Each and all premises in the city which are served by a connection to the system of sewerage and wastewater treatment of the city shall be charged, and the owner thereof shall pay a sewer service charge based upon a schedule for such charges fixed by resolution duly adopted by the city council.
The charges fixed in this section shall cover all services and facilities of the city in connection with the sewerage system except the use of the services, facilities and sewerage system for the carrying and disposal of industrial wastes. All charges in connection with the carrying and disposal of industrial wastes shall be fixed, from time to time, by written resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 141 § 2, 1976; Ord. 515 § 1, 1995)
The charges fixed in this chapter for any premises shall be collected with the charges and rates for water service furnished by the city to said premises. The charges herein fixed shall be billed upon the same bill as is prepared for charges for water service and shall be due and payable monthly at the same time that such charges for water services are due and payable. The total amount due for the charges herein fixed and for charges for water shall be paid as a unit.
In the event that any person fails to pay any charge herein provided when the same becomes due, the city may, in addition to any other remedies it has, terminate any of said services without notice and the use of facilities referred to in this chapter, and shall not resume the same until all delinquent charges together with any charges necessitated by resumption of such services and facilities have been fully paid.
In the event the city does not furnish water service to the premises, then the charges herein fixed for such premises shall be due and payable monthly on the first day of each and every month, and shall be paid by the occupant, owner or person in charge of such premises. It shall be the duty of the Loma Linda Water Department unless otherwise designated by the city council to prepare and send separate monthly bills for all charges herein fixed for premises to which the city does not furnish water service.
It shall be the duty of the Loma Linda Water Department of the city to collect all charges provided herein.
All funds and money authorized in this chapter shall be computed for each month and shall be placed on the next month's billing for water.
The charges established by and pursuant to this chapter shall not be imposed where a building, structure, trailer or park space is being newly constructed or placed on vacant property and served by city water until such time as the building, structure, trailer or park space is first occupied. Thereafter, charges will be imposed on a regular basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of this chapter and resolutions adopted pursuant thereto and shall be placed on the billing for water following said date of initial occupancy.
If said premises are rental properties, the landlord shall promptly advise the Loma Linda Water Department of the date of the first occupancy of the premises.
(Ord. 141 § 3, 1976)