or the curb where parking is prohibited, for the use of bicycles, provided such bicycle lanes are designated and regulated by appropriate traffic-control devices.
"Bicycle route,"
as used in this chapter or any resolution adopted in accordance thereto, means a street or streets included in a system of routes of travel for bicycles established upon public streets.
"City manager,"
as used in this chapter or any resolution adopted in accordance thereto, means the city manager of the city or his duly designated agent.
(Ord. 108 § 1, 1975)
Under the authority granted by Section 21207 of the California Vehicle Code, the city council is authorized to establish, by resolution, bicycle routes and bicycle lanes.
(Ord. 108 § 2(A), 1975)
The city manager shall cause to be placed upon all bicycle lanes such traffic-control devices as are appropriate to regulate the operation and use of bicycle lanes and operation of vehicles with respect to such bicycle lanes and to give notice of such regulation.
(Ord. 108 § 2(B), 1975)
No motor vehicle shall be driven within a bicycle lane or bicycle route except as may be necessary to execute the entering of a driveway, the exiting from a driveway or parking at a curb; provided, however, that in no case shall a motor vehicle be driven within a bicycle lane for a distance of in excess of one hundred feet during the execution of any of the above driving movements.
(Ord. 108 § 3(A), 1975)
A rider of a bicycle upon a public street shall ride in a bicycle lane upon all public streets where bicycle lanes have been established, and where bicycle lanes have not been established, a rider of a bicycle shall ride upon a public street as nearly as practicable within five feet of the right-hand curb or as near the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction or when making a lefthand turn.
(Ord. 108 § 3(B), 1975)
It is unlawful for any person to ride, propel, or use in any manner, any bicycle or vehicle moved by mechanical propulsion upon any public sidewalk in the city.
(Ord. 108 § 3(C), 1975)