Note: For license fees, see § 5.08.010.
There are exempted from the provisions of this chapter the circulation and delivery of legal newspapers and periodicals to paid subscribers thereto; provided that such newspapers and periodicals shall be delivered upon private property of any of the subscribers.
(Prior code § 16-415; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
No person shall distribute in the city any advertising sample, handbill, dodger, circular, newspaper, booklet, or other notice of advertisement, without having first obtained in writing from the city license and tax collector a permit therefor as provided in this title.
(Prior code § 16-416; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)
Any person desiring to obtain a permit to distribute in the city any advertising sample, handbill, dodger, circular, newspaper, booklet, or other notice of advertisement, shall file an application in writing therefor with the city license and tax collector, giving the name and address of the applicant, a general description of the advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspaper, booklets, or other notice of advertisement proposed to be distributed, and an agreement to distribute such matter in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and in accordance with the directions of the city license and tax collector.
(Prior code § 16-417; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)
No license to distribute handbills, circulars, etc., shall be required from any person maintaining a fixed place of business within the city and advertising his or her own line of goods and paying a regular license fee to the city; provided that said business handles its own distributing. Whenever such distribution of advertising matter is carried on in the interests of any church, religious, educational or fraternal society and not for profit gained by such church, religious, educational or fraternal society or its agent, no license fee shall be charged. Permits, however, are required of every person distributing advertising matter. Refer to Section 5.08.490 for permit fees.
(Prior code § 16-418; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)
If any agent desires to distribute the advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, booklets, or other notices of more than one person, a separate permit shall be required for each person whose bills are to be distributed.
(Prior code § 16-419; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
Any person who has obtained a certificate from the city license and tax collector as provided in this title, and has paid the required license fee, may distribute advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, or other notices of advertisement in the city by placing the same on the porches of residents in a receptacle or device placed on the porch for that purpose, other than mailboxes, if there is such a receptacle or device; provided that if there is no such receptacle, then in such a manner that such advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, or other notices will not be blown from such porch onto the lawns, yards, streets, alleys, or public places in the city; provided, further, that the city license and tax collector may direct the manner of placing such advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, or other notices of advertisement.
(Prior code § 16-420; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)
No person shall distribute to or among pedestrians along or upon any public street, alley, park, or other public place in the city, or place in any automobile or other vehicle parked along any public street, alley, park, or other public place in the city, any advertising sample, handbill, circular, newspaper, booklet, or other notice of advertisement.
(Prior code § 16-421; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
No person shall distribute or throw upon any street, alley or public place, or upon any private yard, lawn, driveway or sidewalk of any residence, or upon any vacant property of the city, any newspaper, advertising sample, handbill, dodger, circular, booklet, or other notice of advertisement without the consent of the owner thereof, or his agent or the occupant of said property.
(Prior code § 16-422; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-134 § 2, 1971)
If the owner, occupant or person in charge of any residence, court, apartment, hotel or other premises forbids the distribution of advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, booklets or other notices of advertisement on the premises owned or occupied by him or of which he is in charge, either by so advising the holder of any permit issued under the provisions of this title or any of his agents or employees or by posting and maintaining a sign on such premises reading "No Handbills" or words of similar import, it is unlawful for the holder of any such permit or his agent or employees to distribute advertising samples, handbills, dodgers, circulars, newspapers, booklets or other notices of advertisement on such premises, and the violation of the provisions of this section by the permittee or his agents or employees shall be grounds for the revocation of a permit issued under this title.
(Prior code § 16-423; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)