Note: Prior history: prior code §§ 6350.1-6350.33; Ord. Nos. 849, 1048, 1375, 1786, 1856, 1878, 1946 and 2080.
For the purpose of this chapter, the words and phrases herein defined shall be construed in accordance with the following definitions:
means the City of Garden Grove.
"City authorization"
means City authorization to operate a taxicab business in the City.
means a person who drives or controls the movements of a taxicab.
"Driver's permit"
means a valid permit issued by OCTAP authorizing a person to drive or control the movements of a taxicab.
means the Orange County Taxi Administration Program administered by the Orange County Transportation Authority.
"Operate a taxicab"
means to drive a taxicab and either solicit or pick up passengers for hire in the City.
means the registered owner or lessor of a taxicab.
includes natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business, trust, corporation, or public entity.
means a vehicle operated within the jurisdiction of the City, capable of carrying not more than eight persons, excluding the driver, and used to carry passengers for hire. The term shall exclude a vehicle operating as a charter party carrier licensed as such by any state agency, including the Public Utilities Commission, or any other vehicle having a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by any state agency, including the Public Utilities Commission.
"Taxicab business permit"
means a valid permit issued by OCTAP authorizing a person to operate a taxicab business.
"Taxicab vehicle permit"
means a valid permit issued by OCTAP authorizing a particular vehicle to be operated as a taxicab.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A person shall only operate a taxicab if the owner of that taxicab is authorized by the City to operate a taxicab business in the City.
An owner shall only allow a taxicab owned by the owner to be operated if the owner is authorized by the City to operate a taxicab business in the City.
The procedures for City authorization to operate a taxicab business in the City shall be established by separate resolution or ordinance of the City Council.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A person shall only operate a taxicab if that person possesses a driver's permit and if City authorization has been obtained. An owner shall only allow a driver to operate a taxicab owned by the owner if that driver possesses a driver's permit and if City authorization has been obtained.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A person shall only operate a taxicab if that vehicle displays a taxicab vehicle permit and if City authorization has been obtained. An owner shall only allow a taxicab owned by the owner to be operated in the City if that vehicle displays a taxicab vehicle permit and if City authorization has been obtained.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A person shall only operate a taxicab business in the City if that person possesses a taxicab business permit and if City authorization has been obtained.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Application for a driver's permit, taxicab vehicle permit, or taxicab business permit shall be made to OCTAP, upon a form provided by OCTAP and shall be accompanied by an application fee sufficient to cover the administrative costs of processing such application as established by the Orange County Transportation Authority.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A driver shall test negative for controlled substances and alcohol as required by applicable state statutes.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A driver operating a taxicab in the City shall carry with him or her at all times proof of insurance covering that vehicle, with such policy limits and coverage as established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution. Such proof of insurance must clearly identify the vehicle covered.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No permit issued under this chapter shall be assigned to, or used by, any person or vehicle other than the person or vehicle named in such permit.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A taxicab operated under the authority of this chapter shall be equipped according to the standards established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A taxicab operated under the authority of this chapter shall be maintained according to the standards established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
A driver shall only carry a passenger to his or her destination by the most direct and accessible route.
A taxicab shall have all permits issued by OCTAP conspicuously displayed according to the standards established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution.
A taxicab shall have the following information continuously posted in a prominent location in the taxicab passenger's compartment according to the standards established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution:
A schedule of rates and charges for the hire of said taxicab;
The driver's name and address;
The owner's name, address, and telephone number;
The taxicab identification number;
The driver's permit issued pursuant to this chapter;
The taxicab vehicle permit issued pursuant to this chapter; and
Any other information required by the City.
A driver shall give a receipt for the amount charged upon the request of the person paying the fare.
A taxicab shall only be operated if the passenger compartment is kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
A driver shall not leave his or her taxicab to solicit passengers.
The name or trade name of the owner and the number by which the taxicab is designated shall be printed, stamped, or stenciled conspicuously on the outside of each taxicab according to the standards established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No driver shall charge rates and charges other than those established by OCTAP and adopted by separate City Council resolution.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)
The requirements of this chapter are separate and independent from the business licensing and any other provisions under the City Code.
(2408 § 1, 1997; 2808 § 1, 2012)