For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall be used:
means any domesticated canine four months of age or older and shall also include both male and female gender, whether neutered or spayed.
means any person, firm or corporation engaged in the keeping of, breeding, raising, buying, selling or boarding of five or more dogs.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985)
Every person, firm or corporation engaged in operating, control, or management of a kennel as herein defined shall obtain a kennel permit from the enforcing officer and shall pay an annual permit fee as shall be established by the city council by resolution. Kennel permits shall not be issued for any residential area. Kennel permits in other areas may be issued provided the following standards are met.
C2, CM Zone. Minimum parcel size of one acre with one hundred fifty feet lot width. Site approval by the planning division is required.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985; Ord. 764 § 2, 2021)
All dogs owned by, under the control of, or in the possession of a kennel operator, shall be subject to the provisions of this title upon attaining the age of four months.
"Boarded" dogs in kennels shall be vaccinated and licensed in name of the owner. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be considered a violation of this chapter by the dog owner.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985)
Adequate housing shall be provided for the protection of dogs from the elements.
Kennel runs shall be effectively enclosed by suitable fencing such as chain link, smooth concrete block, or other fencing material. The exterior area of the premises shall be completely fenced or otherwise enclosed.
Outside runs or properly constructed indoor runs shall be provided in all kennels:
Boarding kennel runs shall be constructed of concrete or other suitable type nonporous material. The floors shall slope one-fourth inch per foot to a drain or to a drainway. All such drains shall be properly plumbed, trapped, and vented and shall be connected to an approved underground disposal system as required by the health department. Adequate ventilation must be provided for kennels with indoor runs.
Breeding kennel outdoor runs may be constructed of four inch minimum thickness of pea gravel or other suitable aggregate. Indoor runs must be constructed as provided in (C) (1) above.
Kennels shall not be constructed closer than one hundred feet from any structure on adjacent property used for human habitation nor closer than forty feet to any dwelling on the premises, except that of the owner/ operator's home.
Provisions shall be made in boarding and breeding kennels for the separation of kennel-owned dogs from those owned by other persons.
(Ord. 340 § 1, 1985)
All breeding stock dogs four months of age or older owned by the kennel, shall be currently vaccinated against rabies with chick embryo modified live virus rabies vaccine.
Dogs owned by the kennel operator which are allowed outside the confines of the kennels shall be individually vaccinated and shall have a current dog license attached to the collar.
All kennels, runs, buildings and other equipment and facilities used for the care of dogs shall be cleaned daily and shall be disinfected as necessary to prevent the spread of disease. Boarding kennels shall disinfect all facilities used in the care of dogs between each separate usage.
All droppings shall be removed from the kennel daily. Soiled papers and bedding material shall be removed from the kennel as frequently as necessary to maintain the kennel in a clean, sanitary manner. All such waste material shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the enforcing officer.
It shall be a violation of this chapter to sell, give away, release, or otherwise dispose of an animal except for euthanasia, which has or is suspected of having or has been exposed to any contagious or infectious disease transmissible to other animals or to humans. All such diseases shall be reported to the enforcing officer and the county health officer or public health veterinarian.
Adequate provisions shall be made for the disposal of dead animals which shall be satisfactory to the enforcing officer.
All dogs upon reaching the age of four months shall be vaccinated against rabies as provided herein, and when sold, the purchaser shall be provided with a copy of the "Certificate of Vaccination" issued by a veterinarian and shall be advised to secure a dog license tag within sixty days from the date of purchase.
The requirements of this section shall also apply to humane societies and pet shops.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985)
Any kennel license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the enforcing officer, with the assistance of the San Bernardino County environmental health officer, whenever, in his/her/their opinion, the dog kennel for which such permit was issued is not being maintained in a sanitary or healthful condition, or is not provided with adequate care and supervision for the dogs confined therein. The revocation shall become effective thirty days after a notice of such defective condition is deposited in the mail, postage prepaid, directed to the persons owning or operating such kennel at the address shown in the application, unless, within such thirty days, the noticed condition is corrected to the satisfaction of the enforcing officer. After such revocation becomes effective, the revoked permit shall be invalid for any purpose whatsoever.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985)
Kennel permit fees shall be collected by the city finance department after a permit application has been approved by the enforcing officer.
(Ord. 340 § 3, 1985)