This chapter shall be deemed to provide a complete, additional and alternative authorization and procedure for financing and refinancing of public facilities and the purchase, construction, expanding, improvement or rehabilitation of any real or other tangible property with an estimated useful life of five years or longer and the levying of special taxes for the maintenance and operation of public facilities and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to the powers conferred by the Charter, other laws and ordinance. The issuance of bonds and the levy of special taxes under the provisions of this chapter need not comply with the requirements of any other law applicable to the issuance of bonds or the levy of special taxes other than the Act, as modified by this chapter. The purposes authorized by this section may be effectuated and bonds may be issued and the special taxes levied for any such purposes under this chapter, notwithstanding that any other law or ordinance may provide for such purposes or for the issuance of bonds and the levy of special taxes for like purposes and without regard to the requirements, restrictions, limitations or other provisions contained in any other law or ordinance.
(Ord. 441 § 5, 1991)
The city shall have the authority to issue bonds and to levy special taxes in accordance with the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, being Chapter 2.5, Division 2 of Title 5, commencing at Section 53311 of the Government Code of the state of California (the "Act") as modified by this chapter. The Act is incorporated in this chapter by reference thereto except as modified as provided in Section 3.22.030.
(Ord. 441 § 1, 1991)
Section 53313.5 of the Government Code shall be amended by adding thereto subsection (h) to read as follows:
The district may finance the maintenance and operation of any governmental facility which governmental facility the legislative body creating the community facilities district is authorized by law to provide.
Section 53314.8 of the Government Code is deleted and in lieu thereof, insert the following:
At any time either before or after the formation of the district, the legislative body may provide, by resolution, that for a period specified in the resolution, the local agency may contribute, from any source of revenue not otherwise prohibited by law, any specified amount, portion, or percentage of such revenues for the purposes set forth in such resolution, including the acquisition or construction of a facility, the acquisition of interest in real property, the provision of authorized services, a periodic contribution to the debt service on the bonds of the district, and the payment of expenses incidental in connection with any of the foregoing. Such contribution shall not constitute an indebtedness or liability of the local agency.
This chapter incorporates all amendments made to the Act after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, in effect on the date the city council adopts the resolution of intention as provided in Section 53321 of the Government Code unless the city council shall, by resolution, provide otherwise.
(Ord. 441 § 1, 1991)
The city council further finds and determines that the matters addressed in this chapter are municipal affairs of local concern and do not interfere with matters of state concern.
(Ord. 441 § 2, 1991)
This chapter being necessary for the health, welfare and security of the city and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect its purposes.
(Ord. 441 § 3, 1991)
This chapter is full authority for the issuance of bonds and the levy of special taxes by the city pursuant to this chapter and the Act, as modified, for the purposes specified in this chapter.
(Ord. 441 § 4, 1991)
In addition to all other powers specifically granted by this chapter, the city may do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter including entering into such written agreements and other documents as may be appropriate to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 441 § 6, 1991)