The purpose of this code is to provide an orderly set of standards and regulations to ensure the appropriate use of land in the City. This code provides for the development of appropriate patterns, distribution and mixtures of land uses that generally:
Retain and enhance established residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial districts, recreational facilities, other amenities and region-serving uses;
Allow for the infill and recycling of areas at their prevailing scale and character;
Allow for the intensification of commercial and industrial uses;
Accommodate expansion of development into vacant and low-use lands within environmental and infrastructure constraints;
Maintain and enhance significant environmental resources;
Provide a diversity of areas characterized by differing land use activities, scale and intensity;
Establish an environment that provides the City's residences and businesses with a high quality of life that is both aesthetic and secure.
(2758 § 2, 2009)
This title shall be known as "The City of Garden Grove Land Use Code," hereinafter referred to as Title 9.
(2758 § 2, 2009)
Review Authorities. The development review process involves the participation of the following:
Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission is created pursuant to the provisions of Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3 of the State of California Government Code and of Section 2.24.020 of the Garden Grove Municipal Code.
The Planning Commission is governed by the regulations provided in Sections 2.24.030 through 2.24.100 of the Garden Grove Municipal Code, and performs the duties stated in those sections.
The powers of the Planning Commission are indicated in Section 9.32.030.
City Manager or Designee. The City Manager or designee shall perform the duties and functions provided in this code, in addition to the day to day and long range management of the City's land use staff. Wherever any provision of the title vests authority or responsibility in the Department Director, the Department Director shall be deemed the City Manager's designee.
Zoning Administrator.
The Zoning Administrator and Deputy Zoning Administrator shall be appointed by the City Manager in accordance with Sections 2.08.090 and 2.08.100 of the municipal code.
The Zoning Administrator shall perform those functions established by state law and city ordinance, and shall conduct meetings in accordance with Section 2.24.080 of the municipal code.
Planning Coordinating Committee.
The Planning Coordinating Committee shall be composed of representatives from departments who have responsibility for analyzing and commenting on the technical merits of a development project. The City Manager or designee shall determine the membership of the Technical Review Board.
The Planning Coordinating Committee shall be responsible for reviewing proposed development projects for their technical merits and compliance with zoning, building, fire and other applicable state and local codes.
The Planning Coordinating Committee shall review all project-related issues and coordinate the recommendations and conditions of approval from the City departments.
City Council.
The powers of the City Council are indicated in Section 9.32.030.
The City Council shall be the final appeal body regarding any land use action.
(2758 § 2, 2009; 2939 § 3, 2022)
Title 9 is the primary tool for implementing the goals, objectives and policies of the Garden Grove General Plan, pursuant to the mandated provisions of the State Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Section 65000 et seq.), State Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66410 et seq.), California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), and other applicable state and local requirements. All development within the City's incorporated area shall be consistent with the Garden Grove General Plan.
(2758 § 2, 2009)
Specific zones of properties within the City shall be established by the City Zone Map and changed by amendment to that map.
The following zones are hereby established and shall be known as follows:
R-1 (Single-Family Residential Zone).
R-2 (Limited Multiple Residential Zone).
R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential Zone).
O-P (Office-Professional Zone).
C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial Zone).
C-2 (Community Commercial Zone).
C-3 (Heavy Commercial Zone).
M-1 (Limited Industrial Zone).
M-P (Industrial Park Zone).
Open Space Zone.
O-S (Open Space Zone).
Specific Plans.
CCSP (Community Center Specific Plan).
HCSP (Harbor Corridor Specific Plan).
BCSP (Brookhurst/Chapman Specific Plan).
(2758 § 2, 2009)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote consistency and precision in the application and interpretation of this chapter. The meaning of words and phrases defined in this section shall apply throughout this chapter, except where the context or usage of such words and phrases clearly indicates a different meaning intended in that specific case.
General Interpretation. The following general interpretations shall apply throughout this section:
The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" is permissive and discretionary.
In case of any conflict or difference in meaning between the text of any definitions and any illustration or sketch, the text shall control.
Any references in the masculine or feminine genders are interchangeable.
Words in the present and future tenses are interchangeable and words in the singular and plural tenses are interchangeable, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
In case a definition is not listed in this section, the most current Webster Collegiate Dictionary shall be referred to for interpretation.
In the event of a conflict between the definitions section and the remainder of Title 9, the Title 9 provision shall prevail.
Definitions. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the words and phrases used in the chapter shall have the following meanings:
"Accessory buildings and structures"
means a building, part of a building, or structure that is incidental or subordinate to the main building or use on the same lot, which accessory use does not alter the principal use of such lot or building. If an accessory building is attached to the main building, either by a common wall or if the roof of the accessory building is a continuation of the roof of the main building, the accessory building will be considered a part of the main building. Accessory buildings and structures may not be occupied for residential dwelling purposes.
"Accessory dwelling unit" (also "ADU")
shall have the same meaning as set forth in California Government Code Section 65852.2, as amended from time to time. Generally, an accessory dwelling unit is an attached or detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residential dwelling structure. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the primary residential dwelling structure is or will be situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes an "efficiency unit" as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 and a "manufactured home" as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 18007. An accessory dwelling unit may be created through: (i) construction of a new detached structure; (ii) construction of a new attached structure or addition; or (iii) conversion of existing permitted interior space within an existing dwelling, attached or detached garage, or accessory structure.
"Accessory living quarters"
means living quarters within an accessory building that is ancillary and subordinate to a principal dwelling unit, located on the same lot, for the sole use of persons employed on the premises or for temporary use by guests of the occupants. Such quarters are expressly prohibited from containing kitchen facilities or any other area used for the daily preparation of food.
"Administration/business (office)"
means a facility for the use of professional persons such as lawyers, accountants, etc., or general business offices such as insurance companies, trade associations, investment concerns, banks and trust companies, real estate companies, etc., but not including any kind of retail or wholesale store or warehouse.
"Adult entertainment businesses."
Adult entertainment businesses shall be defined as follows:
"Adult bookstore"
means an establishment having, as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines or other periodicals, prerecorded motion picture film or videotape, whether contained on an open reel or in cassette form, and other materials that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale, display, or viewing of such materials.
"Adult motion picture theater"
means an enclosed building with a capacity of 50 or more persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons therein.
"Adult mini motion picture theater"
means an enclosed building with a capacity of less than 50 persons used for presenting materials distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons therein.
"Adult hotel or motel"
means a hotel or motel where material is presented that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
"Adult motion picture arcade"
means any establishment required to obtain a permit under Chapter 5.60 of this code, or any other place to which the public is permitted or invited, wherein coin, token, or slug-operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
means a nightclub, theater or other establishment that features live performances by topless and bottomless dancers, "go-go" dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, or similar entertainers, where such performances are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
"Escort bureau and introductory services"
means any establishment required to obtain a permit pursuant to Chapter 5.55 of this code.
"Model studio"
means any business where, for any form of consideration or gratuity, figure models who display specified anatomical areas are provided to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by persons paying such consideration or gratuity.
"Sexual encounter center"
means any business, agency or person who, for any form of consideration or gratuity, provides a place where three or more persons, not all members of the same family, may congregate, assemble or associate for the purpose of engaging in specified sexual activities or exposing specified anatomical areas.
Any other business or establishment that offers its patrons services, products, or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas can also be defined as an adult entertainment business.
For purposes of the above definitions, "emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas" is found to be in existence when one or more of the following conditions exist:
The area devoted to merchandise depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas exceeds more than 15% of the total display or floor space area open to the public, or is not screened and controlled by employees;
One of the primary purposes of the business or establishment is to operate as an adult entertainment establishment, as evidenced by the name, signage, advertising or other public promotion utilized by said establishment;
One of the primary purposes of the business or establishment is to operate as an adult entertainment establishment, as demonstrated by its services, products or entertainment constituting a regular and substantial portion of total business operations and/or a regular and substantial portion of total revenues received; where such services, products or entertainment are characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. For purposes of this section, "regular and substantial portion" is defined to mean greater than 15% of total operations or revenues received.
Certain types of "adult merchandise" are displayed or merchandised. For purposes of this section, "adult merchandise" means adult, sexually-oriented implements and paraphernalia, such as, but not limited to: dildos, auto sucks, sexually oriented vibrators, edible underwear, benwa balls, inflatable orifices, anatomical balloons with orifices, simulated and battery operated vaginas, and similar sexually-oriented devices.
"Agricultural crops"
means the use of property for the growth and harvest of agricultural crops, including the display or sale of seasonal agricultural products grown on the parcel or an adjacent parcel in a roadside stand.
means pads and facilities enabling the takeoffs and landings by airplanes and helicopters used for private, commercial, or medical purposes.
means a public or private thoroughfare or way that may afford access to abutting properties.
"Ambulance service"
means an activity, business, or service for hire, profit, or otherwise, of transporting one or more persons by ambulance.
"Anti-drain valve" or "check valve"
means a valve located under a sprinkler head to hold water in the system so it minimizes drainage from the lower elevation sprinkler heads.
"Antique shops"
means a shop where used merchandise, 50 years or older, is sold at retail, but where at least 90%, measured according to value of the used merchandise on hand at any time, consists of objects of art; bric-a-brac; curios; household furniture or furnishings; clothing; phonograph records, discs or tapes; books/magazines; or other nontraceable merchandise; offered for sale upon the premises express or implied that the value of the property whole or in substantial part is derived from its age or from its historical associations.
means a room, or a suite of two or more rooms, in a multiple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit for one family, but not including motels or hotels.
"Apparel: clothing, shoes and accessories"
means a facility for retail sales of new clothing and apparel. Typical uses include clothing stores, shoe stores, and jewelry stores.
means a request for a review of the Floodplain Administrator's interpretation of any provision of the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone or a request for a variance.
means any place of business containing 10 or more amusement devices, including, but not limited to, pinball, air hockey and video games, for use by the public at a fee.
"Area of shallow flooding"
means an area designated AO or AH on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), where the base flood depths range from one to three feet; a clearly defined channel does not exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; and velocity flow may be evident.
"Art gallery/retail business with tattoo art studio"
means a tenant space that has an art gallery/retail store in the front portion of the building/space including the storefront and any displays within the storefront and a tattoo art studio that is limited to a maximum of 30% of the gross floor area. The art gallery/retail store shall have at least 20% more floor area than the tattoo art studio and shall provide art for sale in a variety of mediums and styles, the displays and content of which shall be periodically changed, and at no time shall the art be sample designs for tattoos.
"Art, music and dance studio"
means a work and/or studio space for artists, musicians, or dancers, including individuals practicing one of the fine arts or performing arts, skilled in an applied art or craft, such as martial arts.
"Arts and crafts studio"
means a facility where an individual or company produces handcrafted or decorative non-food goods for sale. This use is intended to be a studio that provides a service versus large-scale manufacturing.
"Athletic and health clubs, spas or gyms"
means an establishment that is open to the public and provides recreational activities for health and fitness.
"Athletic and health clubs, spas or gyms with massage"
means an establishment which is open to the public and provides recreational activities for health and fitness, which also provides massage services.
means a facility or area for the sale of property or items of merchandise sold to the highest bidder.
"Auto lease/rental"
means an establishment for the rental or long-term lease of new or used automobiles, including temporary/short term storage of vehicles related to the business and possible incidental maintenance of the vehicles on the site under the ownership of the establishment, but excluding maintenance requiring pneumatic lifts.
"Auto parts, accessories installations"
means an establishment for the retail sale of new or reconditioned parts and the installation of auto accessories, including, but not limited to, radio and window tinting, motorcycles, trucks, and similar vehicles.
"Auto parts, accessories no installations"
means an establishment for the retail sale of new or reconditioned parts of auto accessories, including, but not limited to, radio and window tinting, motorcycles, trucks, and similar vehicles.
"Auto repair (including paint or body work)"
means an establishment consisting of services such as bodywork, conversion, installation of parts, modification, painting, repair, upholstery, engine overhaul, and transmission repair for automobiles. Operations not permitted include recapping or retreading of tires. The repair of buses or trucks is considered "bus/truck repair."
"Automatic car wash"
means a permanent facility, within an enclosed building, where power-driven equipment or steam-cleaning equipment are used for the washing of vehicles as a retail service. For facilities that allow customers to wash their own vehicles, please see "Self-service or coin-operated car wash."
"Automatic controller"
means a mechanical or solid-state timer, capable of operating valve stations to set the days and length of time of a water application.
"Automobile fleet storage"
means paved areas, enclosed or open, for the storage or maintaining of automobiles for a period of time in excess of 72 hours.
means a public or private business open to the general public and licensed by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control with an "on-sale premises" type license, providing preparation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, including taverns, bars and similar uses.
"Barber/beauty shop"
means any establishment where cosmetology services are provided including hair care, nail care, and skin care on a regular basis for compensation in compliance with state laws.
"Base flood"
means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (also called the 100-year flood).
means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
"Bed and breakfast"
means a residential structure that has been reconfigured to create multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, which can be rented for overnight lodging, and where meals may be provided to those persons using the overnight lodging.
"Bicycle repair"
means a retail outlet that specializes in the maintenance of bicycles and bicycle parts, such as brake repair, tire repair, etc. Maintenance of bicycles excludes the manufacturing of parts.
"Bicycle sales/rental"
means a retail outlet that specializes in the sale, rental, and/or maintenance of bicycles and bicycle parts, such as brake repair, tire repair, etc. Maintenance of bicycles excludes the machining, welding, and manufacturing of parts.
"Billiard parlor" or "pool hall"
means a building, structure or portion thereof in which are located three or more tables designed or used for play of pool, billiards, bagatelle, snooker, bumper pool or similar games, or any establishment required to obtain a permit under Chapter 5.40 of this Code.
"Blueprint/photo engraving, newspaper printing"
means businesses which print books, magazines, newspapers, or other periodicals for others. It also includes printers of maps, posters, makers of business forms, loose leaf binders, and service industries for the printing trade, such as engraving, typesetting, photoengraving and stereotyping, lithographic plate making, and related services.
"Boarding/lodging facility"
means a residence or dwelling in which three or more rooms, with or without individual or group cooking facilities, are rented to individuals under separate rental agreements or leases, either written or oral, whether or not an owner, agent or rental manager is in residence or a residence or a dwelling rented to individuals that does not otherwise constitute a single housekeeping unit. In conjunction with other factors, the presence of multiple locked bedroom doors and/or multiple doors from bedrooms to the exterior of the residence or dwelling may constitute evidence that a residence or a dwelling is a boarding house.
"Boat repair"
means a facility where the repair of boats, including the sale, installation, and servicing of related equipment and parts, takes place.
"Boat sales"
means an establishment used for the sale, long-term lease, or rental of boats, including outdoor storage and display of such vehicles for sale, lease, or rent. The repair of boats is considered "Boat Repair."
"Books, magazines, newsstands (in building)"
means a retail business that sells newspapers, magazines, books, stationery, snacks and often items of local interest, such as postcards, that is located within another building, such as in the lobby of an office building.
"Bottling plant"
means any facility for the production, processing and bottling of any beverages, which includes using plastic and/or glass.
"Bowling alley"
means a recreational area or facility contained within a building and so constructed as to permit the public to engage in the sport of bowling. Bowling alleys can include accessory uses, such as a restaurant, food stand, etc.
"Brew pub"
means an establishment that brews and sells beer on the premises. Food may also be prepared and served on the premises.
means any structure that is completely roofed and enclosed on all sides, excluding all forms of vehicles even though immobilized.
"Building front"
means that side of any building designed or utilized as the primary customer or pedestrian entrance to the building. Each building may have more than one side of the building designated as a front under this definition.
"Building height"
means the vertical distance measured from the average level of the building see to the uppermost roof point of the structure, excluding chimneys, antennas, architectural appurtenances and similar features.
Building, main.
"Main building" means the principal building on a lot or site used to accommodate the primary use to which the premises are devoted. Each primary building in the case of multiple family complex shall be construed as comprising a main building. Buildings attached by garages, carports, patios, breezeways, colonnades, porticos and other architectural devices shall be considered as separate main buildings and not comprising one main building.
"Building supply, plumbing shop"
means a retail establishment that sells building supplies and materials, plumbing supplies and materials, and appliances. Such building supply and/or plumbing shops are typically 25,000 square feet or more in size.
"Bus/truck repair"
means a facility where the repair of buses and/or trucks, including the sale, installation, and servicing of related equipment and parts, takes place. This definition also includes auto repair, body and fender, transmission, and wheel and brake shops, but excludes vehicle dismantling or salvage and tire retreading or recapping.
"Business or commerce"
means any of the following: the purchase, sale, or any other transaction involving the handling, disposition or providing of any article, service, substance, or commodity for livelihood or profit; the management of office buildings, offices, recreational or amusement enterprises; and the maintenance or use of offices, structures and premises by professions, trades, or occupations rendering services. "Business or commerce" also includes professions, trades, and occupations and all and every kind of calling, whether or not for profit.
"Candy, confectionery"
means a business that is limited to selling food such as sweet edibles, potato chips, and pre-packaged foods.
means a permanent roofed accessory structure, that is typically enclosed on three sides, used for automobile storage.
means a land used or intended to be used for the burial of human and/or pet remains and dedicated for cemetery purposes. Cemeteries may include business and administrative offices, chapels, flower shops, mausoleums and columbaria as incidental uses, and necessary maintenance facilities. No crematorium or funeral home/mortuary services or activities are permitted on-site.
"Child day care center"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1596.76, any child day care facility licensed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.80 et seq. other than a family day care home, and includes infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers, which provide care, protection and supervision to children, for periods of less than 24 hours per day.
means the City of Garden Grove.
"Cleaning/dyeing plant"
means a plant wherein clothing, fabrics, and material (cloth and fabric) are cleaned and dyed and where volatile/hazardous materials are used in the process.
means an association of persons for some common nonprofit purpose, but not including groups organized primarily to render a service that is customarily carried on as a business.
means a sepulchral vault or other structure(s) with recesses in the interior walls to receive the ashes of the dead.
"Commercial laundry"
means a service establishment primarily engaged in high volume laundry and garment services, including: power laundries (family and commercial); garment pressing and dry cleaning; linen supply; diaper service; industrial laundries; and carpet and upholstery cleaners. "Commercial laundry" does not include coin-operated laundries, incidental commercial laundry, or dry cleaning pick-up stores without dry cleaning equipment.
"Commercial radio/TV tower"
means any structure or facility designed for transmitting signals to a receiving station or for receiving television, radio, data or other signals from satellites or other sources, or both.
"Commercial vehicle"
means a vehicle of a type required to be registered commercial under the State of California Vehicle Code, and rated over one ton or having a wheel rim diameter of 17 inches or greater.
means the Planning Commission of the City of Garden Grove.
"Communal dining with entertainment and/or alcohol"
means a communal dining area or areas serving more than one business, either within a wholly enclosed building or within a confined outdoor space, in which "entertainment" and/or other similar incidental events or activities secondary to the primary activity of dining are provided or conducted and/or alcohol is served and/or consumed. A "confined outdoor space" is a controlled area or group of areas with monitored entrances and exits that is enclosed by a perimeter barrier.
"Community apartments"
means a multifamily residential development in which an undivided interest in the land is coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of any apartment thereon.
"Community care facility"
means any facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day care or homefinding agency services for children, adults or children and adults, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired or incompetent persons, and includes the following: residential facility, residential care facility for elderly, day care center, homefinding agency and foster family home.
"Community care residential facility"
means any family home or group care facility licensed by the State under Health and Safety Code Section 1500 et seq., for the 24-hour nonmedical care of persons who require personal services, supervision or assistance essential for sustaining daily living activities.
means an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel of real property together with a separate interest in space in a building on such real property.
"Congregate care facility"
see "Residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE)."
"Contractor storage yard"
means a paved area for the keeping or maintaining of goods and material relating to construction activities, including, but not limited to, administrative offices, automobiles, construction equipment, building materials, or parts and pieces thereof, at the same location for a period of time in excess of 72 hours.
"Convalescent center"
see "Skilled nursing facility."
"Convalescent home"
see "Skilled nursing facility."
"Convenience grocery"
means a retail neighborhood food market providing goods and other services.
"Conversion factor (0.62)"
means a number that converts the maximum applied water allowance from acreinches per acre per year to gallons per square foot per year. The conversion factor is calculated as follows:
(325,829 gallons/43,560 square feet) / 12 inches = (0.62).
325,829 gallons = one acre foot.
3,560 square feet = one acre.
12 inches = one foot.
To convert gallons per year to one-hundred-cubic-feet per year, another common billing unit for water, divide gallons per year by 748 (748 gallons = 100 cubic feet).
"Cottage food operation"
shall have the same meaning as provided for in California Health and Safety Code Section 113758, as it may be amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, a cottage food operation is an enterprise within the registered or permitted area of a dwelling unit where the cottage food operator resides and where cottage food products are prepared or packaged for direct and/or indirect sale to consumers.
"Cottage food operation permit"
means an administrative permit issued to a cottage food operator by the Zoning Administrator authorizing operation of a cottage food operation.
"Cottage food operation registered or permitted area"
means that portion of a dwelling unit (1) that contains the dwelling unit's kitchen used for the preparation, packaging, storage, or handling of cottage food products and related ingredients or equipment, or both, and attached rooms within the dwelling unit that are used exclusively for storage, and (2) that is expressly identified in the registration or permit issued to the cottage food operator by the County of Orange Health Care Agency.
"Cottage food operator"
shall have the same meaning as provided for in California Health and Safety Code Section 113758, as it may be amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, a cottage food operator is an individual who operates a cottage food operation in his or her dwelling unit and is the owner of the cottage food operation.
"Cottage food products"
shall have the same meaning as provided for in California Health and Safety Code Section 113758, as it may be amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, cottage food products are non-potentially hazardous foods, which are foods unlikely to grow harmful bacteria or other toxic microorganisms at room temperature, that are prepared for public consumption in the kitchen of a cottage food operation.
means the City Council of the City of Garden Grove.
"County Recorder"
refers to the County Recorder of Orange County.
means facilities where human or animal remains are reduced to ashes in a furnace and may include incidental uses such as a funeral home/mortuary.
"Crematorium with incidental funeral home/mortuary"
means establishments primarily engaged in the provision of services involving the viewing, care, preparation or management of human dead prior to burial or cremation. The funeral home/mortuary is incidental to an on-site crematory facility and may include related and incidental business activities, which include a florist, gift shop, and casket sales. See "Crematorium" definition.
see "Crematorium."
means an establishment that provides four or more computers and/or other electronic devices, for access to that system commonly referred to as the "Internet," E-mail, playing video games over the Internet, and/or other computer software programs, to the public for compensation and for public access. Cybercafé is also synonymous with "PC café," "Internet café," and "cyber centers."
"Day care facility, adult"
shall mean a facility of any capacity that provides nonmedical or limited-medical care to persons 18 years of age or older in need of personal care services, supervision, or assistance on less than a 24-hour basis, subject to the provisions of the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 1570 et seq., and that is not subject to the state-licensed day care facilities.
means a shop that sells typical deli style cooked or prepared foods ready for serving.
means the total number of dwelling units permitted on a net acre of land exclusive of all existing public or private streets and rights-of-way. Numerical fractions of density shall be rounded down to the next lower number.
"Department Director"
means the City's Director of Economic and Community Development or other individual designated by the City Manager to supervise the City's Community Development department, or his or her designee.
"Department stores"
means facilities which sell merchandise not specifically listed under another use classification. This classification can include, but is not limited to, retail sales of toys, clothing, handcrafted items, jewelry, cameras, photographic supplies, medical supplies and equipment, electronic equipment, records, surfing boards and equipment, kitchen utensils, hardware, appliances, art supplies and services, paint and wallpaper, carpeting and floor covering, office supplies, bicycles, and new automotive parts and accessories (excluding service and installation). Home improvement and automotive items shall be sold in limited quantities.
means any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations.
"Draying, freight or trucking yard"
means a facility used for the storage of dray, freight, or trucking equipment. This area shall be used for storage only and not display sales of any kind.
"Drug store"
means a business that includes both a professional pharmacy and associated retail sales.
"Dry cleaning facility"
means an establishment that specializes in the process of cleaning clothes and other fabrics without using water, instead using solvents and specialized equipment, on-site, and provides services exclusively to consumers. This definition does not include large-scale bulk cleaning plants that provide business-to-business dry cleaning services and does not include Dry Cleaning Retail Only establishments.
"Dry cleaning—Retail only"
means an establishment to dry clean and/or wash and dry clothes brought in and carried away by the customer.
"Duplex or triplex"
means residential dwelling units, designed to be attached or detached, that are developed on multifamily zoned properties, and where each unit is occupied by one single family. The number of units allowed on the property is regulated by the zone and by the lot size.
"Dwelling unit"
means one or more habitable rooms, having one and only one kitchen, and arranged for or occupied by one or more persons living as a household unit with common access to all living, eating and food preparation areas.
"Eating establishment/restaurant"
is a comprehensive term meaning an establishment providing food services to the general public. Some types of establishments included in this category are: cafés; cafeterias; coffee houses; coffee shops, dinner houses, drive-in or drive-thru restaurants; fast food service establishments; fountain lunches and sandwich shops. "Food to go" is a normal accessory use to an eating establishment.
"Eating establishment/restaurant with entertainment"
means a restaurant that serves alcoholic beverages and provides entertainment as an incidental activity to the primary activity of food service. At least 50% of the area provided for the service of customers shall be arranged and equipped with tables and chairs and/or table-height counters for dining use.
"Eating establishment/restaurant with limited entertainment"
means a restaurant that contains a customer dining area as well as sufficient space and equipment for a full restaurant kitchen and that provides entertainment in the form of no more than two performers as an incidental activity to the primary activity of food service. Take-out establishments or establishments that only serve items such as sandwiches, salads, snacks or microwave items are not included in this definition.
"Educational institution"
means a public, private, parochial or other non-profit institution conducting regular academic instruction at the elementary, secondary, collegiate, university or graduate level qualified by the State Department of Education. "Educational institution" does not include schools or institutes that operate for a profit, nor does it include commercial, trade or vocational schools.
"Emergency shelter (homeless)"
means a facility that provides immediate and short term housing, limited to occupancy of six months or less, to homeless persons or families on a first-come, first serve basis where the individual(s) must vacate the facility each morning and have no guaranteed bed for the next night. The facility may offer minimal supplemental supportive services that may include counseling, food, and access to social programs. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter because of an inability to pay (consistent with Section 50801(e) of the California Health and Safety Code).
means drip irrigation fittings that deliver water slowly from the system to the soil.
means every form of entertainment, including, but not limited to: music, bands, orchestra, act, play, show, review, pantomime, scene, song, dance exhibition, performance, amusement, joke or storytelling, poetry reading by either patrons or employees of a business establishment or use allowed under a conditional use permit, or the playing of prerecorded music by a disc jockey, or other interaction conducted for the purpose of holding the attention of, gaining the attention or interest of, diverting or amusing patrons.
"Equipment rental"
means a facility where the rental of construction equipment, agriculture implements, manufactured homes, and similar light and heavy equipment, including incidental storage, maintenance and servicing (specifically excluding dismantling or salvaging of vehicles).
"Equipment rental, large"
means the rental of automobiles, construction equipment, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, trucks, and similar vehicles and equipment, including the on-site storage and incidental maintenance. This definition does not include any equipment a pneumatic lift.
"Equipment rental, small"
means rental of landscape maintenance equipment, carpet cleaning equipment, small appliances, and similar tools and appliances generally used for the ordinary maintenance and cleaning of a residence or small commercial business.
"Estimated applied water use"
means the portion of the estimated total water use that is derived from applied water. The estimated applied water use shall not exceed the maximum applied water allowance. The estimated applied water use may be the sum of the water recommended through the irrigation schedule, as referenced in Section 702 (c) (3) of the state's "Model Water-Efficient Landscape Ordinance."
"Existing manufactured home park or subdivision"
means, for floodplain management purposes, a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed before the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by the City of Garden Grove.
"Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision"
means, for floodplain management purposes, the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads).
"Extended-stay business hotels"
means a group of attached or detached buildings in which there are 100 or more guest rooms consisting of individual sleeping units, with or without kitchen facilities, that are intended to provide extended-stay transient lodging to travelers, for compensation, with or without meals. Occupancy for more than 30 consecutive days may be permitted in a maximum of 10% of the rooms rented each month. Any guest staying more than 30 consecutive days must re-register every 30 days. No consecutive occupancy shall exceed 120 days, nor shall any nonconsecutive occupancy exceed 120 days in 145 consecutive days. An extended-stay business hotel shall not include jails, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanages, prisons, detention homes and similar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint or for care or treatment.
"Family day care home"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78(a), a home licensed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.80 et seq. that regularly provides care, protection, and supervision for 14 or fewer children, in the provider's own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians are away, and is either a large family day care home or a small family day care home. "Large family day care home" means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78(b), a home that provides family day care for 7 to 14 children, inclusive, including children under the age of 10 years who reside at the home. "Small family day care home" means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78(c), a home that provides family day care for eight or fewer children, including children under the age of 10 years who reside at the home.
"Flood or flooding"
means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:
The overflow of flood water,
The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, and/or
The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accomplished by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event that results in flooding as defined in this definition.
"Flood boundary and floodway map"
means the official map on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of flood hazard and the floodway.
"Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)"
means the official map on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community.
"Flood insurance study"
means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance Administration that includes flood profiles, the FIRM, the flood boundary and floodway map, and the water surface elevation of the base flood.
"Floodplain or flood-prone area"
means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition of "flooding").
"Floodplain management"
means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including, but not limited to, emergency preparedness plans, flood control works and floodplain management regulations.
"Floodplain management regulations"
means zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances (such as a floodplain ordinance, grading ordinance and erosion control ordinance) and other applications of police power. The term describes such state or local regulations, in any combination thereof, that provide standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.
means any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures that reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents.
means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. Also may be referred to as "regulatory floodway."
Floor area, gross.
"Gross floor area" means the sum of the horizontal area of all floors of a building or group of buildings, excluding unenclosed corridors and stairways, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center of party walls separating buildings.
Floor area, net.
"Net floor area" means the interior floor area of a room or building, excluding fixed walls, stairways, elevator shafts, and permanently unoccupiable spaces.
"Floor area ratio"
means the ratio between the area of gross building floor space and the area of the building site it occupies.
means a retail business that specializes in flower care and handling, floral design or flower arranging, merchandising and display, and flower delivery. This use excludes bulk sale of flowers (i.e. wholesale).
"Food, carry-out"
means an establishment that offers a limited variety of food or beverages. Transactions are sales for off-site consumption. Customers are served either at a counter or service window. Incidental seating (less than 250 square feet of seating area) may be provided for limited on-site consumption of food or beverages. Typical uses include bakeries, ice cream and frozen dessert stores, delivery-only pizza establishments, small delicatessens, and similar establishments. Does not include coffeehouses.
"Food catering"
means a facility where food and beverage is prepared for delivery for off-site consumption without provision of on-site pickup or consumption typical of an eating establishment.
"Food hall"
means a facility consisting primarily of three or more lease areas within an enclosed building that have a shared entrance/lobby area where the primary uses are food related, but may include small retail venues, shared eating areas, and limited live entertainment. Lease areas may have access to the exterior of the building along with outside eating areas, both private and shared with other uses.
"Food products, dairy products, and bakery products"
means a facility that makes or processes confectionery products, chocolate, cereal breakfast, beverages, foods, bakery products, dairy products and byproducts, pasta products, fruits and vegetables, beverages, prepared food specialties (such as coffee, dehydrated and instant food, extracts, spices and dressings) and similar products.
"Food truck"
see "Vehicular vending."
means the telling of fortunes, forecasting of futures, or furnishing of any information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary process of knowledge, for or without pay.
"Foster home"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1502(a)(5), any residential facility providing 24-hour care for six or fewer foster children that is owned, leased, or rented and is the residence of the foster parent or parents, including their family, in whose care the foster children have been placed. The placement may be by a public or private child placement agency or by a court order, or by voluntary placement by a parent, parents, or guardian. It also means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Sections 1502(a)(5) and 1505.2, a foster family home authorized by a licensing agency to provide 24-hour care for up to eight foster children, for the purpose of placing siblings or half siblings together in foster care or authorized by a licensing agency to provide 24-hour care for more than eight children if the foster family home specializes in the care of sibling groups and that placement is solely for the purpose of placing together one sibling group that exceeds eight children.
"Frozen food locker"
means a facility that is used for the storage and distribution of frozen foods or a facility in which space in the individual lockers is rented, leased, or loaned to individuals, firms, or corporations, or used by the operator for the storage of food for their own use and which is artificially cooled for the purpose of preserving the food.
"Functionally dependent use"
means a use that cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water. The term includes only docking facilities, port facilities that are necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship building and ship repair facilities, but does not include long-term storage or related manufacturing facilities.
"Funeral home/mortuary with no crematorium"
means an establishment primarily engaged in the provision of services involving the viewing, care, preparation or management of human dead prior to burial or cremation. The funeral home/mortuary may include related and incidental business activities, which include a florist, gift shop, and casket sales. No crematorium services or activities are permitted on-site.
"Furniture, carpets, household appliances"
means a facility consisting primarily of the display and retail sale of interior furnishings for home and office. Typical uses would include, but not be limited to, large appliances, floor coverings, wall coverings, window coverings, bedding and linens, kitchen and bath fixtures and lamps and lighting fixtures.
means an enclosed, nonhabitable structure for temporary use of vehicles, which may be either attached or unattached to the main dwelling unit, and located at grade or below. In cases of multiplefamily residential zones, where garages are below grade (R-2 and R-3), subgrade garages are to be considered the first story of the structure.
Garage, private.
"Private garage" means an accessory building or accessory portion of the main building, enclosed on all sides and designed or used for the shelter or storage of vehicles owned or operated only by the occupants of the main building.
Garage, public.
"Public garage" means a building other than a private garage used for the care, repair or equipment of automobiles, or where such vehicles are kept for payment, hire or sale.
"Garage sale"
means a sale at the residence, of items that have been used at one time at the residence.
"General auto repair"
means facilities that provide general auto repair, including mechanical repairs, oil changes, tune-ups, smog check, and installation of tires, batteries and accessories, mufflers, generators and alternator replacement, water pump replacement, but excludes paint and body work.
"Gifts and souvenirs"
means a retail business that primarily sells gifts, novelty items, and souvenirs. Souvenirs may include, but are not limited to, clothing such as T-shirts or hats, and household items such as mugs and bowls, ashtrays, egg timers, spoons and notepads, which may be marked to indicate their origin of purchase.
"Glass studio"
means any business establishment which produces glass articles for sale on the premises of artistic quality or effect, or handmade workmanship.
"Golf course (regulation)"
means an establishment consisting of golf courses and/or related uses, such as driving ranges, and may include refreshment services, locker rooms, limited sales of golf supplies and accessories, social areas, and eating and drinking facilities for members, users, and guests.
"Golf driving ranges"
means a facility or area that is made available to the public for the practice of golf driving techniques.
"Grade level"
means the average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building, where walls are parallel to and within five feet of a sidewalk, alley, or public way.
"Graphic art/photocopying"
means a retail outlet that specializes in photocopies, offset print, or screen print documents, announcements, business cards for business clients or the general public. This also may include blueprinting, computer plotting, and similar business services. These shops may engage in typesetting, photo engraving, plate making, and other printing functions incidental to their primary activity. However, if they are primarily engaged in these functions as a service to other printing businesses, they are classified under "printing, industrial". Businesses that print books, magazines, newspapers, or other periodicals for others are classified under "Blueprint/photo engraving, newspaper printing".
means a structure that provides for the propagation and culture of plants for recreational purposes only and not for retail sales.
"Halfway house"
means a facility that offers temporary housing to two or more probationers or parolees after their release from an institution, such as a prison, a hospital or a rehabilitation facility, to facilitate reintegration into society, and may provide supportive or monitoring services.
"Handicraft/industrial art"
means establishments engaged in on-site production of goods such as crafts, art, sculpture, stained glass, jewelry, apparel, and similar items using only hand tools and small-scale equipment (i.e., drills and saws, hammers and chisels; paint brushes and sprayers; pottery wheels and kilns; sewing machines; spinning wheels, etc.) and the incidental direct sale to consumers of only those goods produced on-site.
"Hardware, paint"
means a neighborhood retail establishment that sells general hardware supplies, appliances, building materials, landscape materials, and furniture for home maintenance and improvement. Such hardware stores are typically 25,000 square feet or less in size.
"Hearing body"
means the City Council, Planning Commission, or Zoning Administrator, as charged by statute or ordinance to receive testimony and to pass upon matters pertaining to land use, planning and zoning.
"Highest adjacent grade"
means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface, prior to construction, next to the proposed walls of a structure.
"Historic structure"
means, for floodplain management purposes, any structure that is: (1) listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the Department of Interior) or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requirements for individual listing on the National Register; (2) certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; (3) individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation programs which have been approved by the Secretary of Interior; or (4) individually listed on a local inventory of historic places in communities with historic preservation programs that have been certified either by an approved state program as determined by the Secretary of the Interior or directly by the Secretary of the Interior in states without approved programs.
"Hobby shop"
means a retail store dedicated to the selling of things that people usually employ for their personal satisfaction, which includes, but is not limited to, model airplanes, train models, ship models, house and building models, dolls, coins, stamps, crafting supplies, and specialty magazines.
"Home improvement center"
means a retail establishment that sells general hardware supplies, appliances, building materials, landscape materials, and furniture for home maintenance and improvement. Such home improvement centers are larger in scale than a neighborhood hardware and/or paint store, and are typically 25,000 square feet or more in size.
"Home occupation"
means an occupation conducted on the premises by the occupant of the dwelling as a secondary use in which there is no on-site advertising, no display, no stock-in-trade, commodity or equipment sold or stored upon the premises, no customers on site at any time, no persons employed or otherwise associated with the activity working on the premises at any time, and in connection with which no mechanical equipment is used for manufacturing, processing, or assembling, except such mechanical equipment as is necessary for domestic purposes only.
means an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and injured persons, and licensed by State law to provide facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics, and general medical practice, as distinguished from treatment of mental and nervous disorders, but not excluding surgical and post-surgical treatment of mental patients.
Hospital, psychiatric.
"Psychiatric hospital" means an institution licensed by state agencies under provision of law to offer facilities, care and treatment for cases of mental and nervous disorders, but not licensed to provide facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics, and general medical practice.
means a building in which there are six or more guest rooms, where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation, and where no provision is made for cooking in any individual room or suite. A maximum of 10% of the customers may remain in any one establishment for 30 consecutive days. No consecutive occupancy shall exceed 30 days, nor shall any non-consecutive occupancy exceed 30 days in 45 consecutive days. A hotel shall not include jails, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanages, prisons, detention homes and similar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint or for care or treatment.
means all persons who occupy a group of rooms or a single room that constitutes a housing unit. A group of rooms or single room is regarded as a housing unit when it is occupied as separate living quarters; that is, when the occupants do not live and eat with any other persons in the structure and when there is either:
Direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall; or
Complete kitchen facilities for exclusive use of the occupants.
"Ice cream, bakery (retail only)"
means a facility that only sells ice cream and/or bakery goods that also may include the incidental sale of coffee, tea and other cold or hot non-alcoholic beverages.
means accessory and subordinate to the primary use of the site, located on the same site as the primary use, and occupying not more than 30% of the gross floor area of all buildings on the site.
"Incidental amusement device(s)"
means any place of business containing not more than nine total amusement devices, including, but not limited to, pinball, air hockey, video games, and no more than two pool tables or billiard tables, for use by the public at a fee, when incidental to the primary use on the premises.
"Indoor multi-tenant retail shopping center"
means a facility consisting primarily of retail sales uses and consisting of three or more lease areas within an enclosed building that have a shared entrance/lobby area.
"Indoor sports facility"
means an indoor space used by teams to practice sports or engage in league/club play most often during weekday evenings and weekend days. Typical facilities include, but are not limited to, basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton courts, and indoor soccer fields. Tournament play may be allowed based on the availability of parking. All parking is determined by a parking study.
Industry, restricted.
"Restricted industry" means the manufacturing of finished parts or products primarily from previously prepared materials and/or provision of industrial services within an enclosed building. These uses include processing, fabrication, assembly and treatment, but exclude basic industrial processing from raw materials, food processing, and vehicle/equipment services.
Industry, restricted, small-scale.
"Restricted small-scale industry" means restricted industry that occurs in a building which has a maximum gross floor area of no more than 5,000 square feet.
Industry, standard.
"Standard industry" means the manufacturing of products, primarily from extracted or raw materials, or bulk storage and handling of the products and materials. Uses in this classification involve a moderate level of truck or rail traffic and/or limited outdoor storage of products, materials, equipment, or bulk fuel. These uses include food processing and packaging, laundry and dry cleaning plants greater than 5,000 square feet in size, and stonework and concrete products manufacture (excluding concrete ready-mix plants).
"Inoperative vehicle"
means a vehicle that cannot or may not be operated for mechanical or statutory reasons, including, but not limited to, flat tires, engine failure, electrical malfunction or nondisplay of current license plates, tabs and stickers as required by Article 9 of Chapter 1 of Division 3 of the California Vehicle Code. An inoperative vehicle also includes, but is not limited to, a vehicle that cannot be legally driven on any public street due to lack of front headlights or rear brake lights, windshield, wipers, front and rear bumper(s) and similar equipment as required by Division 12 of the California Vehicle Code.
"Intermediate care facility"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code Section 1250(d), a health facility licensed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1253 et seq. that provides inpatient care to ambulatory or nonambulatory patients who have recurring need for skilled nursing supervision and need supportive care, but who do not require availability of continuous skilled nursing care.
"Jewelry, cameras and supplies, luggage"
means a retail business that specializes in the sale of jewelry, cameras, luggage, and related items and supplies.
"Junior accessory dwelling unit" (also "JADU")
shall have the same meaning as set forth in California Government Code Section 65852.22, as amended from time to time. Generally, a JADU is a residential dwelling unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size, is contained entirely within the living area of a single-family residence, provides a cooking facility with appliances, a food preparation counter and storage cabinets that are of reasonable size in relation to the unit, and has independent exterior access. A junior accessory dwelling unit may include separate sanitation facilities, or may share sanitation facilities with the existing structure.
means a place where four or more adult dogs or cats or any combination are kept, either for financial profit, for the purpose of breeding, training, marketing or hire, or for nonprofit purposes.
means any room or portion of a room used, intended and designed to be used for cooking or the preparation of food.
means a property configuration that results when two streets meet at an angle other than a right angle (90 degrees) and one corner property's property lines form an acute angle (less than 90 degrees) at the street corner, resulting in the provision of a radius instead of a straight proper line (or instead of an angled joining of property lines).
"Laboratories, chemical, dental, electrical, optical, mechanical, and medical"
means establishments providing medical, chemical, dental, electrical, optical, or mechanical laboratory services.
means an establishment equipped with self-service washing machines and dryers, usually coin-operated.
"Light manufacture"
means establishments and/or operations which are wholly contained within a structure or screened from public view. Typical uses would include, but not be limited to, the manufacture, assembly, processing or production of apparel and garments, brushes, cameras, candy/confectionery, canvas products, clocks, computers, cutlery, dental equipment, drugs and pharmaceuticals, foods, electronics, glass (edging and beveling), jewelry, medical equipment, musical instruments, optical products, orthopedic devices, precision instruments, scientific instruments, and watches.
"Liquor store"
means a retail establishment which has more than 50% of the shelving or gross floor area devoted to the public display and sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption.
means a structure that combines living space occupancy with incidental work space, and in which the individual live-work units are occupied and used by a single household. Live-work can either consist of structures specifically designed and built to function in this manner, or existing residential structures that have been structurally modified to accommodate work activity and residential occupancy in compliance with the California Building Code. The living space occupies the majority of the livework structure's square footage and the working space is reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the unit. Live-work units can include renter-occupant and/or owner-occupant. "Livework" does not include "home occupations" that are allowed in the single-family residential, multi-family residential, and mixed-use zones.
means the same as a boardinghouse, but no meals shall be provided.
means one of the following:
A parcel of real property, when shown as a delineated parcel of land with a designation number on a subdivision map or parcel map recorded in the office of the County Recorder and created in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act;
A parcel of real property shown on an approved record of survey map lot division plat, or other official map filed in the office of the County Recorder, when such map or plat was filed as a result of, and was made as a condition of, a lot division approved by the City under the authority of prior or existing ordinances;
A parcel of real property containing not less than the prescribed minimum square footage required in the zone in which it is located, nor more than one acre, that was under separate ownership on November 17, 1960;
A parcel of real property that abuts at least one public street or a private easement determined by the Commission to be adequate for purposes of access from a street, and provided further that before building improvements are erected upon the lot, the private easement right-of-way, if established subsequent to April 18, 1957, shall be improved to standards established for split lots by the subdivision regulations as set forth in Chapter 9.40 of this title; or
"Lot" may also mean a parcel of real property for the purpose of sale, lease or financing that:
Is commercially zoned;
Does not have public street frontage; and
Is divided under the conditions of this title.
"Lot area"
means the total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot.
Lot, corner.
"Corner lot" is a lot abutting two or more streets at their intersection, and the intersection is not more than 128 degrees.
"Lot coverage"
means the ratio between the ground floor area of the building or buildings and the net area of the lot, exclusive of the ultimate street right-of-way.
"Lot depth"
means the horizontal length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the lot front line and at right angles to such line, connecting with a line intersecting the midpoint of the lot rear line and parallel to the lot front line. For the purpose of this section, lot depth shall be determined to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the lot side lines with the lot front line.
Lot, flag.
"Flag lot" means a lot whose access to a street is provided by an extension of that lot that provides less than the prescribed minimum lot width. The main portion of this lot shall be required to conform to all minimum lot standards of length, width and area.
"Lot frontage"
means that portion of the lot abutting a street; also the length of that portion of the lot abutting a street.
Lot, interior.
"Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner or a reverse lot.
"Lot line"
means a lot boundary line.
Lot Line, Front. In the case of an interior lot, the "front lot line" is the property line abutting the street. In the case of a corner or reverse corner lot, the front lot line shall be the line separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the street.
Lot Line, Rear. "Rear lot line" means a lot line, not abutting a street that is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. In the case of an irregularly shaped lot or of a lot in which the rear line is formed by two or more lines, the following shall apply:
For a triangular lot, a line within the lot, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line, having a length of not less than 10 feet, and at right angles to the line comprising the depth of the lot, shall be used as the rear lot line;
In the case of a trapezoidal lot in which the rear line is not parallel to the front lot line, the rear lot line shall be deemed to be a line at right angles to the line comprising the depth of such lot and drawn through a point bisecting the recorded rear lot line; or
In the case of a pentagonal lot, where the rear boundary includes an angle formed by two lines, the angles will be employed for determining the rear lot line in the same manner as for a triangular lot.
Lot line, side.
"Side lot line" means any lot boundary line that is neither a front lot line nor a rear lot line.
Lot, reverse corner.
"Reverse corner lot" means a corner lot, the side street line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the lot to its rear.
Lot, through.
"Through lot" means a lot, other than a corner lot, that has frontage on two streets.
"Lot width"
means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines, provided that the length of the line constituting the rear line of the required front yard shall never be less than the required lot width established in each zone.
"Low-barrier navigation center"
refers to a housing first, low-barrier, service-enriched shelter focused on moving individuals experiencing homelessness into permanent housing and connecting them to services. A "low barrier navigation center" includes any facility that meets the definition and requirements set forth in Sections 65660 and 65662 of the Government Code or any similar facility owned by the City, regardless of whether it strictly meets the definition and requirements set forth in Sections 65660 and 65662 of the Government Code.
"Lowest floor"
means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood-resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor; provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable nonelevation design requirements of the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone.
"Lumber yards and material storage"
means a facility where the main function is for the storage of lumber, wood related products and material usually used in construction and/or home improvement projects that is sold retail or wholesale.
"Mail address/business tax certifications"
means businesses conducted incidental to the residential use of a property, generally within a dwelling by resident occupants, and used only as a mailing address. Display or storage of materials, supplies, equipment, or services shall not occur on the premises. No customers or employees are permitted on the premises.
"Major tenant"
means the business that occupies the greatest amount of leasable floor area in an office or commercial project. However, for the purpose of identifying the major tenant(s) of a development site for inclusion on a monument or major tenant identification sign, the determination will be left to the property owner or the designated property management group.
"Manufacture, assembly, and repair of precision optics, electronics, and electrical instruments and equipment"
means a facility where optical, electronic, and electrical instruments and equipment and goods are assembled, fabricated, compounded, processed, treated or remanufactured.
"Manufacture, assembly, compounding or treatment of materials and products, except as otherwise listed"
means a facility where materials and products are manufactured, assembled, or treated, and may include the preparation of materials such as metal, plastic, stone, or coating.
"Manufactured home"
means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, that is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. For floodplain management purposes, the term "manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers and other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days.
"Manufactured home park or subdivision"
means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for sale or rent.
"Massage" or "massage services"
shall have the same meaning as prescribed in Chapter 5.12 of this code and includes, without limitation, any method of applying pressure on, causing friction against, stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating, acupressure, stimulating, compression on or movement of the external parts of the human body of another, either directly via the use of hands or some other body part, with or without the aid of or by means of any mechanical or electrical apparatus, or other appliance or device, for money or any form of consideration, with or without the incorporation of supplementary aids such as rubbing alcohol, liniment, antiseptic, oil, powder, cream, lotion, ointment or other similar preparations commonly used in this practice. Except as otherwise provided by state law, for purposes of compliance with Title 9, massage services subject to Chapter 5.12 may only be provided in conjunction with legally authorized massage establishments or athletic and health clubs, spas or gyms with massage, or as part of a salon, spa or similar facility located in, and incidental to the operation of, a hotel located anywhere in the city that contains at least 150 rooms.
"Massage establishment"
means any business or establishment required to obtain an operator's permit pursuant to Chapter 5.12 of this code and shall have the same meaning as prescribed in Chapter 5.12. Unless otherwise defined in Chapter 5.12, a massage establishment includes, without limitation, any business or establishment with a fixed location where any individual, firm, association, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or combination of individuals, offers, engages in, conducts, carries on or permits to be engaged in, conducted or carried on, massage within the City. Any type of business or establishment at which massage services are provided shall be considered a massage establishment, regardless if the business holds itself out as something other than a massage establishment and/or also offers or provides other types of products or services. Any business or establishment that offers any combination of massage services and bath facilities, including, but not limited to, showers, baths, wet and dry heat rooms, pools and hot tubs, shall be deemed a massage establishment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of this Title 9 only, neither: (i) hotels containing at least 150 rooms that offer massage services as part of a salon, spa or similar facility located in, and incidental to the operation of, the hotel; nor (ii) athletic and health clubs, spas or gyms with massage facilities that are expressly authorized to offer incidental massage services pursuant to an approved conditional use permit, shall be considered "massage establishments."
means a building containing tombs for the interment of human remains of one or more deceased persons, which often have unique, detailed or elaborate decorated design elements to the tomb, casing, and/or entry to such facility.
"Mean sea level"
means, for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown on a community's flood insurance rate map are referenced.
"Meat market"
means a retail business where fresh meat, poultry, and seafood is sold as the main product. No sale or slaughter of live animals shall take place at the business.
"Medical, dental, and related health services support facilities"
means an office or health facility providing diagnosis, treatment, or care to patients exclusively as outpatients. Care may include, but is not limited to, the provision of medical, surgical, dental, mental health, rehabilitation, podiatric, optometric, or chiropractic.
"Mini-mart with gas"
means a retail outlet, of less than 15,000 square feet, whose principal merchandise consists of food and the dispensing of gasoline and diesel fuel. Additional items featured are used for everyday living, usually purchased at a convenient nearby location without comparison shopping.
"Minor auto maintenance"
means facilities that provide simple auto maintenance such as smog tests, oil changes, or tune-ups. It does not allow for the installation of tires, brakes, or paint and bodywork.
"Mixed use development, residential/commercial"
means the combination of nonresidential and residential uses located on the same property as part of a unified development. Mixed use development may consist of commercial and residential uses integrated either vertically (vertical mixed use) in the same structure or group of structures, or horizontally on the same development site (horizontal mixed use) where parking, open spaces, and other development features are shared. In a residential/commercial mixed-use development, both uses are considered primary uses of the land.
"Mobile home park"
means any area or tract of land under unified ownership, control or management where five or more mobile manufactured home sites are provided to accommodate manufactured homes used for human habitation.
means a group of attached or detached buildings in which there are individual sleeping units that provide transient occupancy to overnight guests. Not more than 10% of the individual living units may contain kitchen facilities. A maximum of 10% of the customers may remain in any one establishment for 30 consecutive days. No consecutive occupancy shall exceed 30 days, nor shall any nonconsecutive occupancy exceed 30 days in 45 consecutive days. Adequate parking is to be located adjacent to units.
"Motor vehicle sales (new)"
means a facility where new cars are displayed for sale. The facility may also include previously owned cars. All activities shall be in compliance with laws and provisions of the Department of Motor Vehicles and applicable State laws.
"Motor vehicle sales (used)"
means a facility and/or lot where previously owned cars are displayed for sale or trade. All activities shall be in compliance with laws and provisions of the Department of Motor Vehicles and applicable State laws.
"Movie theater"
means a building or part of a building devoted to showing motion pictures. Movie theaters that also constitute adult motion picture theatres, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult motion picture arcades, or similar uses are subject to those provisions governing adult entertainment businesses and/or other adult uses.
"Multiple-family dwelling or residential unit"
means a building designed with four or more dwelling units, but excludes individually owned residential units that are within a common building.
means a sign attached to a post, wall or structure that identifies the occupant of the premises only. This sign may not advertise a product or service.
"Neighborhood recycling center"
means center for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials. A recycling facility does not include storage containers or processing activity located on the premises.
"New construction"
means, for floodplain management purposes, structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by the City of Garden Grove.
"New manufactured home park or subdivision"
means, for floodplain management purposes, a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by the City of Garden Grove.
"Nonvehicular vending kiosk"
means a cart or similar contrivance, generally with dimensions measuring no greater than six feet long, six feet wide, and seven feet tall, used for the display of merchandise or services for sale, and typically located outdoors as a use incidental to a permitted primary use. Nonvehicular vending kiosks are staffed by at least one person during all hours of operation. Nonvehicular vending kiosk does not include any vending machine or collection box.
means a facility for propagation and/or sale of horticultural or ornamental plant materials and related products, including: (1) sale of products to the general public, including plant materials, planter boxes, fertilizer, and related items; (2) wholesale and/or distribution of plant materials, raised on the same site, to other business; (3) a facility for indoor propagation of plants constructed with transparent panels including lath houses; and (4) agricultural establishments primarily engaged in the production of ornamental plants and other nursery products, grown under cover or outdoors. "Nursery" does not include a retail florist.
"One hundred year flood" or "100-year flood"
means a flood that has a one percent annual probability of being equaled or exceeded. It is identical to the "base flood," which will be the term used throughout the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone.
"Open space, active"
is open space that is used for sports, exercise, or active play. It can include amenities such as playgrounds, exercise machines, or athletic fields.
"Open space, passive"
is open space that is not specifically created for physical activities but can used for relaxing and sitting. They are designed for use in unstructured or informal ways and can include amenities such as benches, picnic tables, or BBQ grills.
means a unit of land created under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act or a local ordinance enacted pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act. This unit is the result of subdividing land one or more times, is recorded in the Equalized County Assessment Rolls as a unit, and is subject to the conditions or requirements imposed by the City.
"Parcel delivery service"
means a facility that conducts courier services, mail delivery, packaging for delivery, but does not include fleet maintenance and storage.
"Parcel delivery service, small scale"
means a facility that conducts courier services, mail delivery, packaging for delivery and having a maximum gross floor area of 5,000 square feet and using a maximum of two commercial vehicles. Does not include fleet maintenance and storage.
"Parking area"
means any public or private land area designed and used for parking motor vehicles, including parking lots, garages and private driveways.
"Parking facilities (for fee)"
means a paved area that provides space where more than three automotive vehicles can park for a fee.
means an establishment wherein a person or entity lends money on personal property, new and secondhand, pledged to such person or entity, or deposited with such person or entity as security until redeemed or, if unredeemed, an establishment where such property is displayed and sold.
"Pedestrian-oriented plaza"
means a boulevard garden plaza or pedestrian plaza as follows:
Boulevard Garden Plaza. An open space area required by this title which is enhanced with landscaping, hardscape materials, fountains, pedestrian amenities, and public art, and which is located immediately adjacent to a public right-of-way in a manner that allows for easy pedestrian access from the public sidewalk onto the adjacent private property.
Pedestrian Plaza. An open space area on private property that is on a portion of the site not immediately abutting the public right-of-way. The plaza is most typically designed as a public jointuse area at the front of a building or within the parking lot, and is improved with hardscape materials, landscaping, fountains, art, benches and tables, and similar amenities for pedestrian use. The pedestrian plaza provides a location for passive recreation and leisure activities, and is part of the overall system for on-site pedestrian circulation linking the public sidewalk to the buildings and other amenities.
"Pedestrian pathway"
means a walkway, paseo, or similar pedestrian trail established for the purpose of providing access on private property either along a public right-of-way or entirely on a private property for the purpose of linking one public right-of-way to another.
means an individual or his or her agent, firm, partnership, association or corporation, or agent of the aforementioned groups, or this state or its agencies or political subdivisions.
"Pet grooming"
means any place or establishment, public or private, where animals are bathed, clipped, or combed for the purpose of enhancing their aesthetic value and/or health and for which a fee is charged. The boarding, breeding, raising, or training of animals for compensation is not permitted.
"Pets and pet supplies"
means a structure intended for the sale of small domesticated animals, including reptiles, fish, birds, and rodents, and pet supplies, such as pet food, aquariums, cages, etc. The provision of services for pets, such as grooming, may also be available. The boarding, breeding, raising, or training of animals for compensation is not permitted. This facility may house a veterinarian office and provide medical exams and treatment under the guises of conducting regular business hours. Veterinarian services associated with pets and pet supplies uses shall not conduct overnight stay of treated animals, and not be construed with animal hospitals, emergency clinics, and kennels/housing of animals on temporary basis and/or long term basis.
"Photography studio"
means a facility where an individual or company takes photographs and/or teaches photography.
"Physical therapy (medical use)"
means a facility licensed by the State of California providing treatment on an out-patient basis to remove or reduce the risk of injury, impairment, functional limitation or disability, including the promotion and maintenance of fitness, health and wellness through a rehabilitation plan of therapeutic intervention.
"Planned unit development (PUD)"
means a development plan, adopted by ordinance providing for the regulation of buildings, structures and uses of land in certain areas. The zoning regulations governing the area included in a planned unit development are contained within the ordinance adopting the same in lieu of any different regulations imposed by the Zoning Code for the zone within which the planned unit development is located.
"Playing courts"
means a paved or other hard-finished or gravel surface developed specifically for sports use, such as a tennis court, basketball court, or bocce ball court.
"Portrait studio"
means a facility set-up for the painting of portraits by an artist and/or company, and/or for the teaching of painting.
"Prescription pharmacy"
means an establishment where the predominant activity is the preparation and dispensing of drugs and medicines.
"Private clubs and lodges"
means a building and related facilities owned or operated by a corporation, association, or group of individuals established for the fraternal, soroptimist, social, educational, recreational, or cultural enrichment of its members and not primarily for profit, and whose members share a common interest or pay dues.
"Professional and clerical"
means a building or portion of a building used as a place of business by persons principally engaged in rendering professional services.
"Public buildings (civic center, library, county, state or federal)"
means a publicly owned and managed facility for meetings, conventions, or exhibitions and other community, social and multi-purpose uses. Typical uses would include, but not be limited to, city administrative offices, community halls, convention centers, animal shelters, police stations, post offices, and governmental offices.
"Public recreational facilities"
means noncommercial parks, playgrounds, recreational facilities, and open spaces.
"Public safety facilities (fire, police)"
means a facility for public safety and emergency services, including police and fire protection.
"Public scales"
means facilities, open to the general public, that are equipped to weigh vehicles, commonly trucks with trailers.
"Public utility (commercial)"
means any substation, equipment housing building, or similar structure that is used for the provision of electricity communications, water, gas, wastewater, through wires, pipes, and other similar means used or operated by a public utility. Antennas for telecommunications systems are not included in this class.
"Public utility stations and equipment buildings"
means facilities and equipment operated by an agency, which, under public franchise or ownership, or under certificate of convenience and necessity, provides the public with electricity, gas, heat, steam, communication, transportation, water, sewage collection, or other similar service.
"Racing pigeon,"
sometimes referred to as a homing pigeon, shall mean a bird of the order Columbae, which is maintained and housed by the owner or keeper thereof in a pigeon lift and identified by means of leg bands. It shall not fall in the category of "fowl," which includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other domesticated birds other than pigeons. "Leg band" shall mean a ring of metal or plastic that bears thereon the means of identifying the individual bird and its owner or keeper.
means facilities used for the broadcasting of radio, television, or Internet programs.
"Rain-sensing device"
means a system that automatically shuts off the irrigation system when it rains.
"Reciprocal parking/reciprocal parking agreement"
means parking utilized by two or more parties by mutual consent, or a contract between parties in which they enter into mutual agreement to provide parking between each of the parties. Commonly, these agreements are used between commercial properties.
means contained in the public record or registered with the County Recorder of the County of Orange, unless otherwise stated.
"Recording studios and facilities"
means facilities used for the recording of music and other voice communications for the purpose of broadcast, the Internet, compact disc, or other similar media.
"Recreational and leisure area"
means a required land use on each building site, consisting of the provision of landscaped and usable recreation and leisure areas, that are conveniently located and readily accessible to each dwelling unit within an R-2 or R-3 zone.
"Recreational vehicle"
means a vehicle for the conveyance and/or shelter of persons or goods for purposes of leisure-time activities, including a motor home, travel trailer, van, truck camper, camping trailer, boat, or off-the-road vehicle.
"Recreational vehicle park"
means any area or tract of land, within an area zoned for recreational use, where one or more spaces are rented or leased or held out for rent or lease to owners or users of recreational vehicles or tents and that is occupied for a period not more than 30 days for each space.
"Recycled water," or "reclaimed water" or "treated sewage effluent water"
means treated or recycled wastewater of a quality suitable for nonpotable uses, such as landscape irrigation, and not intended for human consumption.
"Regional recycling center"
means a collection center for recycling materials including glass, metal, paper products and other materials as may be determined by the Zoning Administrator. This use includes mobile recycling units, reverse vending machines and small and large collection facilities.
"Remedy a violation"
means to bring the structure or other development into compliance with state or local floodplain management regulations, or, if this is not possible, to reduce the impacts of its noncompliance. Ways that impacts may be reduced include protecting the structure or other affected development from flood damages, implementing the enforcement provisions of the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone or otherwise deterring future similar violations, or reducing federal financial exposure with regard to the structure or other development.
means a building used, designed or intended to be used as a home or dwelling place for one or more families.
"Residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE)"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code 1569.2, a housing arrangement chosen voluntarily by persons 60 years of age or over (or persons under 60 years of age with compatible needs as established in Health and Safety Code 1569.2(k) and 1562.316), or their authorized representative, where varying levels and intensities of care and supervision, protective supervision, personal care, or health-related services are provided, based upon their varying needs, as determined in order to be admitted and to remain in the facility.
Residential, high rise.
"High rise residential use" means any multiple-family dwelling that is four or more stories in height.
Residential, limited multiple-family.
"Limited multiple-family residential use" means a residential use in which there is more than one dwelling unit on a lot, attached or detached, where the building is designed and used as a residence for two or more families living independently of each other, and is not to exceed 10 dwelling units per acre.
Residential, multiple-family.
"Multiple-family residential use" means a residential use in which there is more than one dwelling unit on a lot, attached or detached, where the building is designed and used as a residence for three or more families living independently of each other, and permitting 11 to 24 units per acre.
Residential, single-family.
"Single-family residential use" means a residential use in which there is only one detached dwelling unit on a lot.
"Retail shopping facility"
means a group of commercial establishments consisting of three to five leasable areas on a single recorded lot.
"Retail store"
means a business selling goods, wares, and merchandise directly to consumers, in exchange for financial or other considerations.
means relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), stream, brook, etc.
means a structural covering over any portion of a building or structure above or covering any exterior or interior vertical wall height, including the projections beyond the walls or supports of the building or structure.
means the top edge of the roof or top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouette.
"Second hand store"
means a specialty shop which deals solely in one kind of used commodity with no new commodities, or a business in which the sale of secondhand or used articles is incidental to the sale of new articles of the same kind. For purposes of this description, the sale of secondhand or used articles is deemed to be incidental to the sale of new articles. Used articles may include wearing apparel, furniture, fixtures, appliances, tableware, offices supplies, pictures, paintings, jewelry, cutlery or guns. This use does not include pawn shops, the sale of junk or scrap metal, the sale of used cars, or the sale of other items. This use does not include the buying and selling of foreign or domestic coins for numismatic purposes, which shall be allowed where retail sales of new merchandise is permitted. This use also does not include a thriftshop or nonprofit thriftshop.
"Self-service or coin-operated car wash"
means a facility where mechanical equipment and/or limited automated equipment is available for customers to wash their own vehicles.
"Service station"
means a lot or portion of a lot used for the servicing of motor vehicles. Such servicing may include sale of motor fuel and oils, lubrication, incidental car washing, sales and service of tires, tubes, batteries and service of auto accessories. Such services shall not include tire recapping, sale or rebuilding of engines, battery manufacturing or rebuilding, body repair, painting or upholstery.
means those areas of a parcel or lot that are defined by legal property lines on the outer boundaries and by the distance inward from those property lines as described by the Zone Development Standards. These areas provide open space clear to the sky in order to provide required building separation and privacy.
Setback, Front Yard. "Front yard setback" means the area that defines the depth of the required front yard. The setback will be measured from the street line and be removed from that point by the perpendicular distance to a line prescribed for the front yard area of the zone in which the property is located.
Setback, Rear Yard or Side Yard. "Rear or side yard setback" means the area that defines the width or depth of the required rear or side yard setbacks. The setbacks shall be measured from the property line, removed from that point by the perpendicular distance described for the yard setback in the zone in which the property is located. Where the side or rear yard abuts a street, the distance shall be measured as described in "front yard setback."
"Setback line" means a line across the front, sides or rear of any private or public property, the establishment of which prohibits the subsequent erection of any building, fence or other structure in the area between such line and the lot line, except as otherwise provided.
"Shoe repair"
means an establishment that offers specialized goods and services for repairing shoes and other similar items.
"Shopping center"
means a group of architecturally unified commercial establishments built on a site that is planned, developed, owned and managed as an operating unit, related in its location, size, and type of shops to the trade area that the unit serves, which provides on-site parking in definite relationship to the types and total size of the stores, and consisting primarily of retail sales uses, with seven or more lease areas on a lot or lots, whose combined area is not less than 40,000 square feet.
"Single-family dwelling"
means a building containing one dwelling unit, entirely surrounded by a yard. Mobile homes, travel trailers, housing mounted on self-propelled or drawn vehicles, tents, or other forms of temporary portable housing are not included within this definition.
"Single housekeeping unit"
means the functional equivalent of a traditional family, whose members are an interactive group of persons jointly occupying a single dwelling unit, including the joint use of and responsibility for common areas, and sharing household activities and responsibilities such as meals, chores, household maintenance, and expenses, and where, if the unit is rented, all adult residents have chosen to jointly occupy the entire premises of the dwelling unit, under a single written lease with joint use and responsibility for the premises, and the makeup of the household occupying the unit is determined by the residents of the unit rather than the landlord or property manager.
"Single room occupancy (SRO)"
means a type of residential building containing five or more individual dwelling units, together with common kitchen, dining, and social areas, and where each individual unit is intended for occupancy by no more than two persons due to the size of each unit, which typically ranges from 150 to 400 square feet and contains no more than two rooms, and which complies fully with the use regulations and development standards set forth in Section 9.12.050 (Single Room Occupancy Use Regulations and Development Standards).
"Skating rinks"
means a building that contains a surface for ice skating or roller skating.
"Skilled nursing facility"
means, consistent with Health and Safety Code 1250(c), a health facility licensed pursuant to Health and Safety Code 1253 that provides skilled nursing care and supportive care to patients whose primary need is for availability of skilled nursing care on an extended basis. "Skilled nursing facilities" are sometimes commonly referred to as "convalescent homes" or "nursing homes."
"Small animal hospital/veterinary"
means a facility where animals or pets are given medical or surgical treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Use as a kennel shall be limited to short term boarding and shall only be incidental to the animal hospital or veterinary use.
"Small lot subdivisions"
means single-family residential developments in the R-2 and R-3 zones associated with a subdivision of land into smaller single-family residential lots that are reduced in size, and are concentrated within the original lot, tract, or parcel.
"Smoking lounge"
means a business establishment that is dedicated, in whole or part, to the smoking of tobacco or other legal substances, including, but not limited to, establishments known variously as cigar lounges, hookah cafés, hookah parlors, tobacco clubs, or tobacco bars.
"Soil moisture-sensing device"
means a device that measures the amount of water in the soil.
"Special flood hazard area (SFHA)"
means an area having special flood or flood-related erosion hazards, and shown on an FHBM or FIRM as Zone A, AO, A1-30, AE, A99 or AH.
"Sporting goods"
means a business for the retail sale of sporting and athletic equipment such as, but not limited to, balls, baskets, cues, gloves, bats, racquets and rods.
"Start of construction"
means and includes substantial improvement, and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure.
"Static water pressure"
means the pipeline or municipal water supply pressure when water is not flowing.
"Stationery and office supplies—No furniture"
means a retail business that specializes in stationery and office supplies, and other related products, and may include copy and printing services. This use does not allow for the sale of furniture.
means an architectural design approach whereby an upper floor or floors of a building are designed and constructed to be offset from the facades of the floor or floors below and away from the setback line, typically to reduce the bulk of a building or to provide outdoor floor space on the upper floors.
means the keeping, leaving, displaying, or maintaining of goods, including, but not limited to, automobiles, equipment, furniture, or parts and pieces thereof, at the same location.
means the front side of a store, commercial space, or room that faces a street, sidewalk, or pathway. Storefront may also refer to the window and door system that separates the exterior from the interior of a building.
means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it. If there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling above it shall be considered a story.
means a public or an approved private thoroughfare that affords the principal means of access for abutting property.
"Structural alterations"
means any change in the supporting members of a building, such as foundations, bearing walls, columns, beams, floor or roof joists, girders or rafters, or changes in the exterior dimensions of the building.
means a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home.
"Substantial damage"
means, for floodplain management purposes, damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
"Substantial improvement"
means any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure either:
Before the improvement or repair is started; or
If the structure has been damaged, and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this definition "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either:
Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications that are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions; or
Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic Places.
means a large retail market that sells food and other household goods and that is usually operated on a self-service basis.
"Supportive housing"
has the same meaning as defined in Section 65582 of the Government Code and is housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the "target population," and that is linked to onsite or offsite services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community. The "target population" for purposes of supportive housing is defined in Section 65582 of the Government Code and refers to persons with low incomes having one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500) of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and may include, among other populations, adults, emancipated youth, families, families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, and homeless people.
"Supportive housing for the homeless"
has the same meaning as defined in Section 50675.14 of the Health and Safety Code and is a form of affordable permanent supportive housing specifically serving homeless individuals or youths. The "target population" for purposes of supportive housing for the homeless is defined in Section 50675.14 of the Health and Safety Code and consists of persons, including persons with disabilities, and families who are "homeless," as that term is defined by Section 11302 of Title 42 of the United States Code, who currently reside in a supportive housing project and were "homeless" when approved for tenancy in the supportive housing project in which they currently reside, or who are "homeless youth," as that term is defined by paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 12597 of the Government Code.
means an establishment for the making, mending, or altering of individual clothes pieces, such as suits, dresses, coats, and other outer garments. This use is not meant for the manufacturing of clothing.
"Tanning parlor"
means any business that uses artificial light or sunless spray-on-tan to produce a tan on an individual's body. This use specifically excludes spas, gymnasiums, athletic clubs, health clubs, and any exercise equipment.
"Tattoo, facial"
means an establishment used for the business of tattooing the face for cosmetic purposes (i.e. eyebrows, lips, and eyes). This does not include facial tattoos similar to body art.
"Tattoo, general"
means an establishment used for the business of marking or coloring the skin with tattoos (i.e. body art).
"Tennis, swimming clubs"
means a facility, either public or private, made up of either tennis courts and/or swimming pools where individuals can use the facilities and/or lessons are provided. Facilities may include social areas, locker rooms, refreshment services, and a retail area with limited sales of tennis and/or swimming supplies and accessories.
Theater, live entertainment.
"Live entertainment theater" means an entertainment facility within which performance by a living person or persons is provided, consistent with the definition of "entertainment" set forth in this section. "Live entertainment theater" shall not mean "adult entertainment business" as defined in this section.
"Ticket agency"
means a retail business that sells tickets for admission to events. Tickets are bought from licensed sellers and are then sold for a fee determined by the business in possession of the tickets.
"Tire retreading or recapping"
means a business involved in the retreading, recapping or rebuilding of tires using previously processed rubber or synthetic products.
"Tire sales and service"
means a place of business where the sale, installation, or storage of new or used or retread tires and tubes is conducted with or without other products or services. Tire store does not include tire retreading establishment.
means a retail business specializing in the selling of toys.
"Trade school"
means a commercial land use consisting of an institution of learning other than an educational institution. Trade school includes vocational school, trade school, business school, professional school and school for self improvement.
means a vehicle designed for carrying persons or property on its own structure and drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon any other vehicle.
"Trailer, truck, or bus terminal"
means a lot, lot area, or parcel of land used, designed, or maintained for the purpose of storing, parking, refueling, repairing, dispatching, servicing, or keeping motor trucks and associate equipment together with those facilities necessary to service, dispatch, store, or maintain aforementioned vehicles, their cargoes and crews.
"Transitional housing"
has the same meaning as defined in Section 65582 of the Government Code and means buildings configured as rental housing developments but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance.
"Travel agency"
means a business that sells and/or brokers travel related products and services, to customers on behalf of third party travel suppliers, such as airlines, hotels, tour companies, and cruise lines.
"Truck, trailer rental"
means a facility for the rental of trucks, trailers, and related equipment. The facility can include incidental storage, maintenance and servicing. The dismantling or salvaging of vehicles is specifically prohibited.
means a retail outlet providing refurbishing of furniture, such as chairs and sofas, with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric or leather covers. This use does not include auto or boat upholstery (see auto repair and boat repair).
means the purpose for which land or a building is arranged, designed, or intended or for which either land or building is or may be occupied or maintained.
"Variety, dry goods stores"
means a retail store that sells items, usually with a single price point for all items in the store. Typical merchandise includes cleaning supplies, toys, clothing, candy and/or dry goods and other non-perishable.
means an allowance for the deviation from land use code provisions and development standards that would otherwise not be permitted.
means a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway or water, except a device moved exclusively by human power, or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
"Vehicle storage yard"
means a business for the storing or safekeeping of operative and inoperative vehicles for periods of time greater than a 24-hour period, including, but not limited to, the storage of parking towaways, impound yards, and storage lots for automobiles, trucks, buses and recreational vehicles, excluding vehicle dismantling.
"Vehicular vending"
means the preparation, display, and/or sale of food and/or beverages from a vehicle that is self-propelled and operated in compliance with any applicable public health laws. Also known as "food truck."
"Vertical parking lift"
means an automated parking lift device and supporting structure for the stacking of vehicles in a vertical position.
"Veterinary/small animal hospital"
means a medical facility for the treatment of animals.
means the failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with the community's floodplain management regulations. A structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compliance required in the Flood Hazard Overlay Zone is presumed to be in violation until such time as that documentation is provided.
"Warehouse and storage"
means any warehouse in which the individual storage areas are 1,000 square feet in size or greater. Individual storage space is defined as any compartmentalized structure with four walls and a roof structure.
"Mini-warehouse" means any warehouse in which individual storage areas are less than 1,000 square feet in size, including self-storage services. Individual storage space is defined as any compartmentalized structure with four walls and a roof structure.
"Water conservation concept statement"
means a one-page checklist and a narrative summary of the project.
"Water-oriented parks"
means a constructed facility for water contact activities which includes waterslides, wave pools, activity pools, innertube slides, and any other water contact activities.
means the selling of any type of goods for purpose of resale.
means a commercial facility used for the production and distribution of wine with incidental accessory uses and activities in conjunction with the winery, including, but not limited to, wine tasting, food service and restaurants, gift sales, and special events.
"Wine tasting establishment"
means an establishment that offers the on-site consumption of wine, beer, or specialty liquors in connection with the marketing of wines, beers, or specialty liquors offered for sale on the premises. With the exception of wine, beer, and specialty liquors, no beverages or items containing alcohol shall be offered for sale or consumed on the premises. Non-alcoholic retail items associated with wine drinking such as wine glasses, decanters, ice buckets, toppers, serving implements, snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages may also be offered for sale.
means a structure that combines work space and incidental residential occupancy, and in which individual work-live units are occupied and used by a single household. Work-live can either consist of structures specifically designed and built to function in this manner, or existing commercial or industrial structures which have been structurally modified to accommodate work activity and residential occupancy in compliance with the California Building Code. The working space is reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the unit. Work/live units can include renter-occupant and/or owneroccupant.
means an open space, other than a court, on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as specifically provided for in this chapter.
Yard, front.
"Front yard" means an area of a lot extending along the public right-of-way or street access or on properties having two street sides, that area of a lot that is along the shorter of the two street side property lines. In areas where no sidewalks exist, the measurement shall be from the front building plane to the ultimate public right-of-way.
Yard, rear.
"Rear yard" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and a line parallel to it on the lot and having a minimum depth as established in each zone; the depth to be measured inward from and at right angles to the rear lot line, unless otherwise specified.
Yard, side.
"Side yard" means an area of a lot that is located between existing properties or, on properties having two street sides, that area of a lot that is along the longer of the two street property lines.
Yard, required rear, depth.
"Required rear yard depth" means the minimum distance between any main structure or addition to a main structure and the rear lot line as prescribed in each zone.
"Zero lot line"
means a development approach in which a building is sited on one or more lot lines with no yard, or zero setback. The intent is to allow more flexibility in site design and to increase the amount of usable open space on the lot.
"Zone or zone district"
means a section of the City described in the text of the zoning regulations and delineated on the use district maps of the City; the text sets forth the requirements for the use of land and the improvement and development standards.
"Zoning administrator"
means the person appointed by the City Council to make administrative decisions as described in this title and to handle such other duties as assigned by the City Council in the administration and enforcement of this title.
"Zoning change"
means a change in zoning regulations or zoning map; also includes rezoning.
"Zoning map"
means the map portion of the zoning regulations delineating the boundaries of land use districts that, along with the zoning text, comprises the zoning ordinance or zoning regulations; also includes land use district maps.
"Zoning regulations or zoning ordinances"
means the textual and map portions of the zoning regulations of the Garden Grove Municipal Code.
(2758 § 2, 2009; 2768 §§ 2—4, 2010; 2769 § 1, 2010; 2788 § 3, 2011; 2806 § 2, 2011; 2814 Ex. A, 2012; 2836 § 4, 2014; 2850 § 4, 2014; 2857 § 4, 2015; 2861 §§ 4, 7, 8, 2015; 2882 § 2, 2017; 2883 § 4, 2017; 2888 § 4, 2017; 2911 § 3, 2019; 2919 §§ 4, 5, 2021; 2939 § 3, 2022; Ord. 2956, 8/27/2024)