In order to implement the goals and objectives of the Circulation Element of the General Plan of the City of Garden Grove, the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, the City's Growth Management Element to fulfill Measure M's eligibility requirements, and to mitigate the traffic impacts caused by new development within the City, certain future public roadway improvements must be constructed.
The City Council has determined, based upon a study, that a traffic impact mitigation fee is needed to address the cumulative impacts of new development and fund improvements to ensure that an acceptable level of service is achieved or maintained on all arterial highways and their intersections in the City.
The City Council has determined that a traffic impact mitigation fee program as set forth in this chapter is needed in order to address the funding and construction of transportation facilities to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of service. This mitigation fee program is enacted under the City's police power pursuant to the California Constitution, Article XI, Section 7.
(2635 § 1, 2004; 2804 § 1, 2011)
An analysis of the need for public transportation roadway improvements required by new development was conducted and is set forth in a study entitled "Revised Transportation System Improvement Program," which is on file in the office of the City Traffic Engineer. Said study sets forth the relationship between new developments, the needed improvements, and the estimated costs of those improvements. Additional traffic and transportation facilities studies or development impact fee studies may be conducted from time to time to update and support the resolution establishing the facilities and fees required to provide for the transportation roadway improvements required by new development.
(2635 § 1, 2004; 2804 § 1, 2011; 2877 § 3, 2017)
Establishment of impact fee by resolution. A traffic impact mitigation fee is hereby established. The City Council shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the fee, describe the benefit and impact area on which the development fee is imposed, list the specific public improvements to be financed, describe the estimated cost of these facilities, describe the reasonable relationship between this fee and the various types of new developments, and set forth time for payment.
Time for payment. The fee shall be payable prior to issuance of building permits. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66007(b) with respect to residential development, the City determines that the fees will be collected for public improvements or facilities for which an account has been established and funds appropriated and for which the City has adopted a proposed construction schedule or plan prior to final inspection or issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or that the fees are to reimburse the City for expenditures previously made.
Fee determination. The fee determination process will take into account the existing use of the property, such that the property owner will be charged only for increased use of the property that affects traffic.
Limited use of fees. The revenue raised by payment of the fee shall be placed in a separate and special account. Such revenues, along with any interest earnings on that account, shall be used solely to pay for the City's future construction of transportation facilities described in a resolution or to reimburse the City for those facilities described in this "Revised Transportation System Improvement Program" that have been constructed by the City with funds advanced by the City from other sources.
Fee refunds. A refund may be approved when a building permit expires and no extensions have been granted, for a development for which the funds have been collected but construction has not yet been completed.
Credit for certain street widening improvements. If the City Traffic Engineer determines that the developer is constructing eligible street improvements included in the most current Transportation Facilities Study or Development Impact Fee Study (right-of-way dedication is not an eligible credit), the developer shall receive credit against the traffic impact mitigation fee. In no case shall the credit exceed the traffic impact mitigation fee applicable to the project.
Credit for prior or existing projects. In order for a developer to receive credit towards the traffic impact mitigation fee for a prior or existing project, the establishment of the use of the prior or existing project must have been operational after January 1, 1991. The determination of the credit will be based on the most current Transportation Facilities Study or Development Impact Fee Study applicable at the time the credit is requested. In no case shall the credit exceed the traffic impact mitigation fee applicable to the project for which the credit is requested.
(2635 § 1, 2004; 2804 § 1, 2011; 2877 § 4, 2017)
When there is a requirement imposed upon a phased project for the payment of a fee, it shall be payable serially as to each phase of the project and not in one lump sum payment for the entire project.
(2635 § 1, 2004; 2804 § 1, 2011)
New developments or changes in property use that fall within any of the categories listed shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Any residential construction that does not increase the number of permanent housing units on the parcel where the construction is proposed to take place, such as remodeling or rebuilding an existing house.
Any industrial or commercial change, development, or construction that does not:
Increase the building footprint,
Increase the building square footage,
Change the use of the parcel where the construction is proposed to take place, or
Increase peak hour trip generation.
Police, fire, and other public facilities.
(2635 § 1, 2004; 2804 § 1, 2011; 2877 § 5, 2017)