When used in this Article the following wording or phrase shall have the meaning given in this Section:
"Public grounds"
means all grounds that are under the control and supervision of the County of Kaua'i, either by purchase, gift, or otherwise for the use and benefit of the public.
shall mean a device, instrument, material, or substance, whether animate or inanimate, which in the manner it is used or is intended to be used is known to be capable of producing death or serious bodily injury.
shall mean a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a flexible rod or thong or lash attached to a handle used for flogging or beating a person and or used to create a sharp "crack" sound for directing or herding animals. The definition of whip shall include all variations of whips, including but not limited to: bullwhip, stock whip, yard whip, cattle drafter, bullock-whip, Raman whip, Rose whip, Florida cow whip, signal whip, snake whip, equestrian whips, buggy whip, and Qilinbian.
(Ord. No. 1029, April 27, 2018)
No person at a public ground, except for law enforcement officers, shall use, carry, or possess whips, firearms, and weapons of any description, except for bows and arrows for archery competitions and air rifles for air rifle competitions when authorized by the Director or designated representative on a permit.
(Ord. No. 1029, April 27, 2018)
Any person violating any provision of this Section shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first offense. For the second violation of like offense, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00). For all violations in excess of two (2) of like offense, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). In addition, the County shall have the right to avail itself of any civil remedy appropriate under the circumstances.
The Police Chief, Park Rangers, and other sworn law enforcement officials shall have the authority to issue citations and charges for any violations of the provisions of this Article.
(Ord. No. 1029, April 27, 2018)