Before accepting an application and a set of plans for review, the city engineer shall collect all applicable plan checking fees. Separate permits and fees shall apply to retaining walls or major drainage structures. All applicants submitting plans, as required by this title, shall pay all plan check fees and/or deposits, as required by this title and by city council resolution establishing applicable fees and deposits.
An application submittal may expire in one hundred eighty days from the date of submittal if no permit has been issued in accordance with Sections 18.06.140 and 18.12.100. If the application submittal has expired, the applicant shall be required to resubmit a new application and pay new plan check fees based on the city's current fee schedule.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
All applicants requesting a grading permit (for work related to mass, rough, precise, borrow site/stockpile, erosion and sediment control, administrative clearing, rock blasting, paving/watercourse alterations), a haul route permit and an encroachment permit, as required by this title, shall pay all fees and/or deposits, as required by this title and by city council resolution establishing applicable fees and deposits. All permit fees shall be collected prior to issuance of permit.
A permit may expire in one hundred eighty days from the date of issuance in accordance with Sections 18.06.160 and 18.12.120 unless it is formally extended.
If the permit has expired, the applicant shall be required to resubmit a new application and pay a permit issuance fee based on the city's current fee schedule.
If the permit is officially extended, as a condition of said extension of any time period, the city engineer may require the payment of additional permit, plan checking, inspection and/or soils review fees required to cover the administration of the extensions and/or increased costs to the city and to bring the project into conformance with any fee schedule in effect at the time of extension.
The fee for a permit, authorizing additional work under a valid permit, shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project, as indicated in the city's current fee schedule.
Failure to pay fees and obtain a permit, before commencing work, shall be deemed a violation of this title, except where it can be proven to the satisfaction of the city engineer that an emergency existed that made it impractical to first obtain the permit. A violation shall result in an assessment of double permit fees (per the city engineer) that shall be in addition to the required permit fee for work done prior to permit issuance. Payment of such fees shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this title.
A separate permit shall be required for each separate (noncontiguous) site. One permit may cover both an excavation and a fill on the same site.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
All applicants requesting inspections, as required by this title, shall pay all fees and/or deposits, as required by this title and by city council resolution establishing applicable fees and deposits. All inspection fees shall be collected prior to issuance of permit.
If there are additional inspection fees owed to the city for prolonged, unforeseen and unexpected inspection services, the city engineer shall recover addition fees (for staff members performing the work) over and above the originally paid inspection fees at an hourly rate. Said hourly rates shall be established by the finance department and in accordance with applicable city resolution.
When any premature inspection request causes the city engineer to go on-site before the job is ready for such an inspection, due to the negligence of the permittee, the city engineer shall recover said inspection costs based on an hourly rate fee for each such re-inspection, pursuant to the applicable city resolution. The fees shall be paid before any further inspections are made.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
After submittal and commencement of processing by the city, no fee (including plan checking fees, permit fees, inspection fees, etc.) collected pursuant to this title, shall be refunded in whole or in part, except as provided as follows:
Inspection fees may be refunded, less any city expenses incurred (including a reasonable overhead charge) at any time prior to the start of the work authorized by the permit, upon the applicant's written request, provided the permit application has expired or has been withdrawn.
No refund shall be made pursuant to this section:
If the applicant or permittee has any outstanding debts owed to the city, or if corrective work remains to be done on the construction site.
If a request for refund is submitted to the city more than one year from the date of payment of the fee as to which a refund is claimed.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
Before accepting a geotechnical (soils) report for review, the city engineer shall collect a report review fee. A separate fee will be charged for each individual report submitted for review. The amount shall be established, as set forth by city council resolution.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
If the city engineer determines that it is necessary for the city to cause erosion and sediment control measures to be installed or site/street cleanup to be done as emergency work (relating to construction or grading work on private property), the city engineer shall charge the property owner all direct and indirect costs that are necessary to complete the work to his or her satisfaction for the benefit of the public.
The cost recovery fee structure shall include all actual costs including, but not limited to, fees due to accelerating emergency work, administrative and legal costs, extra inspections, supervision and reasonable overhead charges. Any costs assessed against the property owner under this section may be appealed to city council in accordance with Section 18.27.100 "Appeals" of this title.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
A permit shall not be issued unless the permittee first posts a security with the city comprised of a bond, cash deposit, letter of credit or a combination cash deposit and a corporate surety bond issued by a surety authorized to do business in the state of California, as specified in and subject to the requirements of the Engineering and Construction Manual.
All security requirements shall be in compliance with this title, the Engineering and Construction Manual, the Temecula Municipal Code and all city and engineering standards.
The developer shall warrant the work performed pursuant to any of the agreements noted above for a period of one year after final acceptance by city council of the work and improvements against any defective work or labor done or defective materials furnished. If within the warranty period any work or improvement associated with the project fails to fulfill any of the requirements of the agreements, the developer shall immediately address the defects and repair and/or replace any defective or otherwise unsatisfactory part of the work.
All substitutions of bonds shall be in compliance with this title, the Engineering and Construction Manual, the Temecula Municipal Code and all city and engineering standards. If any security is replaced by another approved security, the replacement shall be filed with the city clerk and, upon filing, shall be deemed to have been a part of and incorporated into its associated agreement. Upon filing of a replacement security with the city clerk, the former security may be released.
In the event of failure to complete the work and failure to comply with all of the conditions and terms of the permit, the city engineer may order work required by the permit to be completed or put in a safe condition to his or her satisfaction. The surety executing such bond, deposit, instrument of credit or letter of credit shall continue to be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that may be incurred or expended in causing any and all such required work to be done.
Whenever the city engineer finds or determines that a default has occurred in the performance of any requirement of a condition of a permit issued under the provisions of this title, written notice thereof shall be given to the principal and to the surety named on the bond. Such notice shall specify the work to be done, the estimated cost thereof and the period of time deemed by the city engineer to be reasonably necessary for the completion of such work. After receipt of such notice, the surety shall, within the time specified, cause or require the work to be performed, or failing therein, shall pay the estimated cost of doing the work as set forth in the notice. The surety shall pay the city for actual costs in accordance with Section 18.24.120 "Cost recovery fees."
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)
The security required by the previous section shall guarantee performance of the work authorized pursuant to the permit and shall be released upon acceptance of the work by the city engineer, as specified in and subject to the requirements of the Engineering and Construction Manual.
Release of Security for Public Improvements. The security furnished for public improvements shall be eligible for release in accordance with this title, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all applicable city policies and procedures.
Release of Security for Private Development. The security furnished for private development shall be eligible for release upon final completion and issuance of the certificate of occupancy, in accordance with this title, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all applicable city policies and procedures.
(Ord. 13-01 § 4)