All landlords and rental managers shall maintain an accurate and complete tenant list for all dwelling units subject to a crime-free residential rental license.
Landlords shall file an accurate and complete tenant list with the City Clerk each time they apply for the issuance or renewal of the crime-free residential rental license.
Landlords shall update the tenant list on file with the City Clerk no later than 10 days after a new tenant or occupant occupies a dwelling unit.
No landlord shall allow the permanent occupancy of a dwelling unit by any person not identified on the tenant list on file with the City Clerk.
All lease agreements shall be in writing and shall be executed within 14 calendar days of the commencement of occupancy. Landlords shall provide a fully executed copy of the lease agreement to the tenant within 14 calendar days after occupancy.
All landlords and rental managers shall maintain a copy of all lease agreements for dwelling units licensed under this article.
Copies of written lease agreements shall be maintained in a secure location at the building if multiple dwelling units of the building are licensed to a single landlord.
Landlords and rental managers shall provide the Building Official, upon his/her request, with a copy of any written lease agreement for a dwelling unit.
Oral lease agreements and sub-leases are prohibited.
No landlord shall enter into a lease agreement that would cause the dwelling unit to be occupied by more persons than permitted under the provisions of the Property Maintenance Code. Prior to entering into any lease agreement, the landlord shall advise the prospective tenant as to the maximum occupancy allowed under the Property Maintenance Code.
It shall be unlawful for any tenant to permit any dwelling unit to be occupied in excess of the occupancy limits of the Property Maintenance Code.
The rental of individual bedrooms, sleeping rooms, or portions of a dwelling unit are not permitted. All rentals must apply to the complete dwelling unit such that no property shall be operated similar to a boardinghouse, dormitory or other similar use.
No tenant shall sub-lease, and no landlord shall permit the sub-leasing, of any dwelling unit unless the tenant obtains a crime-free residential rental sub-license. Crime-free residential rental sub-licenses shall be applied for by the tenant, with the written approval of the licensee, in the same manner as a crime-free residential rental license, and shall be subject to all requirements imposed on landlord-licensees under this article. The issuance of a sub-license shall not relieve the landlord-licensee of responsibility under this article. Violations of this article by a sub-licensee shall be deemed violations by the landlord-licensee.
No landlord/rental manager shall enter into a lease agreement or an extension of a lease agreement without incorporating a "Crime-Free Lease Addendum."
The provisions of the "Crime-Free Lease Addendum," as provided in this section shall be read into and shall constitute an integral part of any lease agreement or extension governing a dwelling unit in the City of Hometown, irrespective of whether it is attached or a part of the lease agreement, in fact.
To the extent applicable, the landlord or rental manager shall display in the foyer or other conspicuous place within a common area of the building a copy of a "crime-free lease addendum" notifying tenants and visitors that any and all lease agreements are subject to the terms displayed.
The "Crime-Free Lease Addendum" shall be in the following form:
In addition to all other terms of the lease, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows:
The tenant, any member of the tenant's household, any guest or any other person associated with the tenant or under the tenant's control regardless of whether the individual engaging in such activity is a member of the household:
Shall not engage in or facilitate any criminal or quasi-criminal activity as defined by local, state or federal law while in the dwelling unit or in any common area of a building containing the dwelling unit; and,
Shall not permit or allow the dwelling unit or any common area of a building containing a dwelling unit to be used by any person to engage in or facilitate any criminal or quasi-criminal activity as defined by local, state or federal law.
All tenants are required to notify the City of Hometown Police Department of criminal or quasi-criminal conduct occurring or believed to be occurring in any dwelling unit or in any common area of a building containing a dwelling unit. Each tenant shall have the duty to notify the landlord or rental manager of any criminal or quasi-criminal activities witnessed or believed or alleged to be occurring or to have occurred in any dwelling unit or common area of a building in which a dwelling unit is leased no later than 48 hours of having knowledge of the same. Any such notice may be made anonymously.
In case of conflict between the provisions of this addendum and any other provision of the lease agreement, the provisions of the addendum shall govern.
Each time the crime-free housing coordinator is notified of a criminal or quasi-criminal act occurring in a dwelling unit or common area of a building containing a dwelling unit, he shall send notice of such activity to the landlord in writing no later than five business days after he has knowledge of the same. No written notice need be provided by the crime-free housing coordinator if a ticket is issued to the landlord or rental manager for a violation of this article as a result of the same criminal or quasi-criminal activity.
Every landlord and rental manager shall notify the Police Department or the Crime-Free Housing Coordinator, as the circumstances may dictate, whenever he witnesses, or is advised of any allegation of, criminal or quasi-criminal activity occurring in a dwelling unit or common area of a building containing a dwelling unit which is subject to a crime-free residential rental license. In the event the circumstances do not dictate the immediate notification to the police department, notice to the crime-free housing coordinator shall be provided no later than two business days after the landlord or rental manager has knowledge of the activity to be reported.
It shall be unlawful for any landlord or rental manager to punish or retaliate against a tenant or occupant of a dwelling unit, including, but not limited to, the termination of a lease agreement or the initiation of eviction proceedings, for: 1) providing notice to the City of Hometown of violations of this article or of criminal or quasi-criminal activities taking place in dwelling unit or in a common area of a building containing a dwelling unit, or 2) for testifying in any criminal or quasi-criminal proceeding or proceeding authorized under this article.