A primary concept of the general plan is to promote the development of village centers throughout the city. The village center zoning districts are intended to provide a sense of place to the community and avoid adverse impacts from traffic and incompatible intrusions of commercial uses in the single family residential areas. The village center zoning district is intended to provide the flexibility in planning and design to effectively implement the goals and policies of the general plan. Each designated village center area may have unique design objectives that will promote appropriate mixtures of retail, office, open space, and residential uses. The village center zoning district may require an overall development plan to assure that the properties in the area are planned and developed in a comprehensive and coordinated manner even though there may be multiple property owners. A purpose of the village center zoning district is to provide for the creative and effective planning and design of portions of the city which require a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to planning than can be achieved through the conventional application of zoning regulations.
Development intensities for the village center zoning districts will be consistent with those permitted in the underlying zoning districts. However, as a part of the approval process floor area intensity or residential density bonuses may be considered if the project provides unique design approaches and offers particular public benefits.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2; Ord. 02-11 § 3(B))
Presubmittal and Preparation of Village Center Plans.
A presubmittal application and fee are required prior to filing a formal village center plan application. A preapplication conference with department representatives is required prior to filing of the application. The planning director, planning commission, and city council may also initiate the preparation of a village center plan.
Prior to the preparation of a village center the applicant shall hold a public scoping meeting to identify potential community concerns about the project. Public notice of the scoping meeting is required. Noticing procedures shall be defined by the planning department at the preapplication conference.
Hearing and Notice. Upon receipt in proper form of a village center plan application, or direction of the city council, hearings shall be set before the planning commission and city council. Notice of the hearings shall be given pursuant to the requirements of Section 17.03.040 of this development code.
Planning Commission Action on Village Center Plans. The planning commission shall make a written recommendation on the proposed village center plan whether to approve, approve in modified form or disapprove, based upon the findings contained in subsection E of this section.
Planning commission action recommending that the proposed village center plan be approved, approved in modified form, or denied shall be considered by the city council following planning commission action.
City Council Action on Village Center Plans. Upon receipt of the planning commission's recommendation, the city council may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the proposed village center plan based upon the findings contained in subsection E of this section.
Findings. A village center zoning district may be adopted only if all of the following findings are made:
The proposed village center plan is consistent with the general plan and development code.
The proposed plan would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the city.
The subject property is physically suitable for the requested land use designations and the anticipated land use developments.
The proposed village center plan shall ensure development of desirable character which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding neighborhood.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2; Ord. 96-19 § 2(MM); Ord. 02-11 § 3(B))
The adoption of a village center plan zoning district shall include an amendment to the zoning map. The designation on zoning map shall include the designation "VC" followed by a reference number that corresponds to the name of the village center plan. Land use designations and zoning for the area will then be guided by the provisions of the adopted village center plan.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2; Ord. 02-11 § 3(B))
A village center plan application shall include text and diagrams which contain, at a minimum, the following:
A boundary survey map of the property and calculation of the gross land area within the proposed zoning district. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property.
A topographical map and general grading concept plan with specific sections for sensitive areas.
A diagram, text and exhibits describing the site, proposed land uses, circulation, public facilities and services and phasing.
A preliminary report describing anticipated requirements and proposed means of providing utility facilities and public services, including but not limited to, storm drainage, sewage disposal, water supply, parks and recreation and school facilities.
A discussion of how the village center plan implements the applicable elements of the general plan and the performance standards of this development code.
A description of site development standards including but not limited to, listing of allowable uses, maximum and minimum regulations, required setbacks and supplemental illustrations as required, establishing the basic community architectural character, environmental character and environmental design qualities to be attained throughout the village center plan area.
A phasing and financing plan to assure the adequate provision of public utilities, improvement and other facilities.
Other data and related exhibits deemed necessary by the planning director, planning commission or city council.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2)
No public works project, tentative map or parcel map may be approved, adopted or amended within an area covered by a village center plan, unless found to be consistent with the adopted village center plan.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2)
Amendment to approved village center plans shall be made using the same procedure as was followed when the plan was adopted. Any adopted village center plan may also be repealed by the same procedure as was applied when the plan was originally adopted. Prior to the adoption of an ordinance to repeal and discontinue a village center plan, the city council with a recommendation from the planning commission shall find that the plan is no longer necessary for the orderly and systematic implementation of the general plan. The repealing ordinance shall include provisions for the immediate application of appropriate zoning to the area covered by the repealed plan.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2)
Design Considerations.
Mixtures of Land Uses.
Complement retail uses with personal service shops, office and residential uses.
Consider integration of mixed uses into a single structure with retail on the lower level, office and residential on upper levels.
Provide for community gathering spaces, public meeting rooms, conference rooms and exhibition areas for art displays.
Building Scale and Design.
Allow for increased building heights in order to provide ground level open spaces, plazas and pedestrian walkways.
Step heights of buildings away from existing low density residential development in the adjoining areas.
Require the overall design of buildings in the village center areas to be compatible in terms of landscaping, architectural design, building materials and the relationship between buildings.
Promote creative site planning and design by providing floor area ratio bonuses for exceptional quality planning and design.
Encourage the provision of community facilities in village center areas by offering floor area ratio bonuses for providing needed public facilities.
Allow for residential density increases for those projects that offer mixed uses with a diversity of housing opportunities including the provision of affordable housing.
Parking Lot Design.
Shared parking between businesses should be provided whenever possible.
Parking areas should be well-landscaped internally as well as along the perimeter.
Parking lots should be located internally within the project area and not located only on the perimeter as with the typical shopping center.
Large expanses of paving uninterrupted by landscaping shall not be permitted. One tree shall be provided for every four parking stalls.
Parking aisles should be separated from pedestrian access routes whenever possible.
Separate vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems should be provided in village center areas.
Pedestrian-Oriented Design.
Site planning for the village center areas should provide pedestrian circulation areas that are linked to the citywide open space and trail system.
The design of the building facades should be architecturally interesting and in scale with the pedestrian.
Ground floor elevations should avoid large blank walls, with windows and doorways located at frequent intervals.
Large wall surfaces should be divided with offsets, projections, step-backs and penetrations to provide distinctive shadow lines.
The linear continuity of the building facades should not be disrupted.
Site planning and design should be sensitive to the need to create defensible spaces for the protection of the pedestrian.
The design of the streetscape should include attractive landscaping of exterior as well as interior streets. Village center projects should have continuity in landscape design, placement of street furniture, sitting areas, and use of paving materials and lighting.
The signage in the village center areas should be consistent with a comprehensive signage plan for each project. The staff shall assure consistency between each project area.
If the village center area has an overall theme the signage for each project should be consistent with this theme.
Encourage the provision of small signs with distinctive shapes, unique textures, symbols and materials.
Avoid glaring or excessively large signage.
Prohibit roof-mounting projecting signs.
Promote a style of signage which maximizes creativity and liveliness.
Circulation/Transit Alternatives.
Provide pedestrian and nonmotorized vehicular access between village center areas and other activity centers in the community.
Consider higher residential densities and intensities that will support mass transit options.
Consider shuttle loop linkages between activity centers and residential areas.
Provide facilities for future connections to regional bus systems, and light rail transit along the I-15 corridor.
(Ord. 95-16 § 2)