A Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission is hereby established. The Commission shall consist of a total of seven members.
(2655 § 1, 2005; 2813 § 1, 2012)
The Parks, Recreation, and Arts Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council and Planning Commission, and shall perform the following functions and responsibilities, together with the authority incidental thereto:
Review and make recommendations as to the status of parks and recreation programs offered by the City;
Review and consider existing and potential City arts programs and funding therefor;
Review and make recommendations on capital improvement plans for park facilities;
Review and make recommendations on proposed amendments to the General Plan Parks and Recreation Element; and
Review and make recommendations as to other planning and zoning activities having relationship to parks, recreation, and arts programs.
(2655 § 2, 2005; 2813 § 1, 2012)