The city council of the city adopts by reference Ordinance No. 1964, an ordinance of the County of San Bernardino, entitled "An Ordinance of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, Adding Chapter 6 to Division 4, Title 3 and Amending Section 16.0213B of the San Bernardino County Code, Providing for the Certification of Worker Competency in Food Industry Sanitary Procedures." Said ordinance is made a part of this chapter by reference as though set forth in full.
(Ord. 115 § 1, 1975)
This chapter shall be considered a part of the County of San Bernardino Health and Safety Code and shall be enforced within the corporate limits of the city in accordance with Chapter 8.04 of this code.
(Ord. 115 § 2, 1975)
Three copies of County of San Bernardino Ordinance No. 1964 have been and now are filed in the office of the city clerk of the city.
(Ord. 115 § 3, 1975)