It is the purpose and intent of the City Council that the operation of peep show establishments as defined in this Code should be regulated for the protection of the public from the perils of fire, hazard to health, and for the preservation of the peace of the community.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
"Peep show device"
means any still or motion picture machine, projector, or other image-producing device that shows images to five or fewer persons at any one time for any consideration.
"Peep show establishment"
means any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time for any consideration.
"Viewing area"
means the area where a patron or customer would ordinarily be positioned while watching a film or peep show device.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2062 § 1, 1988; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show device unless a permit for the operation of said device has been issued by the City and remains in effect in conformity with the provisions of this Code.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Permits under this chapter may be terminated only after a hearing hereunder and are renewable semiannually at the time of payment for the business license and payment of the fees by filing the form available from the City to provide current information on ownership and management of the business.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2142 § 2, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Every person owning or operating a peep show device shall pay a fee for each such device as established by City Council resolution. Any person applying for a permit for a period of less than six months shall pay a prorated fee.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
All applications for a permit or for the renewal of a permit shall be accompanied by an investigation fee as established by City Council resolution. In the event the permit is granted or renewed the sum shall be applied to the permit fee. In the event such permit is denied, the application fee shall be and become the property of the City. The application shall be accepted as complete when the fee and the information requested is completed and submitted to the City.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2142 § 3, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Every applicant shall file an application for a permit, or for the renewal of a permit, with the City upon the form to be provided. Immediately upon the receipt of an application, the application shall be delivered to the City Manager or his or her designee. The City Manager or his or her designee shall cause to be made an investigation of the application to determine whether:
The applicant has knowingly made a false or misleading statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact in the application; or
The operation of the business as proposed pursuant to the issuance or renewal of a license or permit will not be in compliance with the building, fire, electrical, zoning, plumbing, and health requirements as set forth in the code; or
The applicant is under 18 years of age; or
The applicant has had a similar type of license or permit previously revoked for good cause within one year immediately preceding the date of the filing of the application, and can show no material changes in circumstances since such revocation; or
Customers or patrons of the peep show establishment have been convicted or pleaded nolo contendere or guilty to a misdemeanor or felony crime involving sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, all offenses listed in subsection (a) of Penal Code Section 290, Penal Code Sections 311.2 through 311.7, Penal Code Sections 314 through 318, and subsections (a), (b), (c), (d) or (h) of Section 647 of the Penal Code, or any offenses involving pimping, pandering, prostitution, or lewd conduct arising out of acts on the premises or areas under control of the peep show establishment; and the applicant, having been previously advised or notified by the City of the occurrence of such criminal acts, has failed or refused to take or institute reasonable precautions or safeguards to ensure that such criminal acts do not further occur.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
If the City Manager or his or her designee finds that the applicant will be in compliance with the requirements described in Section 5.60.070, the permit shall be granted or renewed. Any application for permit or for the renewal of a permit may be denied if the City Manager or his or her designee finds that the applicant will not be in compliance with the requirements described in Section 5.60.070. The City Manager or his or her designee shall file a report of the approval or denial of the application with the Finance Director's Office within 30 days from and after the receipt of said application. If the application for permit or for the renewal of a permit is denied, the reasons for denial shall be set forth in writing and be personally delivered or sent to the applicant by means of registered mail.
In the event the permit has not been issued or denied within 30 days after the date it has been accepted as complete, the application shall be deemed approved, and a permit shall be issued subject to revocation or suspension proceedings below. In the event of a denial, the City Manager or his or her designee shall include a statement of the reasons for the decision. That decision shall be final and subject only to court review.
The applicant in the event of a denial may seek judicial relief or reapply immediately and request a hearing on the application, at which hearing the applicant may present evidence in support of the application to the City Manager or his or her designee.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2142 § 4, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
In the event that any person holding a permit shall violate or cause or permit to be violated any of the provisions of this Code, including subsections B and E of Section 5.60.070, or any provision of any other code, ordinance or law relating to or regulating said business, or shall conduct or carry on the business in a manner that manifests a disability to perform properly the duties of the business as evidenced by the commission of an act or a series of acts described in Section 5.60.070(E), the City Manager may, in addition to other penalties provided by this Code, take action to suspend or revoke the permit issued for conducting or carrying on the business. The City Manager may take immediate action with respect to a permit, if a subsequent hearing is provided, where a permit has been issued based on material misrepresentation in the application and, but for the material misrepresentation, the permit would not have been issued.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2062 § 2, 1988; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be revoked or suspended until a hearing thereon shall have been had by the City Council as provided in subsection C of this section.
Denial of an application for any permit required under the provisions of this chapter is effective immediately, subject to a hearing on appeal had before the City Council as provided in subsection C of this section. An appeal from a denial shall be filed with the City not later than five days from the date of receipt by applicant of the written denial.
Notice of hearing shall be given in writing to the permit holder or applicant not less than five days prior to the date of such hearing. Such notice shall be served upon the applicant, or upon the holder of the permit, the manager, or agent thereof as provided in this chapter. The notice shall state the grounds of the denial or complaint against the holder of the permit, and the time, date, and place where the hearing will be held. The notice shall be served on the applicant or holder of the permit by delivering the notice to the applicant or holder of the permit, the manager or agent thereof, or by leaving the notice with some adult person at the place of business or residence of the applicant or permit holder. If the applicant or permit holder cannot be found and service of the notice cannot be made thereupon in the manner provided in this section, then a copy of the notice shall be addressed to such person at such place of business or residence and deposited in the United States mail with the postage thereon fully prepaid, at least 10 days prior to the date of hearing. The time of notice may be shortened by the City Council with the written consent of the applicant or permit holder.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person who has a permit for a peep show device revoked may obtain a peep show device permit within a period of 12 months from the date of revocation.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show device unless each such device is plainly marked with a serial number and shall have attached thereto a distinguishing tag, sign, permit, or other marker issued by the City upon the granting or renewal of a permit, which shall bear a permit number identifying the peep show device as a particular device permitted pursuant to the terms of this Code. Such permit shall be affixed in a conspicuous location on each device and shall remain thereto until a new or different permit has been issued therefor. No permit shall be transferable from one person to another or from one device to another.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment unless any wall or partition that is situated so as to create a room, enclosure, or booth in which any peep show device is located is constructed in compliance with all state and City building and fire codes.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2142 § 2, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person, association, partnership, or corporation shall engage in, conduct, or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted, or carried on the operation of a peep show establishment unless each and all of the following requirements are met:
A minimum of one toilet and wash basin shall be provided for the patrons in every peep show establishment. Each wash basin shall be provided with soap or detergent and sanitary towels placed in permanently installed dispensers. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room.
In toilet rooms, a waterproof floor covering shall be provided that extends up the walls at least six inches and shall be cored at the floor-wall juncture with at least a three-eighths-inch radius. Walls of toilet rooms shall be smooth, waterproof, and kept in good repair.
All walls, ceilings, floors, booths, and all other physical facilities shall be in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Toilet rooms shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once each day the business is in operation.
All establishments shall be so equipped, maintained, and operated as to effectively control the entrance, harborage, and breeding of vermin, including flies. When flies or other vermin are present, effective control measures shall be instituted for their control or elimination.
There shall be no doors, curtains, or obstructions on the entrance to any toilet stall. No door to the room in which the toilets are located shall have a locking or bolting device that can be activated by customers and shall not be locked except when in use by employees.
All films or peep show device viewing areas must be visible from the entrance to a continuous main aisle. No obstructions in the doorway, entryway, or passageway to the viewing booths shall be maintained.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any peep show establishment that, at the time the ordinance adding this section to this Code becomes effective, has pending before the City an application for a permit; provided, however, that once said permit, if granted, has expired, the provisions of this section shall be applicable to any subsequent application for a renewal of said permit.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2142 § 1, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment in which the width of the aisles in any room where a peep show device is located is less than 42 inches.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment unless there are no fewer than two doorways of a width no less than 36 inches that provide ingress or egress from any room in which a peep show device is located; provided, however, that one doorway shall be sufficient in the event the Fire Chief should so determine. Doorway or doorways shall be unlocked during business hours.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment unless there is maintained over every doorway that provides egress from any room in which a peep show device is located an internally illuminated "exit" sign with letters at least five inches in height.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment unless each peep show device located in such establishment is situated so as to permit the person using the peep show device to have a constantly unobstructed view of the doorway or doorways that provide ingress to or egress from the establishment.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment unless a light level of no less than 10 footcandles at floor level is maintained in every portion of said establishment to which the public is admitted.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment in which the number of persons in any room or partitioned portion of a room where a peep show device is located exceeds one person per 30 square feet. The maximum occupancy load permitted in any room or partitioned portion of a room in which a peep show device is located shall be conspicuously posted by the operator, and shall remain posted at the entrance to said room.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person shall operate a peep show establishment in which the number of peep show devices exceeds the maximum occupancy load permitted in any room or partitioned portion of a room in which a peep show device is located. The maximum number of peep show devices permitted in any room or partitioned portion of a room in a peep show establishment shall be conspicuously posted by the operator, and shall remain posted at the entrance to the room.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Each business subject to a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall be open at all times during business hours to inspection by the City Manager or his or her delegate, or members of the Garden Grove Police Department, for purposes of a reasonable inspection to enforce compliance with building, fire, electrical or plumbing regulations.
In addition, there shall be prominently displayed in the lobby, foyer, or entryway of each such business, a printed sign with lettering no less than three-fourths of an inch in height, stating "The Garden Grove Police Department has the right to inspect these premises at any time during hours of operation."
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
In addition to the legal remedies provided for in this Code, the operation of any peep show establishment in violation of the terms of this Code shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be enjoined by the City.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
The County Health Officer shall periodically make inspections of peep show establishments located in the City to determine if the proprietors or operators of such establishments are complying with the provisions of this chapter. The City Council, by resolution, shall prescribe fees to be paid annually by the proprietors or operators of such establishments, such fees to be paid directly to the County Health Officer and retained by the County as reimbursement for the services related to this section.
(1812 § 1, 1983; 2808 § 1, 2012)
Every person who commits any of the following acts in a peep show establishment or the parking area thereof is guilty of a misdemeanor:
Exposes genitalia;
Solicits or engages in a lewd, lascivious, or unlawful act, including, but not limited to, masturbation, fellatio, or sodomy.
(2142 § 5, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No person in control of a peep show establishment shall aid, abet, or allow the conduct proscribed by Section 5.60.260.
(2142 § 5, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)
No peep show establishment that is adjacent to residential uses shall operate between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. except as herein provided:
Adjacency defined. As used in this section, a "peep show establishment" (hereinafter "arcade") is not "adjacent to residential" if the nearest residentially-zoned residential use is:
Four hundred eighty feet or more from the arcade; or
Separated from the arcade by an arterial highway; or
Separated from the arcade by a street, and the nearest residentially zoned residential building is 165 feet further than that street.
Late night approvals. Any arcade adjacent to residential may apply for late operating hours upon submission of a plan for management of the premises (including the parking area) during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. Such plan should contain a written layout of the interior of the premises, showing, for example, arrangement of the booth and of the parking areas.
The applications for late night approvals shall be approved or denied in the same manner as permit application, and must meet the following criteria and shall be granted as provided above in 30 days, if such criteria are met:
Adequate parking is provided for, considering the number of arcade booths and "occupant load" for customers in that bookstore;
The plan provides for adequate staff during evening hours of operation of an adequate number to supervise the business operations and to disperse the customers loitering in the parking lots. The size of the staff shall be based on such factors as the number of booths; the size of the parking area; the isolation of the parking area by walls from neighboring residential uses; and, if applicable, complaints of public nuisance caused by the arcade, and/or lack of staff sufficient to supervise it.
Measurement of distances. Distances shall be measured between the nearest points from the arcade building or its designated parking lot to the residential building or its designated parking area.
Effective dates. Arcade permits in effect March 31, 1990, shall not be restricted as to hours of operation, except upon factual showing under subdivision 6 of this subsection.
Conditions and revocation of late night approval. The approval of evening operations shall be denied, conditioned, restricted, or revoked, if:
The arcade operator fails to patrol the arcade adequately to discourage lewd conduct in the arcade and in the parking area; or
The arcade operator fails to exert reasonable control to disperse customers and to control traffic circulation of customers to reduce congestion and disturbances in the neighborhood.
Procedures for revocation of late night approval shall be the same as permit revocation under Section 5.60.090.
(2142 § 5, 1990; 2808 § 1, 2012)