Sections 17.22.286 through 17.22.300 shall be known as "PDO-15" (Cypress Ridge planned development overlay district).
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
The Cypress Ridge planned development overlay district (PDO-15) is intended to provide regulations for a creative mixture of uses where a specific plan or village center overlay is not appropriate. The planned development overlay is intended to provide a mechanism to allow for flexibility in the development regulations and design standards to allow variations of land uses which are typically outside of conventional zoning standards. Through this flexibility of certain standards many of the objectives of the general plan can best be achieved. It is the intent of the city to create special regulations that will combine clustered detached and attached single-family residential homes with open space to serve as a transitional medium density residential development between existing medium density single-family residential areas to the north and single family residential properties to the west. The current zoning on the site is professional office (PO).
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
Any development within Cypress Ridge planned development overlay (PDO-15) will be required to address impacts to the city's budget as a result of the increased costs to the city of providing public safety and other municipal services to the project area substantially exceeding the municipal revenue generated from the project ("city services deficit"). The city has received a fiscal impact analysis, dated as of July, 2017 ("FIA"), documenting the city services deficit. The owners of the property within the project, and their successors in interest, shall pay the city the sum of four hundred thirty-nine dollars per residential dwelling unit within the project each year as mitigation for the city services deficit. Owner and its successors to the property within the project may fulfill this obligation through a community facilities district established by the city pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities District Act of 1982, Government Code Section 53311, et seq., or other appropriated financing mechanism approved by the city; provided, however, the obligation of each owner and their successors to pay the city services deficit payment under this obligation remains an obligation of the owner and its successors regardless of the financing mechanism used to pay it and regardless of whether there is a financing mechanism to pay it.
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
The permitted uses for the Cypress Ridge planned development overlay are described in this section.
Medium (M) density residential uses permitted in Table 17.06.030 of the Development Code will be allowed throughout the Cypress Ridge development.
Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.294, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in the area.
The citywide design guidelines that are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete.
The approval requirements contained in the development code that are in effect at the time the application is deemed complete.
Any other relevant rule, regulation or standard that is in effect at the time an application is deemed complete.
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
The Cypress Ridge planned development overlay district (PDO-15), located within Pechanga Parkway, Loma Linda Avenue and Temecula Lane, is intended to provide for the development of two hundred forty-five single-family detached and attached homes within fee simple condominium unit boundaries, on 22.7 gross acres/20.18 net acres, with a proposed average density of 12.14 dwelling units per net acre. The proposed project is comprised entirely of private residential land uses designed to enhance housing opportunities, consider natural features, incorporate private and common open space, private recreation, and develop a common community theme. The project will provide housing opportunities consistent with the city's general plan policies in response to local market demands and will provide for a visually pleasing environment through adaptation of supplemental performance standards that have been provided to ensure transitional compatibility with adjacent neighborhoods. Supportive housing that complies with Section 17.06.110 shall be a permitted use. Transitional housing shall be permitted by right in single family homes. Accessory dwelling units shall be permitted and shall comply with Chapter 17.23.
(Ord. 17-06 § 4; Ord. 23-11, 11/28/2023; Ord. 2023-12, 11/28/2023)
The residential component shall comply with the development standards set forth in Table 17.22.294. The maximum residential density shall be 12.14 units per net acre.
Table 17.22.294
Residential Development Standards
Cypress Ridge Planned Development Overlay District PDO-15
Residential Development Standards
Detached Cluster
Attached Cluster
Unit Boundary Area
Minimum Unit area
1,945 sq. ft.
1,575 sq. ft.
1,370 sq. ft.
Maximum number of dwelling units per gross acre
Unit Dimensions
Minimum average width
126 ft.
92 ft.
42 ft.
Minimum average depth
128 ft.
119 ft.
50 ft.
Building Setbacks
Minimum front yard 1
5.0 ft.
5.0 ft.
6.0 ft.
Minimum corner side yard
5.0 ft.
5.0 ft.
7.5 ft.
Minimum interior side yard
5.0 ft.
8.0 ft.
7.5 ft.
Minimum rear yard
5.0 ft.
8.0 ft.
Minimum building separation
10 ft. 2
16 ft.
15 ft.
Other Requirements
Maximum building height
27 ft.
36.5 ft.
29.5 ft.
Measured to private street parkway or sidewalk.
First floors and portion between the Unit-A and Unit-B Plan second floors.
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
Setting and Location. The Cypress Ridge project is comprised of 22.73 gross acres within Pechanga Parkway, Loma Linda Avenue and Temecula Lane, which are all fully developed public right-of-way streets with the exception of Temecula Lane which shall be realigned at the north property boundary during the development of Cypress Ridge. Additionally a storm drain easement will be dedicated for the city's existing underground facilities at the intersection of Pechanga Parkway and Loma Linda Avenue in exchange for the inclusion of parcel 961-450-003 within the Cypress Ridge development for on-site stormwater treatment and retention.
Existing Site Conditions. The property consists of undeveloped land. Topographical relief ranges from a high elevation of one thousand thirty-one in the eastern portion of the property, to a low elevation of one thousand fifteen near the north portion of the property. An existing watercourse traverses the property, flowing from east to west into an existing open drainage channel.
Surrounding Land Uses and Development. Single-family homes exist to the west and south of the project, with a master planned multi-family development to the east and existing Pala Park to the northeast.
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)
The development shall be consistent with the following exhibits:
Exhibit 17.22.300.A - Landscape Site Plan
Exhibit 17.22.300.B - Detached Cluster Building Separation (Unit A and Unit B Plans)
The Cypress Ridge detached cluster homes are two-story with a ten-foot separation at the first level featuring the second levels set back from the first level around the perimeter of each of the three plans and meet the fifteen-foot separation per Section 17.06.050(B)(1) with the exception of a portion of an area between the Unit A and Unit B Plans where the separation at the second level is at ten feet throughout a twenty-six-foot length area. The rooms of the Unit A and Unit B Plans where this occur is the recreation room, stair and volume ceiling over the first level of the Unit A and the recreation room of the Unit B. There are no opposing windows across from these Plans in this area. It should also be noted that all of the detached cluster homes feature downstairs bedrooms with full baths to accommodate a multitude of lifestyle stages.
Unit B Second Floor
Unit A Second Floor
Exhibit 17.22.300.C - Private Street Parallel Parking and Traffic Calming Features
Cypress Ridge private streets are based on City Standard No. 104 where a forty-foot curb-to-curb width is provided for one twelve-foot-wide travel lane in each direction and room for parallel parking on both sides. This is similar to other residential projects in Temecula such as nearby Classic Way. Private street pavement width is reduced to thirty-two feet where parallel parking is provided on one side and both twelve-foot-wide travel lanes are preserved. As Cypress Ridge will be a gated community, traffic calming features have been included such as curb returns which narrow at driveways and intersections and define the parallel parking spaces, reducing the pavement width to twenty-four feet in order to delineate the travel lanes and separate the parking spaces to aid in enforcing the proposed fifteen mile-per-hour speed limit. This design is also partially modeled after Section 16.51.060(A), where the land use is described as attached homes/small lot detached homes where the travel lanes in each direction are listed at two at ten including parallel parking listed at eight on both sides. Although twelve-foot-wide travel lanes are being provided at Cypress Ridge per fire department requirements and to ease traffic circulation throughout. Below is an example of one of these circulation streets where parking is shown on both sides with curb returns to define the parking spaces along with providing a defined space for refuse/recycle bins.
Exhibit 17.22.300.D - Mailbox Cluster Box Units
USPS approved CBUs (8, 12 & 16 box units)
Parkview Stucco CBU Cap & Pedestal, Sandstone Color with overhead Trellis
Exhibit 17.22.300.E - Parking Step-Out Width
The parking lot islands shall be five feet wide excluding curbs with a one-foot step-out adjacent to the parking stall. Concrete step outs per the city's ordinance (twelve-inch separate walk adjacent to six-inch curb) would be poured separately which can be problematic when one portion settles or raises causing an uneven surface. Cypress Ridge uses a design the consultant team has used successfully in Temecula where the curb is installed as a monolithic twelve-inch-width to provide sufficient step-out space without the issues of a two-pour section (see attached detail). This design provides durability for the curb and step-out surface while reducing overall impervious surfaces to meet water quality requirements.
Exhibit 17.22.300.F - Architectural Styles
Detached Cluster Homes
Attached Cluster Homes
Duplex Homes
Triplex Homes
(Ord. 17-06 § 4)