Every person, firm, copartnership, association, or corporation offering for sale or selling any gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel to the public from any place of business in the city shall post or display a sign that is clearly visible from any street or highway adjacent to such place of business and that indicates the actual price per gallon, including all taxes, at which his or her grade(s) of gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel is currently being offered for sale or sold.
(Ord. 93 § 1(a), 1974)
No person, firm, copartnership, association, or corporation shall advertise, either in connection with the sign required in Section 5.20.020 or otherwise, any grade of gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel that is not immediately available for sale to the public on the business premises.
(Ord. 93 § 1(b), 1974)
Any sign posted or displayed pursuant to this chapter shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of Article 8 of Chapter 7 of Division 8 (Sections 20880, et seq.) of the California Business and Professions Code, and shall be in compliance with the provisions of the city's code regulating size and construction of signs.
(Ord. 93 § 1(c), 1974)