There is hereby created a committee to be known as the Navasota Music Friendly Committee.
Membership of the committee shall be composed of at least four (4) members:
The Navasota Music Friendly Texas Liaison Designee, who is the city's marketing and communications director unless the city manager designates another city staff member;
One (1) other city staff member appointed by the city manager; and
At least two (2) citizens, who are residents of the city or business owners with property in the city who are known to be interested in the city music community. The resident members shall be appointed by the Navasota Music Friendly Texas Liaison Designee in consultation with the city manager.
The city manager may appoint additional members at the beginning of each term at the city manager's discretion.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
Citizen members shall serve for two (2) years after appointment unless sooner removed by the city manager in consultation with the Navasota Music Friendly Texas Liaison Designee. Citizen members may be reappointed to additional terms.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
In the event of a vacancy resulting from the resignation, death or removal of a member from the committee by the city manager; the city manager in consultation with the Navasota Music Friendly Texas Liaison Designee shall appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term of the member.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
Any committee member who fails to attend a least one-half of the regularly scheduled committee meetings during a calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned the committee member's position. The committee may excuse absences due to temporary illness or other causes deemed justifiable by the chair.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
The Navasota Music Friendly Texas Liaison Designee shall serve as chair. The committee, at its first meeting in a new calendar year, shall, from its members, select a vice-chair, secretary, and such other officers as it deems necessary.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
The committee shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings shall comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Additional meetings may be called by the chair or upon notice from the city manager that a matter requires the consideration and advice of the committee. Meetings shall take place at an agreed-upon location in the city. City staff shall provide administrative support for the planning and conducting of meetings.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
One signed copy of all minutes of the committee shall be filed with the city secretary.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
The committee shall act solely as an advisory committee to the city manager and the Navasota Music Friendly Liaison Designee in all matters pertaining to promotion and support of the music community in the city and the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
The committee shall:
Follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the city council for the conduct of its business.
Act only in an advisory capacity to the city manager and the Navasota Music Friendly Liaison Designee in all matters pertaining to the promotion and support of the music community in the city.
Encourage the development of the city music community.
Seek to promote close cooperation among the city and all private citizens, institutions, and agencies interested in the city music community.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)
The members of the committee shall not be entitled to compensation for their services on the committee.
(Ordinance 1028-23 adopted 8/14/2023)