Every person transacting, conducting, managing, engaging in and carrying on the business and activities set forth in this section shall pay a license tax as set by resolution by the city:
Auctioneers. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation having an established permanent place of business for conducting a public auction, or to any fixed business who may auction any merchandise for purposes of winding up the affairs of said business or for the purpose of closing out of a special line of merchandise;
Bail bondsman;
Outdoor festivals (any music festival, dance festival, or similar musical activity which is held at any place other than in a permanent building constructed for such purpose);
Carnival. Carnival means any shows, entertainments, mechanical rides, amusements, performances, or games of any kind, which as a result of the operation, things or representatives of value are given or paid;
Circus. A circus is defined to be an exhibition or entertainment at which feats of horsemanship, acrobatics and trained or wild animals are exhibited or displayed, to which exhibition or entertainment and admission fee is charged;
Convalescent hospitals, rest homes, hospitals and sanitariums;
Dancing, public dance without charge;
Dancing, public dance for admission fee or charge;
Delivery by vehicle (making deliveries of merchandise to business establishments in the city and not having a fixed place of business in the city);
Dog kennels (where dogs are boarded or bred for sale; this section shall not be applied to a kennel with three or less dogs; all dogs owned by a commercial kennel shall be subject to the provisions of this section upon attaining the age of six months);
Handbill distributors (not having a fixed place of business within the city and conducting the business of advertising by the distribution of handbills, circulars or other written or printed materials);
Security service (night watch service, security service, private policeman, or detective agency);
Peddlers and solicitors (peddling or soliciting, by use of telephone service or other communication, travel by foot, or any type of conveyance from place to place, and carrying or conveying goods, wares, or merchandise for sale and having no fixed place of business within the city);
Savings and loan associations;
Shoeshine stand;
Redemption store (redeeming any stamps, coupons, tickets, cards or other devices issued for or with the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, which said stamps, coupons, tickets, cards, or other devices so issued shall entitle the purchaser receiving the same to procure from said person, firm or corporation, any goods, wares or merchandise free of charge, upon the production of one or any number of such stamps, coupons, tickets, cards or other devices);
Swap meet.
Swap meet means any business which rents spaces to various dealers or individuals for selling or offering for sale, goods, wares and merchandise, and wherein an admission fee is charged to enter the area where the merchandise is being offered for sale;
Receipts for the space rental shall be written in triplicate on numbered receipts, and shall contain the name and address of the dealer or individual, and the make and license number of his or her automobile. One copy of the receipt shall be furnished to the dealer, one copy filed with the city immediately after the sale, and one copy retained by the swap meet operator for a period of three years for audit purposes.
Transportation of passengers (auto livery, bus, taxi, ambulance or other vehicle, for the transportation of passengers for hire);
No fixed place of business (not having a fixed place of business within the city, who engages in business within the city and not having been classified under any other section of this chapter and Chapters 5.04 and 5.08);
Contractors, engineers, professionals (state-licensed and not otherwise specifically included within any other clarification);
Real estate agents;
Fortunetelling and related practices.
(Ord. 191 Art. 3 § 1, 1978; Ord. 201 § 4, 1979; Ord. 282 §§ 1 and 2, 1982; amended during 11-90 supplementation)