"Dangerous or deadly weapon"
includes, but is not limited to: any dirk or dagger; any knife with a blade of three inches or more in length, and any snap-blade or spring-blade knife, regardless of the length of the blade; any ice pick or similar sharp stabbing tool; any straight-edge razor or any razor blade fitted to a handle; any dangerous or deadly weapon within the meaning of any law of this state restricting the use thereof; any cutting, stabbing, bludgeoning weapon, or device capable of inflicting grievous bodily harm; any firearm other than one carried pursuant to a valid permit issued by a duly authorized governmental authority; or an ordinary rifle or shotgun lawfully carried for purposes of hunting or other lawful sport.
(Prior code § 4304; 2802 § 1, 2011)
No person shall, while carrying concealed upon his or her person any dangerous or deadly weapon, loaf or loiter upon any public street, sidewalk, or alley or wander about from place to place with no lawful business thereby to perform, or hide, lurk, or loiter upon or about the premises of another.
(Prior code § 4305; 2802 § 1, 2011)
No person who has concealed upon his or her person or who has in his or her immediate physical possession any dangerous or deadly weapon shall engage in any fight or participate in any other rough or disorderly conduct upon any public place or way or upon the premises of another.
(Prior code § 4306; 2802 § 1, 2011)
No person shall, who has concealed upon his or her person any dangerous or deadly weapon, loiter about any place where intoxicating liquors are sold or any other place of public resort.
(Prior code § 4307; 2802 § 1, 2011)
No person shall have in his or her possession in any automobile any dangerous or deadly weapon, but this restriction shall not be deemed to prohibit the carrying of ordinary tools or equipment carried in good faith for uses of honest work, trade, or business, or for the purpose of legitimate sport or recreation.
(Prior code § 4308; 2802 § 1, 2011)
Every person who sells to any minor any dirk or dagger or any knife with a blade three inches or more in length, or any snap-blade or spring-blade knife, regardless of the length of the blade, unless such minor is accompanied by an adult person and unless the person selling such dagger or knife keeps a full and complete record of the name and address of the purchaser, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 4309; 2802 § 1, 2011)
No person shall fire, shoot, or discharge any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm, or any air-gun, airrifle or air-pistol, or any spring-gun, spring-rifle or spring-pistol, or any carbon dioxide or other gas operated gun, rifle or pistol without having first obtained a written permit from the Police Chief. A permit shall be issued for periods not exceeding 12 months at a time and only where the facts presented indicate no danger to life, limb, or property will be involved.
Prohibition of weapons on school grounds and penalty. Possession of any weapon or apparatus capable of emitting or shooting a projectile, including, but not limited to: paint ball guns; flare pistols; pellet guns; BB guns; pressurized air guns; spring pressure guns; CO2 guns; and sling shots and wrist rockets on or adjacent to any school ground or any school-sponsored activity is prohibited. Any person in violation of the provisions herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $150.00, or up to six months in jail, or both a fine and imprisonment.
(1269 § 1, 1972; 2235 § 1, 1992; 2802 § 1, 2011)
"Fire," "shoot," or "discharge"
as used in this chapter means with live ammunition, blank ammunition, primer caps, or any other type of cartridge that emanates as much noise as any of the three types of ammunition set forth herein.
(1269 § 2, 1972; 2802 § 1, 2011)
The preceding sections of this chapter shall not apply to starter and timing guns used at lawfully constituted sporting events, nor shall they apply to guns used in connection with construction projects where authorized by law, or any other use authorized by law.
(1269 § 3, 1972; 2802 § 1, 2011)
The Police Chief shall keep a record of all permits issued under this chapter.
(1269 § 4, 1972; 2802 § 1, 2011)