A pool room shall be constructed as a single room without partitions, anterooms, or closet rooms, other than water closets or lavatories, and entirely inaccessible from any other room, cellar or attic; provided, however, that the main entrance or vestibule from the public street shall have colorless, clear glass panel doors. These doors shall be at all times clean, transparent, and unobstructed so that all parts of the room will be open to view. An exception to this section for office and/or storage area may be made, subject to the approval of the Police Chief. Before any building permit is issued, the floor plans for the proposed establishment shall be submitted to the Police Chief for approval of compliance with this section, and one copy of the plans shall be provided for Police Department files.
(Prior code § 4180; 651 § 1, 1963; 674 § 4, 1963; 1914 § 1, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall engage in, carry on, or conduct a pool room business without first having obtained a permit and license from the City and complying with any and all requirements and regulations as contained and set forth in this chapter. The permit shall be displayed on the premises during business hours.
(Prior code § 4181; 651 § 1, 1963; 1914 § 1, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Application process. Each person, before obtaining a permit to carry on a pool room business, shall make a written application to, and upon blanks furnished by the Police Chief, which shall be signed by such applicant. In addition to any other information that may be reasonably required by the Police Chief, the applicant shall show the true name of the applicant; his or her fictitious name, or names, if any; his or her age; his or her present address in the City or elsewhere; his or her proposed business address in the City; the name under which the applicant conducted any similar business, if any; and the place of his or her residence at such time; together with such application. The applicant shall furnish a recent photograph of him or herself and his or her fingerprints to the Police Chief. The applicant shall further state whether he or she has been convicted of a felony, or Penal Code Sections 311 through 318, Penal Code Sections 330 through 337, or whether applicant has become a registrant under Penal Code Section 290, or Health and Safety Code Section 11590.
Denial in issuance of permit. The Police Chief shall not issue such permit to an applicant who has been convicted or pled guilty to a felony; has been convicted of Penal Code Sections 311 through 318, or Penal Code Sections 330 through 337; or has become a registrant under Penal Code Section 290, or Health and Safety Code Section 11590.
The Police Chief shall issue such permit to the applicant or deny such application within 60 days from date thereof.
(Prior code § 4182; 651 § 1, 1963; 1914 § 1, 1985; 2332 § 1 (1), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A pool room business may be revoked, suspended, or made subject to conditions in the event that the business has become a civil nuisance, as defined in the California Civil Code, or the permittee has been convicted of, or has entered a plea of guilty to, any violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other law or ordinance of the City or the state relating to such business.
The Police Chief shall institute a revocation, suspension, or conditional suspension hearing when he or she receives evidence that the business and/or owner falls within the criteria set forth herein.
The Police Chief shall give a minimum of seven calendar days notice of the hearing, in writing, setting forth the nature and purpose of the hearing. The hearing shall be an informal administrative hearing.
Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Police Chief may make a written determination to revoke, suspend, or impose conditions on the pool room permit, based upon written findings and substantial evidence that one or more conditions listed in this section exist. The decision shall be made within five days from date of the hearing.
The decision of the Police Chief shall be appealable to the City Manager by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within five business days from date of receipt of the written decision. The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall conduct an informal administrative hearing in review of the Police Chief's decision. The City Manager shall then render a written decision that shall be mailed to the owner within five business days from date of the hearing. The decision of the City Manager shall be final, subject only to judicial challenge in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Prior code § 4183; 651 § 1, 1963; 2332 § 1 (2), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)
All windows and entrances to and into said pool rooms shall be left open, clear, and unobstructed so as to allow an unimpaired line of sight by a peace officer into the interior of the business premises during business hours, unless otherwise approved by the Police Chief.
(Prior code § 4184; 651 § 1, 1963; 744A § 1(A), 1964; 744 § 1(A), 1964; 1914 § 2, 1985; 2332 § 1 (3), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No games of cards, dice, or other games of chance shall be carried on in any pool room or in any room accessible therefrom.
(Prior code § 4185; 651 § 1, 1963; 1914 § 2, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person under 18 years of age shall be permitted to enter into or remain in any pool room, except when such person is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian.
(Prior code § 4186; 651 § 1, 1963; 744A § 1(B), 1964; 744 § 1(B), 1964; 1164 § 1, 1970; 1914 § 2, 1985; 2332 § 1 (4), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)
All pool room businesses operated in the City shall be closed between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. During said four-hour period the playing of billiards, pool, bagatelle, snooker, bumper, or similar games, whether or not for profit, shall be prohibited on the premises of said business.
(Prior code § 4187; 651 § 1, 1963; 974 § 1, 1967; 1123 § 3, 1970; 1212 § 3, 1971; 1914 § 2, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
When any room where games of billiards, pool, bagatelle, snooker, bumper, or similar games are conducted for profit is maintained in a building or place wherein eight or more bowling alleys, all under the same management, are maintained, and which building or place is kept open on a 24-hour basis, the room where billiards, pool, bagatelle, snooker, bumper, or similar games are played shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 5.40.010, except that the entrance to the room or place shall be at all times open or have clean, uncolored, clear glass so as to give unobstructed view into the room.
(Prior code § 4188; 651 § 1, 1963; 1914 § 2, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Youth serving agencies that offer billiards as a form of recreation without charge and under supervision are exempt from this chapter.
(Prior code § 4189; 1164 § 2, 1970; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Operation of a pool room with a total of three or fewer pool, billiard, bagatelle, snooker, bumper, or similar game tables is a permitted incidental use in conjunction with operation of a restaurant business or business licensed for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises established pursuant to this Code, and is exempt from the provisions of Sections 5.40.010, 5.40.020, 5.40.030 and 5.40.040 of this chapter. Establishment and operation of a pool room with a total of three or fewer pool or billiard tables in conjunction with a primary business that requires a conditional use permit shall also be subject to the requirement of a conditional use permit. Such incidental use may be set forth as a condition on the face of the conditional use permit for the primary use. No additional conditional use permit fee shall be required when the incidental use is requested at the time of application for the primary business.
(1914 § 3, 1985; 2808 § 1, 2012)
"Pool room" means a business which primary purpose is to offer to the public a building structure or portion thereof in which are located one or more tables designed or used for play of the game of pool, billiards, bagatelle, snooker, bumper pool, or similar games.
The term "pool room" shall not include any residential dwelling unit that contains a table for the play of pool, billiards, and similar games, for which no pecuniary compensation is required or given for such play.
(1914 § 4, 1985; 2332 § 1(5), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Any existing pool room within the City shall comply with the requirements of this chapter, not later than 60 days from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(2332 § 1 (6), 1995; 2808 § 1, 2012)