Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 89-10, 94-10 and 04-01.
General municipal elections of the city shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year. References in this chapter to state statutes shall include any amendments thereto and any successor statutes.
(Ord. 17-04 § 2)
Five city council districts are hereby established in the city. The boundaries and identifying number of each district shall be as described on the official "Council District Map" on file in the office of the city clerk as adopted by Ordinance No. 2022-04 and Resolution No. 2022-25.
(Ord. 17-04 § 2; Ord. 22-04 § 3)
Commencing with the November 2018 general municipal election, members of the city council shall be elected "by district" as defined in California Government Code Section 34871. A person shall not be eligible to be elected to be a member of the city council unless he or she is otherwise qualified as required by law, resides in the geographical area making up the district from which he or she is nominated to be elected and is a registered voter of the city of Temecula at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate as provided in Section 10227 of the California Elections Code. No term of any member of the city council that commenced on or prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be affected prior to its expiration date.
Registered voters signing nomination papers or voting for a member of the city council shall be residents of the geographical area making up the district from which the member is to be elected.
The term of the office of each member elected to the city council shall be four years.
(Ord. 17-04 § 2)
Commencing with the general municipal election in November of 2018 and thereafter, the voters in Council Districts 1, 3, and 5 shall elect members of the city council by district for full four-year terms. At the general municipal election in 2020 and thereafter, the voters in Council Districts 2 and 4 shall elect members of the city council by district for full four-year terms.
(Ord. 17-04 § 2)
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 21601 the city council shall adjust the boundaries of any or all of the districts following each decennial federal census. Using the census as a basis, the city council shall adjust the boundaries in accordance with the standards and provisions of Elections Code Sections 21600 to 21609, as they now exist or may hereafter be amended, and in compliance with all applicable provisions of law. Any adjustment of district boundaries shall be made by ordinance or resolution adopted by the city council. The city council shall hold public hearings and comply with the procedures for adoption of the proposed district boundaries as required by Elections Code Sections 21607 and 21607.1, as those sections now exist or may hereafter be amended.
At the time of any annexation of territory to the city, the city council shall designate, by resolution adopted by a vote of at least a majority of the city council, the contiguous district to which the annexed territory shall be a part and shall amend the district boundaries if necessary in accordance with Elections Code Section 21603.
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 21606, the term of office of any council member who has been elected and whose term of office has not expired shall not be affected by any change in the boundaries of the district from which he or she was elected.
At the first election for council following adjustment of the boundaries of the districts, a person meeting the requirements of Government Code Section 34882 shall be elected to the city council for each district under the readjusted district plan that has the same district number as a district whose incumbent's term on the council is due to expire.
(Ord. 17-04 § 2; Ord. 21-06 § 1)
There is set and established a filing fee of twenty-five dollars to defray, in part, the cost to the city of processing nomination papers for councilmanic elections within the city.
The filing fee set and established by subsection A of this section shall be payable in respect to each such nomination filed and shall be paid upon the filing of the nomination papers therefor.
Except as provided in Section 2.08.040, nomination papers for councilmanic elections shall not be accepted unless accompanied by the filing fee set and established by subsection A of this section.
Filing fees collected pursuant to this article shall be paid into the general fund of the city.
(Ord. 92-10 § 2)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a candidate for member of the city council of the city may submit, in lieu of all or part of the required filing fee, a petition containing four qualified signatures for each dollar of the filing fee not paid.
Within the meaning of this section, a qualified signature is the signature of a person who, at the time of providing such signature, was a registered voter within the city.
Any petition submitted pursuant to this section in lieu of all or part of the required filing fee shall be submitted to the city clerk with nomination papers related thereto, together with the amount of the filing fee, if any, remaining to be paid.
(Ord. 92-10 § 3)
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to extend or otherwise modify the period of time for filing nomination papers for councilmanic elections.
(Ord. 92-10 § 4)