Note: For license fee, see § 5.08.060.
An "auto-park" is an automobile or parking space in or upon any lot or parcel of land in which automobiles are stored, which maintains no buildings or other structure.
(Prior code § 16-475; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
The applicant shall file an application with the city license and tax collector, plats and plans of the grounds or parcel of land to be used as an automobile parking lot, indicating thereon the boundaries, adjoining houses, apartment houses, and structures of any nature whatever; also number of square feet used for parking automobiles.
The city license and tax collector shall approve the plan as filed with him, and shall issue a permit for conducting such storage or parking space. A schedule of prices to be charged for parking shall be shown on such application.
(Prior code § 16-476; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)
Every person carrying on said business of storage or parking automobiles other than a regular storage structure shall post signs in conspicuous places at or near the point of entrance indicating in figures, not less than 10 inches in height, the exact amount to be charged, how long attendants remain to watch parked cars, and a number to be furnished by the city license and tax collector.
(Prior code § 16-477; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
No person shall park any automobile where any part of such machine extends over any sidewalk or walkway. It is further provided that a barrier or guard rail be placed on the parking lot preventing automobiles from rolling back or going over any portion of the sidewalk other than a driveway built expressly to carry weight of automobiles. Also, guard rails must be placed four feet from any building on adjoining property built to the property line.
(Prior code § 16-478; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969)
No person, or any employee or agent operating a parking lot or space shall solicit patronage by standing on the streets or sidewalks and ask or request or ballyhoo members of the public to use said parking space, or to make any unnecessary noise or disturbance for any reason whatsoever.
Plank entrances or exits shall not be allowed, except on special permit from the city license and tax collector.
No person shall back out of parking lots into the highway.
The entire surface of every parking space or parking lot shall be covered with an application of RC-0 or RC-1 liquid asphalt, applied at the rate of 3-8 to 5-8 of a gallon per square yard of surface, the exact rate to be determined by the director or public works, or a surface treatment which, in the opinion of said director, is equivalent to the treatment herein specified. Subsequent applications of liquid asphalt shall be applied as often as in the opinion of said director is necessary for effective dust control and at a rate not to exceed the rate of application herein specified. Before any such application is made on any parking lot, the director of public works shall be notified two days in advance.
(Prior code § 16-479; Ord. 69-O-101 § 1, 1969; Ord. 71-O-119, 1971)