Graffiti caused by aerosol spray paint and marker pens is growing within the City of Garden Grove. The presence of graffiti upon public and private property creates visual blight upon the community that adversely affects property values and the peace, health, and welfare of the residents of the City of Garden Grove.
The City Council finds that supplemental local deterrents in addition to the provisions of state law are essential to prevent the use of aerosol containers of paint and marker pens in the proliferation of graffiti.
Accordingly, the City Council finds and determines that restrictions upon the accessibility of the sale of these items at commercial establishments is an essential element in inhibiting individuals from illegally spreading graffiti throughout the community.
(2265 § 1, 1993; 2802 § 1, 2011)
Every person who owns, conducts, operates, or manages a commercial establishment selling aerosol containers or marker pens (with tips exceeding four millimeters in width) containing anything other than a solution that can be removed with water after it dries, shall store such aerosol containers or marker pens in a secure area not accessible to touch by members of the public without employee assistance.
(2265 § 1, 1993; 2802 § 1, 2011)