No landlord shall rent or lease a dwelling unit, or receive any rental income, without a crime-free residential rental license.
Crime-free residential rental licenses issued under this article shall be specific to the landlord and shall apply to all dwelling units to be rented as identified on the landlord's application.
All crime-free residential rental licenses shall be valid from May 1 of a calendar year through April 30 of the following calendar year.
Applications for the issuance and renewal of crime-free residential rental licenses shall be filed no later than 30 days prior to the desired effective date of the license.
Landlords seeking to obtain or renew a crime-free residential rental license shall file an application with the City Clerk on forms to be provided by the City of Hometown. The application must be completed and signed by the landlord. The application shall set forth, with the required attachments, the following information:
Name, home address, business address, home phone number, work phone number, mobile phone number and facsimile number of the landlord;
The street address and permanent index number of the building, the number of dwelling units therein, and the specific unit number of the dwelling units to be licensed;
Proof of ownership of the building or dwelling unit or, if a beneficiary of a land trust, a copy of the trust agreement granting the right to control and manage the beneficial interest; and,
Name, home address, business address, home phone number, work phone number, mobile phone number and facsimile number of the rental manager, if any.
The City Clerk shall issue and/or renew a crime-free residential rental license if the following requirements are met:
The landlord has filed an application containing all information required under § 19.184.
The landlord has paid the annual license fee and there are no outstanding debts due and owing the City of Hometown from the landlord and/or rental manager, including, but not limited to, outstanding fines imposed for violating the terms of this article.
The landlord and rental manager, if any, attends and successfully completes a crime-free residential rental seminar pursuant to § 19.192 of this article.
The landlord has supplied a current and complete tenant list.
The landlord is a resident or has its principal place of business in Cook County, Illinois, subject to the following exceptions: an absentee landlord who has a rental manager that resides or has its principal place of business in Cook County, Illinois, and that person/entity is listed on the landlord's application.
The building and/or dwelling units to be subject to the crime-free residential rental license have undergone and passed a security and safety inspection.
There is no reason to deny the issuance or renewal of a crime-free residential rental license pursuant to the provisions of § 19.203 of this article.
The annual fee for a crime-free residential rental license shall be $100 per dwelling unit subject to the license.
The fee for a crime-free residential rental license transfer shall be the same as the annual license, but prorated to the date the new owner obtains legal title to the building.
To the extent applicable, the crime-free residential rental license shall be displayed in the foyer or other conspicuous place within a common area of the building in which a licensed dwelling unit is located.
No crime-free residential rental license shall be transferable without the expressed written consent of the City Clerk.
Every landlord holding a crime-free residential rental license shall provide written notice to the City Clerk, within 24 hours after having conveyed legal title to a dwelling unit covered by a license. Such notice shall include the name and address of the successor owner.
A new landlord desiring to operate under the previous landlord's crime-free residential rental license shall file an application for a transfer with the City Clerk no later than 10 days after having been conveyed legal title to the dwelling unit. Issuance of the license transfer shall be contingent upon the new owner's compliance with the requirements of § 19.185. In the event the new owner fails to apply for a transfer in the time period referenced above, the crime-free residential rental license applicable to the dwelling unit shall be deemed immediately revoked without further notice.