Nothing in this code shall be construed to apply to any person transacting and carrying on any business exempt by virtue of the Constitution or applicable statutes of the United States or of the state from the amount of such taxes as are herein prescribed.
(Prior code § 16-190; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
Nothing in this code shall be construed as exempting any person from obtaining a business license. Every person obtaining a tax exempt license shall pay a processing fee of one ($1.00) dollar.
(Prior code § 16-191; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
(Refer to Section 16001, Business and Professions Code, State of California)
Every honorably discharged member of the Armed Forces of the United States, who is physically unable to obtain his livelihood by means of manual labor and who is a qualified voter of the state, shall have the right to distribute circulars, hawk, peddle and vend any goods, wares or merchandise owned by him or her, except spiritous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating beverages, without the payment of a license fee, subject, however, to the restrictions, limitations and conditions hereafter set forth.
(Prior code § 16-192; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
Every applicant must comply with the following requirements before a license may be issued under the provisions of this section:
Every applicant must furnish a certificate of physical disability executed by a qualified surgeon of any of the Armed Forces of the United States, a certificate of honorable discharge from any of the Armed Forces of the United States, and written recommendation from the representatives of the local posts of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars;
Every applicant must comply with the procedure established for peddlers contained within this code. (Refer to Section 6.72.010)
(Prior code § 16-192.1; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
A license, when issued, is subject to the following conditions:
It is nontransferable and for the exclusive use of the licensee named;
Should the license be found in the possession of one other than the licensee named, it shall be surrendered to the license collector and canceled and neither the licensee named nor the holder thereof shall thereafter be entitled to hold an exempt license under the provisions of this section;
The licensee named must identify himself by his signature whenever required to do so by the police officer, license inspector, or license collector of the city;
Whenever the licensee uses any wagon, cart, tray, basket, or other vehicle or receptacle in vending such goods, wares or merchandise, said license shall be carded in a license holder attached to said vehicle or receptacle and in plain view;
Every license issued under the provisions of this section shall expire thirty days from and after the date of issuance and a new license may thereafter be issued pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(Prior code § 16-192.2; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
(Refer to Section 16002, Business and Professions Code, state of California)
Any commercial travelers or selling agents, selling their goods to other business establishments for the purpose of resale or reuse by others, whether selling for present or future delivery by sample or otherwise. This section shall exempt such person only from the payment of license fees. Any license exempt of tax is nontransferable and for the exclusive use of the licensee named.
(Prior code § 16-193; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
The provisions of this title shall not be deemed or construed to require the payment of a license tax to conduct, manage, or carry on any business, occupation, or activity from any institution or organization which is conducted, managed, or carried on wholly for the benefit of charitable purposes or from which profit is not derived, either directly or indirectly, by any individual; nor shall any license tax be required for the conducting of any entertainment, concert, exhibition, or lecture on scientific, historical, literary, religious, or moral subjects within the city whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, concert, exhibition, or lecture are to be appropriated to any church or school or to any religious or benevolent purpose; nor shall any license tax be required for the conducting of any entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition, or lecture by any religious, charitable, fraternal, educational, military, state, county, or municipal organization or association whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition, or lecture are to be appropriated for the purpose and object for which such organization or association was formed and from which profit is not derived, either directly or indirectly, by any individual; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be deemed to exempt any such organization or association from complying with any of the provisions of this code requiring a permit from the city council or any commission or officer to conduct, manage, or carry on any profession, trade, calling or occupation.
(Prior code § 16-194; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
None of the license fees provided for by this code shall be so applied as to occasion an undue burden upon interstate commerce. In any case where a license fee is believed by a license or applicant for license to place an undue burden upon such commerce, he or she may apply to the license and tax collector for an adjustment of the fee so that it shall not be discriminatory, unreasonable, or unfair as to such commerce. Such application may be made before, at, or within six months after payment of the prescribed license fee. The applicant shall, by affixing and supporting testimony, show his method of business and gross volume or estimated gross volume of business and such other information as the license and tax collector may deem necessary in order to determine the extent, if any, of such undue burden on such commerce. The license and tax collector shall then conduct an investigation comparing the applicant's business with other businesses of like nature and shall make findings of fact from which he shall determine whether the fee fixed by this code is unfair, unreasonable or discriminatory as to applicant's business, and shall fix as the license fee for the applicant an amount that is fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory, or, if the fee has already been paid, shall order a refund of the amount over and above the fee so fixed. In fixing the fee to be charged, the license and tax collector shall have the power to base the fee upon a percentage of gross sales, or any other method which will assure that the fee assessed shall be uniform with that assessed on businesses of like nature, so long as the amount assessed does not exceed the license tax as prescribed by this code. Should the license and tax collector determine the gross sales measure of the fee to be the fair basis, he may require the applicant to submit, either at the time of termination of the applicant's business in the city or at the end of each three months period, a sworn statement of the gross sales and pay the amount of the fee therefor, provided that no additional fee during any one calendar year shall be required after the licensee shall have paid an amount equal to the annual license as prescribed in this code.
(Prior code § 16-195; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
Any doctor, lawyer, architect, dentist or other professional person not having a fixed place of business within the city, who is called upon to come to the city to render services, shall be not required to pay a business license tax.
(Prior code § 16-196; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
Upon application and subject to any administrative requirements of the city administrator, the license and tax collector may issue a license without payment of any license tax to any person under the age of 18 years where the following conditions are present:
Minor person conducting business is currently enrolled in school not above high school;
Business activity is conducted only outside of school hours or during school vacation;
Business activity produces not more than $1,000 in gross receipts during any calendar year, and any profits therefrom accrue only to applicant;
Only applicant and others under age of 18 years shall be employed in the business; and
Applicant has filed with the license and tax collector the written consent of a parent or legal guardian to issuance of license.
Such person shall not be exempt from any permit fees required by this code, and shall pay a one dollar ($1.00) processing fee for the issuance of such tax exempt license.
(Prior code § 16-198; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)