Sections 17.22.140 through 17.22.156 shall be known as "PDO-5" (Rendezvous planned development overlay district).
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
The Rendezvous planned development overlay district (PDO-5) is intended to provide regulations for the safe and efficient operation, and creative design of a unique residential area within the city. PDO-5 encompasses 22.97 acres and is located on the south side of Rancho California Road, approximately two hundred feet west of the intersection of Rancho California Road and Cosmic Way. PDO-5 consists of medium density residential (7-12.9 dwelling units/acre).
The PDO area is surrounded by existing multifamily developments to the north and to the west and existing single-family developments to the south and to the east. This special overlay zoning district regulation is intended to be compatible and complimentary to the existing residential development and M (medium density residential, 7-12.9 dwelling units/acre) proposed as part of the PDO. Performance standards, in addition to those referenced from the city's development code and citywide design guidelines, have been provided to ensure internal project compatibility as well as compatibility with the adjacent single-family residential development and to protect these adjoining uses from excessive noise, odor, smoke, toxic materials, and other potentially objectionable impacts. It is the intent of the city to use these special regulations to supplement the regulations of land uses and development already existing within the adopted development code.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
The Rendezvous planned development overlay district (PDO-5) is intended to provide a comprehensive planning approach to the development of 22.97 acres. The project will include many design features including pedestrian scale of development, unique signage, gathering places, and transit provisions. This is accomplished through its design, development standards and guidelines that will be implemented at the development plan stage.
A total of two hundred ninety-four apartment units may be developed in the PDO. As depicted on Exhibit A-1, one hundred sixty apartment units may be developed on the upper portion of the PDO ("Upper Site"), which is on the south side, and one hundred thirty-four apartment units may be developed on the lower portion of the PDO ("Lower Site"), which is the north side of the PDO. Large, landscaped buffer areas have been provided within the PDO and the existing single-family development to the east and south.
Several obstacles to pedestrian access exist within the PDO, as well as to the existing single-family residential to the east and south, the existing multifamily residential to the north (across Rancho California Road) and the multifamily residential development to the west. A comprehensive sidewalk plan, which has been coordinated with the landscape plan, is included as Exhibit B (Sidewalk Plan). This plan will foster pedestrian access within the site. When coupled with the existing/proposed pedestrian network, obstacles to pedestrian movement will be greatly reduced. At the time of the building department review, the internal access will be reviewed to ensure it complies with the current California Building Code.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
Only multifamily residential land use shall be allowed in the Rendezvous planned development overlay.
Development Standards.
The development standards in the development code (Chapter 17.06) that would apply to any development within a medium density residential zoning district that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete for the PDO except as approved along with this application. This includes site open space and private open space requirements, as well as overall project density.
Off-street parking and loading requirements per Chapter 17.24 of the development code will apply to the PDO.
Water efficient landscape design requirements per Chapter 17.32 of the development code will apply to the PDO.
Design Guidelines. The citywide design guidelines that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete.
Chapter 5 (Multifamily Residential Design Guidelines) for the PDO.
Approval Authority. The conceptual site plan is depicted in Exhibits A-1 through A-3. Approximate building location, as well as approximate location of parking, drive lanes, and access, are shown on these exhibits. The conceptual landscape plan is depicted in Exhibit C and the project statistics are shown in Exhibits G-1 through G-3. Conformance with these exhibits, as well as the provisions contained below will allow the approval authority for projects approved under PDO-5 as follows:
The approval requirements contained in the city of Temecula Development Code that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete within the PDO.
Any other relevant rule, regulation or standard that is in effect at the time an application is deemed complete.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
Only multifamily residential land uses shall be allowed in the PDO.
Low barrier navigation centers shall be permitted by right if the project meets the criteria set forth in Government Code Section 65662.
Supportive housing shall comply with Section 17.06.110 and shall be permitted by right in a multifamily residential use.
Transitional housing shall be permitted by right in a multifamily residential use.
Accessory dwelling units shall be permitted and shall meet the requirements set forth in Chapter 17.23.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4; Ord. 23-11, 11/28/2023; Ord. 23-12, 11/28/2023)
The following standards are designed to increase the compatibility within and adjacent to the PDO.
Building Setbacks.
All structures shall be setback a minimum of fifteen feet along the eastern property line, which abuts existing single-family residential development. The height of the buildings along the eastern set back shall not exceed sixteen feet.
All structures shall be setback a minimum of fifteen feet along the western property line.
All structures shall be setback a minimum of forty-five feet along the southerly property line, which also abuts existing single-family residential development.
The northern setback from the property line at Rancho California Road shall be twenty-five feet except for the setback at Building 11, which shall be fifteen feet.
Pedestrian Linkages. Pedestrian linkages shall be provided in accordance with Exhibit B (sidewalk plan).
A pedestrian pathway system shall be provided within the PDO as shown on the sidewalk plan.
Building Height. The height of structures shall not exceed three stories or forty feet in height.
Trash Enclosures. No trash enclosures shall be permitted along Rancho California Road. All enclosures shall be architecturally compatible with the main building and screened with landscaping. Exact location shall be determined at the development plan stage.
Transit Provisions. Provisions for a transit stop shall be provided. Final location shall be determined at the development plan stage, through consultation with the developer, Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) and the city traffic engineer.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
Vehicular circulation system standards have been developed to assure that adequate vehicular access ingress and egress exist for the project, that internal project circulation and vehicle stacking are sufficient and that necessary emergency vehicle access requirements are met. A conceptual site plan (Exhibit A) has been prepared with input from the planning, public works and fire departments. Locations for buildings, access points from Rancho California Road and the western road, drive lanes, parking lots and parking lot landscaping have been provided on the conceptual plan in an effort to depict the overall development of the site. Minor changes or modifications to the conceptual plan may occur provided they are reviewed and approved by the city of Temecula at the development plan stage.
Access Points. One access point to the project has been provided to the site from Rancho California Road and one from the westerly drive that is contiguous to the west property line.
Access to the PDO shall be provided from the access point on Rancho California Road.
A secondary access has been provided along the existing drive that runs along the PDO's westerly boundary.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
Unless expressly stated below, residential architectural guidelines for the PDO are contained within Chapter 5 of the citywide design guidelines.
Architectural Design Guidelines.
Form, Height And Massing. The guidelines contained below correspond to the conceptual building elevations (elevations), contained in Exhibit D. Final design of the individual buildings will utilize the design concepts depicted on the elevations and may vary from the elevations depicted in Exhibit D.
Buildings shall not exceed forty feet in height.
Offsets in planes shall be used to reduce the mass of building walls, accent entry areas, and create architectural interest.
Building forms shall be of simple geometry with sculptural or traditional forms acceptable.
Pediment entries, colorful window and door trim shall be used for accent purposes.
Building entries shall be defined and articulated through the use of items such as columns and stone veneers.
Recessed windows and entryways shall be used, especially at the ground level as they add interest to the product.
Windows or window-type elements are encouraged on second story elements.
Windows on the second floor shall line up with windows on the first floor, making the column/structure apparent.
All sides of the buildings shall receive adequate detail treatment; however, reduced articulation shall be permitted for those sides of the buildings that are not clearly visible from public view.
Colors and Materials. The colors and materials for the PDO shall be consistent with the color and material boards (Exhibit F). The purpose of the color and material board is to provide continuity between the components of the Rendezvous PDO.
The predominant building color includes a mixture of earth tones (grays, whites, yellows, tans and browns), similar to colors already used throughout the city of Temecula, other Southern California cities, Warm or light colors are the most appropriate for trim.
Brighter colors shall be limited to signs, doors, window trim and other detailing related to pedestrian areas.
Cement plaster, or similar materials will be used predominantly throughout as will manufactured natural color stone, wood trellis and traditionally inspired concrete red "S" tile roofing.
Textured concrete tiles may be used on building elevations.
High quality, dark colored roofing, such as concrete S tile are recommended.
Beams, posts and wooden or stone columns shall be simple with camps and toes. Care should be taken so that the width of the column is in proportion to the scale of the building.
Roof Forms.
Roofs shall be high enough to hide rooftop equipment.
Varied roof heights shall be incorporated to reduce building massing.
The use of cornices is strongly encouraged.
Landscape Design Guidelines.
Project-Wide Landscaping. The landscape theme is intended to support the architectural guidelines by creating screens and buffers where needed and views where opportunities exist.
Plant material selection for street trees shall be determined by the citywide design guidelines and the Temecula Municipal Code, which shall complement the existing street trees on Rancho California Road.
Introduced plant materials will be installed so that they reflect the surrounding plant species.
Irrigation systems shall include low flow drip systems, consistent with Chapter 17.32 of the city's Development Code (Water-Efficient Landscape Design).
Project Edges. Project edges will be the most visible components of the project. The intent is to provide a comprehensive landscape approach to the project, while paying attention to the particular needs of each edge condition. Plans and sections are provided to guide future development plans in these areas. The landscape plan and section legend, plans and sections are included as Exhibit C.
Rancho California Road Edge. Landscaping along Rancho California Road shall be complimentary to existing landscaping along Rancho California Road, as well as serve to identify the project. Streetscape plantings will be coordinated with interior streetscape and parking treatments as well as with adjacent parcel landscaping. An enhanced project entry will provide a gateway into the project. Reference Exhibits C-1 (Plan) and C-1a (Section): Rancho California Road / Lower Site.
Residential (External)/Residential Edge. This edge shall serve to buffer the proposed development from the existing single-family residential to the east. A minimum fifteen foot landscape buffer shall be required from the eastern property line to any structure. Evergreen trees with broad canopies may be utilized to allow for maximum privacy for the existing single-family residents. Reference Exhibits C-3 and C-3a: Lower Site Interface at East. The height of the buildings along the eastern set back shall not exceed sixteen feet.
Residential (Internal)/Residential (External) Edge. Slopes created on the eastern and southern slopes shall be extensively landscaped to meet current city development code standards. Since these are down slopes of various lengths, trees and shrubs are provided near the top of the slope to allow for maximum privacy for the existing single-family residents. Reference Exhibit C-4 (Section): Upper Site Interface at East and Exhibit C-5 (Section): Upper Site Interface at South.
Major Entries. Special landscaping will occur at the Rancho California entry that will identify the points of entry and set the tone for the PDO. Plantings will be coordinated with the Rancho California Road edge. Clear views for traffic safety and project signage must be maintained. Enhanced vehicular and pedestrian access will identify major entries, as follows.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)
All development within the Rendezvous planned development overlay district shall conform and comply with the requirements set forth in the following exhibits, which exhibits are on file in the official records of the city clerk and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full and which are also reduced in size to be included in the zoning code text:
Exhibit 17.22.156 A-1 through A-3.
Conceptual Site Plans
Exhibit 17.22.156 B.
Sidewalk Plan
Exhibit 17.22.156 C.
Landscape Plan and Section Legend, Plans and Sections
Exhibit 17.22.156 D.
Entry Monument Signs
Exhibit 17.22.156 E-1 through E-8.
Conceptual Building Elevations
Exhibit 17.22.156 F.
Color and Material Board
Exhibit C Landscape plan and section legend, plans and sections.
Exhibit C-1
Landscape Plan View Rancho California Road / Lower Site
Exhibit C-1a
Section 1-1 Rancho California Rd. / Lower Site
Exhibits C-2
Plan View Lower Site Interface at East
Exhibits C-3
Section 3-3 Lower Site Interface at East
Exhibits C-3a
Section 3-3 Lower Site Interface at East
Exhibits C-4
6-6 Upper Site Interface at East
Exhibits C-5
Section 7-7 Upper Site Interface at South
Exhibits C-6
Plan View Upper Site Interface at South
Exhibits C-7
Elevation Major Entry Monument
Exhibit C-8
Plan View Major Entry Monument
Exhibit C-9
Plan View Enhanced Paving (Alternate 1)
Exhibit C-9a
Plan View Enhanced Paving (Alternate 2)
Accent trees with fall or flowering color should be used as identify plantings.
Low-scale walls, shrubs, and groundcovers with annual or perennial color should be used to highlight key areas, such as the base of project entry monuments.
Trees should be massed to create an effect similar to native plantings in undisturbed areas.
Secondary Entry. The secondary entry is located at the westerly edge of the project along an un-named road between this project and the multifamily development to the west.
Design elements may include accent plantings, low scale walls, and monumentation.
Shrubs and groundcovers with annual or perennial color should be used at the base of project entry monumentation.
Accent trees, such as palm trees or crape myrtle varieties should be used to identify entries.
Project-Wide Hardscape Concept. Hardscape elements shall be used in coordination with the architecture and landscaping to provide a link between the street edge and the development. Attention to hardscape details creates a strong sense of community by relating different areas of the developments to an overriding theme. In addition, property hardscaping can improve pedestrian safety, movement and visual enjoyment of public areas.
Paving Materials. The use of enriched paving treatment has been recommended for the major entry into the site and intersections to highlight key areas of the streetscape.
Paving materials that incorporate natural rock or stone are highly recommended.
Major intersection and project entry crosswalks shall be highlighted by enriched paving treatments such as stamped, colored concrete, interlocking pavers or cobblestones to visually denote crosswalks.
Near buildings, paving materials should be consistent with major intersection treatments, using interlocking pavers, cobblestone, natural stone, or textured concrete.
Street Furniture. Hardscape elements such as benches, bollards, paving and light standards shall reflect the theme of the overall PDO, complimenting the architecture and landscape. Materials used in construction of street furniture should complement architectural materials used on adjacent buildings. Safety and durability need special consideration.
Natural stone, rock, textured concrete, wood, or metal are all acceptable building materials for street furniture.
Street furniture should be located within gathering and/or shaded seating areas within the property.
All benches should be of simple design of wrought-iron metal, or concrete with supports and scroll detailing and finished natural wood slats for the sitting area.
Trash receptacles and other minor details must relate to the architectural style of buildings.
Walls and Fences. When necessary for security or to mitigate grading, walls or retaining walls and fences shall reinforce the project's identity and image. The material, style, and height of walls and fences shall in order to ensure visual consistency, provide an element of continuity throughout the property.
Construction materials and colors shall be consistent with the project architecture with dark-toned hues and earthtone colors preferred. The use of a hedge/bollard treatment is acceptable and encouraged.
For walls built to screen ancillary structures adjacent to buildings, such as trash enclosures, construction materials should complement the architecture.
The horizontal mass of continuous walls should be softened by landscape planting and vines.
Tubular steel or an equivalent may be used for fencing.
Lighting Concept. In the design of lighting, careful consideration must be given the overall architectural theme as well as to the safety of the site users. An emphasis should be made to emphasize human scale in public areas adjacent to buildings and along walks.
Warm white lighting is encouraged, bright colored or blinking lights shall not be allowed.
Light standards will blend architecturally with buildings, pedestrian areas, and other hardscape elements.
Design and placement of site lighting must minimize glare affecting adjacent properties, buildings and roadways.
Natural stone and concrete may be used for light standard bases.
All lighting shall be consistent with the Mt. Palomar Lighting Ordinance.
"Old town style" lighting fixtures, either attached to building or pedestal mounted along pedestrian walkways and gathering areas shall be utilized.
Monument Signs.
General Requirements.
All portions of entry monuments including the base and cap, shall be constructed with materials and colors as shown on Exhibit F. All monument signs shall include the name of the project and the lettering shall be no higher than nineteen inches and no smaller than three inches in height. Low growing shrubs, groundcover and/or annual color shall surround the base of the sign.
(Ord. 22-11 § 4)