Newly created lots or parcels of land shall have a minimum area of 6,000 square feet and a minimum width of 60 feet.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §2, 1980)
In R-1, R-2 and R-3 districts, the height of a building or structure shall not exceed 2 stories, or a height of 35 feet. In all other districts, a building or structure shall not exceed 50 feet in height. Additional height may be permitted by granting of a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §3, 1980)
Curbs, gutters and sidewalks may be placed along every lot on which new construction, alteration, enlarging or rebuilding is done for which a building permit is required.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §1, 1980; Ord. 92-312 §2)
In R-1, R-2 and R-3 districts, minimum yard setbacks shall be provided as follows:
Front yard: 20 feet.
Side yard: 5 feet.
Street side of a corner lot: 10 feet.
Rear yard: 15 feet.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §4, 1980)
All other districts do not have setbacks required by this title; however, setbacks may be required for those uses of land which are permitted subject to first obtaining a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §4, 1980)
Eaves, fireplaces or other architectural features shall not project more than 2 feet into the required yard setbacks.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §4, 1980)
Accessory buildings and structures may be erected within the rear yard setback, but not within the front or side yard setbacks.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §4, 1980)
Existing building sites which have a width of less than 60 feet may have a side yard setback of not less than 10% of the width of the lot, provided that building code or fire prevention regulations are not violated and that eaves do not project less than 6 inches from the side lot line.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §4, 1980)
Private usable open space, to the standards set out in Sections 18.52.100 and 18.52.110, shall be provided for all newly constructed multifamily dwelling units. Such space shall be located next to and accessible by a door from the dwelling unit served.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §5, 1980)
A ground-level space shall have a dust-free surface, and not be less than 200 square feet in area in an R-2 zone or 100 square feet in area in any other zone, and a rectangle inscribed in the space shall have no dimension less than 8 feet. Such space shall be screened on all sides by a wall, fence, grill or dense landscaping not less than 5 feet in height. There shall be no obstructions over ground-level space except for devices that enhance the use of the space, except that 50% of the space may be covered by a private balcony on a higher story.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §5.1, 1980)
Above-ground-level space shall be accessible only from the unit being served, contain not less than 50 square feet, and a rectangle inscribed within that space shall have no dimension less than 5 feet. At least one exterior side shall be open and unobstructed for 8 feet above its floor level, except for incidental railings and balustrades.
(Ord. 189 Art. 4 §5.2, 1980)
Fences, walls, and retaining walls in all zoning districts shall be designed and regulated in accordance with appropriate chapters and sections of the Uniform Building Code and this code.
(Ord. 87-276)
In all districts, fences and walls over 6 feet in height shall not be constructed within any yard setbacks required by Sections 18.52.040 through 18.52.080 inclusive of this chapter. Any wall or fence over 6 feet in height regardless of where located shall be deemed a structure and shall be subject to all regulations requiring issuing of a building permit or a zoning permit as required under the provisions of Sections 18.12.010 and 18.12.020 of this title.
In all R-1, R-1-M, R-2, and R-3 districts, a wall, fence or hedge shall not be constructed or allowed to grow over 3 feet in height within the front yard setback of any lot as required by Sections 18.52.040 through 18.52.080, inclusive of this chapter and Section 18.24.070 of this title except for the purpose of providing a screen for a trash enclosure.
Corner Lots. In all R-1, R-1-M, R-2 and R-3 districts, no fence, hedge or screen wall shall be permitted to exist in excess of 3 feet in height within 60 feet of the street corner measured from the edge of the pavement; or which otherwise impairs the vision of a driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection within said 60 feet. The City Building Official shall have discretion to further limit the height of the fence, hedge or screen wall to prevent such impairment of vision.
Non-Corner Lots. In all R-1, R-1-M, R-2 and R-3 districts, a fence, hedge or screen wall may be permitted to exist to a maximum height of 4 feet if the plant and/or construction material is of a nature to permit visibility through the same by vehicular traffic on the adjacent roadway. Solid fences, hedges and screen walls higher than 3 feet shall not be permitted. The City Building Official may impose reasonable maintenance conditions on any permit to construct a fence, hedge or screen wall to assure that adequate visibility is continuously maintained.
(Ord. 87-276; Ord. 2000-348 §1)
In all zoning districts a permanent screen wall and/or fence shall be required in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit for permitted uses, or as a condition of approval for discretionary projects as follows:
Subdivisions (Parcel and Tract Maps). All subdivisions may be required, as a condition of approval, to construct either a masonry, pre-cast, cast-in-place, or brick wall 6 feet in height along the exterior rear and side yard boundaries of the project. The fencing material may be reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Walls for the project, if phased, may be constructed as part of the first phase of the project.
Multifamily Projects. All multifamily projects with 6 or more units shall be required, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and/or business license, to construct a wall along the rear and the side yard boundaries of the development. The purpose of the wall is to mitigate adverse noise and land use impacts. Therefore, the wall, the height of which shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council, depending upon the required level of processing, shall be constructed from the following materials: masonry, pre-cast, cast-in-place, or brick. A front wall may also be required for screening purposes.
Commercial and Industrial Projects. A perimeter fence and/or wall may be required for all industrial and commercial projects to mitigate adverse visual, aesthetic, and noise impacts. Requirements for the size, location, and material of the fence and/or wall shall be determined during the site plan review process.
Trash and Refuse Collection Areas. All refuse areas within all commercial, industrial and manufacturing zones, and all multifamily projects with 6 or more units shall be screened on 3 sides with a 6-foot high masonry wall. The material shall be finished to match the architectural character of the development project. Multifamily projects with 5 or less units shall provide fencing on 3 sides, the material shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or City Council depending on the level of processing required for the project.
Parking Lots in Conjunction with Commercial, Industrial, Manufacturing or Residential Development. When a parking lot is proposed in conjunction with a multifamily residential, commercial, industrial or manufacturing project, the parking lot shall be screened from view with a wall, fence, berm or combination thereof as approved by the City Council, Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator.
(Ord. 87-276; Ord. 92-312 §1)
All fences, walls and retaining walls constructed within the City shall abide by the design standards of this title. Fencing shall be incorporated into developments in a manner which complements the project's architecture and blends with perimeter landscaping. Fences shall not detract from neighboring properties and long expanses of fence or wall surfaces shall be architecturally designed to prevent monotony.
(Ord. 87-276; Ord. 88-285 §1)
Fence and wall heights shall be measured at grade. In the event that there is a change in topography between adjoining lots, a fence may be constructed up to 6 feet in height at the property line.
(Ord. 87-276)
It is hereby declared a public nuisance, subject to the penalties of Section 18.84.030, for any person owning, leasing or having charge of any premises in the City, to maintain such premises in which any of the following conditions are found to exist:
A fence or wall in which over 5% of the material is missing or in disrepair.
A fence or wall which is not repaired within 30 days after receiving a notice from the Zoning Administrator, due to any of the following conditions: fence or wall material which is bowing, chipping, bending, or breaking, and/or a wall or fence with graffiti on it or with paint that is peeling or chipping and which is not repaired within 30 days.
(Ord. 87-276; Ord. 88-285 §2)