The city council has established rules and regulations for the
transaction of business and system construction in the city public
works department, water utility division, and in response to changes
in the water service needs within the city, has, at various times,
amended said rules and regulations.
Pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, it
is the intent of the city council to require the ascertainment and
recovery of costs reasonably borne from fees and charges levied therefor
in providing the regulation, products or services hereinafter enumerated.
The city council resolves that the following rules and regulations
for the transaction of business and system construction in the city
public works department - water utility division, under the provisions
of the city of Loma Linda Municipal Code, are adopted for immediate
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003)
Enforcement of rules and regulations pertaining to the operation,
expansion, improvement, repair and safeguarding of the system and
matters pertaining to finance including consumer prepayments, collection
of charges, billing and delinquent accounts are the responsibility
of the city manager or designated representative.
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003)
Applicants for residential water service prior to the establishment
of service for each address or location of a water meter will be charged
a prepayment in accordance with the following:
Single-family residence
Duplex or two(2) units
Triplex or three units
Four-plex or four units
Seven units
Eight units
Prepayment for Irrigation Only
3/4″ - 1″
3″ and larger
Prepayments for multi-residential services exceeding eight units
will be estimated on projected billing amounts, with the maximum prepayment
not to exceed three thousand dollars. Prepayments for commercial services
will be estimated on projected billing amounts for the specific type
of use. Upon the completion of one year of satisfactory payment history,
prepayments shall be credited to the respective consumers' accounts.
Any outstanding indebtedness to the city for prior water service
must be paid in full before service is resumed at any old or new service
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003)
A. Water
bills are due and payable upon presentation; delinquent fifteen days
after mailing date.
B. If
service is discontinued for nonpayment of bill, a turn-on charge pursuant
to resolution, plus payment of the full amount for utility service
is required before services will be restored.
C. Delinquent
notices are sent twenty days after the mailing date. Water service
may be discontinued.
D. Ten
days after service has been discontinued, consumer's prepayment will
be applied to unpaid balance and accrue to city unless delinquent
charges have been paid.
E. Notice
of intention to discontinue water service shall be given to the applicant
for water service at any time after the delinquent notice has been
mailed. The notice to discontinue water service shall include a date
water service shall be discontinued and shall afford an opportunity
for the applicant or an affected party to be heard regarding reasons
why water service should not be discontinued. Copies of the notice
shall be sent to occupants of the premises.
F. Not
less than twenty-four hours before discontinuance of water service
as to a nonresidential customer, or five days as to a residential
customer, the property shall be notified of the pending discontinuance
of service by the placement of a door hanger final notice on a conspicuous
door upon the premises which shall state substantially as follows:
"Because of nonpayment of your last utility bill, your services
will be discontinued on _____."
G. Service will not be resumed until a prepayment in accordance with Section
13.06.030 is reconstituted plus payment of a turn-on charge as established by resolution.
H. Court
action shall be instituted by the city manager or designated representative
to recover any amount outstanding after the prepayment has been applied
to bill.
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003; Ord. 761 § 6, 2020)
If an applicant has to extend a water main from some distant
point to his or her property line, and this extension may benefit
future developers, he or she may be reimbursed as the intervening
property is developed with the city acting as the collecting agent
in contract with the original applicant. Establishment of a reimbursement
agreement will be at the discretion of the city council. If an agreement
is executed, the rate and term of reimbursement shall be established
by each reimbursement agreement as approved by the city council.
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003)
The city retains the right to be the retail water purveyor for
all domestic water service within the city limits of and areas beyond
the city limits by written agreement with the exception of those institutionally
related services who at any time receive water from the Loma Linda
University Water System.
(Ord. 620 § 1, 2003)
The city council may, by resolution or motion, adopt a policy
for discontinuation of residential water service. Such policy may
include, but may not be limited to, additional procedures concerning
billing, discontinuation of service, notifications, restoration of
service, contesting or appealing a bill, extensions and alternative
payment arrangements, protections available to qualified low-income
customers, and related matters. To the extent a policy adopted pursuant
to this section conflicts with any provisions of this title, the policy
shall control.
(Ord. 761 § 7, 2020)