The following regulations set out in this chapter shall apply to all divisions of land or subdivisions, regardless of the number of lots or parcels being created.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §1, 1974)
Blocks shall not be longer than 1,000 feet between intersecting streets, except where unusual design conditions require longer blocks.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §2, 1974)
The minimum area of lots shall be 3,630 square feet, with a minimum width of 45 feet, except in cases of R-1-M and planned unit developments.
Lots having an average depth of more than three times the average width shall not be approved.
All lots shall have vehicular access to a street.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §3, 1974; Ord. 86-264; Ord. 2023-511, 9/26/2023)
The street arrangement shall conform with the General Plan in respect to the alignment and type of streets.
The alignment of streets shall provide for the direct continuation of centerline of the existing streets in adjoining subdivided areas.
Street names shall be subject to the approval of the City Council.
A corner radius of 20 feet or more shall be provided at intersecting street right-of-way lines.
Where necessary to provide for the orderly subdivision of adjoining land, dead-end stub streets shall be provided. Where 4 or more lots front upon a dead-end street, a temporary cul-de-sac turnaround shall be provided.
Narrow reserve strips of land controlling access to streets from adjoining property may be provided; however, ownership and control of the use of the strips shall be placed under the jurisdiction of the City Council.
An alley shall be provided in the rear of all lots zoned or intended to be used for industrial or commercial uses, and may be required by the City Council in other areas.
All streets and alleys, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveway entrances and signs, shall be designed and constructed to standards adopted by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §4, 1974)
Public utilities, including but not limited to sewer lines, manholes, pumping stations, storm drains, water lines, valves, fire hydrants, storm drains, electrical facilities, telephone lines, gas lines and cable TV, shall be provided as required by the City Council. Electrical distribution telephone and cable TV lines shall be placed underground. Public utilities and drainage structures shall be designed and constructed to standards adopted by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §7, 1974)
The City Council may require the provision of land for parks, schools or other public uses as a condition of approval of a tentative subdivision or parcel map.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §5, 1974)
The City Council may require, as a condition of approval, the planting of trees on lots or within street rights-of-way at the time of approval of a tentative subdivision or parcel map.
(Ord. 142 Art. 3 §6, 1974)
Section 66473.1 of the California Subdivision Map Act includes the following provisions for solar access protection in new subdivisions:
The design of a subdivision for which a tentative map is required pursuant to Section 66426 shall provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision.
Examples of passive or natural heating opportunities in subdivision design include design of lot size and configuration to permit orientation of a structure in an east-west alignment for southern exposure.
Examples of passive or natural cooling opportunities in subdivision design include design of lot size and configuration to permit orientation of a structure to take advantage of shade or prevailing breezes.
In providing for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the design of a subdivision, consideration shall be given to local climate, to contour, to configuration of the parcel to be divided, and to other design and improvement requirements, and that provision shall not result in reducing allowable densities or the percentage of a lot that may be occupied by a building or structure under applicable planning and zoning in effect at the time the tentative map is filed.
No tentative subdivision or parcel map received on or after the effective date of the ordinance adding this subsection shall be approved unless each lot within the subdivision can be demonstrated by the subdivider to have unobstructed access to sunlight to an area of not less than 200 square feet, falling in a horizontal plane 10 feet above the grade of the buildable area of the lot. The condition of unobstructed solar access shall be considered to be achieved when a specific area of not less than 200 square feet has an unobstructed sky view of the sun between azimuths of the sun at 45 degrees to the east and 45 degrees to the west of true south on December 21.
A solar access easement shall be dedicated on each lot within the subdivision for the purpose of assuring that each parcel or unit in a subdivision for which approval is sought shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent parcels or units in the subdivision as specified in subsections A and B. The purpose of these requirements are to assure solar access to solar energy systems located on a future structure built on the lot as required by the State of California Subdivision Map Act Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3, and California Solar Rights Act of 1978.
These requirements shall not apply to specific lots whenever a subdivider can demonstrate that it is infeasible to comply due to:
A finding that the provisions of this section will result in reducing allowable densities under applicable planning and zoning in force at the time the Tentative Map is filed.
A finding that the provisions of this section will result in reducing the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure under applicable planning and zoning in force at the time the tentative map is filed.
A finding that it is infeasible to comply due to topographic conditions on or surrounding the land being subdivided, the configuration or orientation of the property being subdivided or existing road patterns contiguous to the subject property.
A finding that the nature of the existing or allowed future development contiguous to the subject property precludes adequate solar access to specific lots.
For purposes of this section, a tentative map or tentative parcel map is "received" on the date when the applicable fees are paid and map is stamped "received" by the City. For the purposes of this section, "feasible" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social and technological factors.
This section is not applicable to condominium projects which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing building where no new structures are added.
(Ord. 2016-453 §1)