This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "litter and weed control ordinance."
(Prior code § 13-35; Ord. 441, 1967)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein, unless the context indicates that a different meaning is intended:
means a litter storage and collection receptacle as required and authorized in Section 8.04.080;
means "refuse" as defined in Section 8.04.020(15) which, if thrown or deposited as herein prohibited, tends to create a danger to public health, safety and welfare;
when used hereinafter, means a lot, parcel, tract or piece of land, improved or unimproved including the sidewalk area abutting or adjoining said lot, parcel, tract or piece of land and the parkways or areas lying between the curbline and the street line of the adjoining or abutting lot bounded on the sides by the prolongation in a straight line of the property lines of the lot in front of which such parkway or area exists;
"Noxious growths"
includes but is not restricted to trees, shrubs or bushes which overhang or obstruct access to or passage by a private premises or a public place, as defined herein, weeds, vines, shrubs, or brush which bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature, or which attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, or which contain poisonous oils, or which are otherwise noxious or dangerous, or harmful to the public health, safety or welfare;
"Private premises"
means any dwelling, house, building or other structure, designed or used either wholly or in part for private residential, commercial or industrial purposes, whether inhabited or temporarily or continuously uninhabited or vacant, and shall include any yard, grounds, walk, driveway, porch, steps, vestibule or mailbox belonging or appurtenant to such dwelling, house, building, or other structure;
"Public place"
means any and all streets, sidewalks, boulevards, alleys, or other public ways and any and all public parks, squares, spaces, grounds, and buildings;
"Street line"
means the boundary line between a public street right-of-way and an abutting lot or parcel of land, or between a private street open to public use and an abutting lot or parcel of land.
(Prior code § 13-36; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 90-O-104 § 1, 1990; Ord. 98-O-101 § 6, 1998)
No person shall throw or deposit litter on any occupied private property within the city, whether owned by such person or not, except that the owner or person in control of private property may maintain authorized private containers for collection in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon any private property.
(Prior code § 13-37; Ord. 441, 1967)
The owner or person in control of any private property shall at all times maintain the premises free of litter; provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the storage of litter in authorized private containers for collection, or within any building when not in violation of any health, fire, building, or other regulation, order, ordinance, statute, or any provision of this code.
(Prior code § 13-38; Ord. 441, 1967)
No person shall throw or deposit litter on any open or vacant private property whether owned by such person or not.
(Prior code § 13-39; Ord. 441, 1967)
It shall be the duty of every owner, occupant, and person in control of any land or interest therein in the city to abate therefrom and from all sidewalks, parkways, and from the untraveled portions of any public highway or public road easements adjacent to such land, all noxious weeds or vegetation, dry grass, Russian thistle (tumbleweeds), limbs or branches of trees or bushes overhanging or obstructing the aforementioned areas, dead trees, and all combustible litter or rubbish or noxious vegetation that constitutes a fire, health or safety hazard, or which may endanger or injure neighboring property, or the health, safety, or well-being of persons or property.
No person shall sow or disseminate or allow or permit to mature, or sell in any manner or transfer, transport or convey, any seed of any noxious weed.
(Prior code § 13-40; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979)
If and when it appears that noxious growth or litter as defined by this chapter exists upon, has been placed upon, or is upon or in front of private property in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any other provisions of this code, the weed abatement officer, by appropriate written order, shall direct the removal thereof, and upon such direction shall cause notices to be posted upon or in front of such property to the effect that such prohibited matter must be removed within 30 days from and after the date of such posting. The weed abatement officer shall send, by first class United States mail, a similar notice to the owner of the subject property as shown upon any city record or upon the last equalized tax roll, whichever he determines to be the best means for reaching the actual owner, but the failure of the owner to receive such notice shall not affect the power of the city or its officers or employees to proceed as provided in this chapter.
Such notices shall be posted as conspicuously as possible on or in front of the property on or in front of which the nuisance exists, and at reasonable intervals. At least one notice shall be posted on or in front of each separately owned parcel.
(Prior code § 13-41; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 82-O-130 § 1, 1982)
The heading of the notice shall be "Notice to Destroy Weeds and Remove Noxious Growths and Litter" in letters not less than one inch in height. The notice shall be substantially in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Municipal Code Section _____, weeds, vines, brush, trees, bushes, shrubs, discarded asphalt and concrete, discarded auto bodies and parts, or litter growing upon or accumulated upon or in front of this property, and obstructing the use of sidewalks, parking, or streets, or dangerous or injurious to the health and welfare of residents of the vicinity are declared a public nuisance.
Said public nuisances are required to be abated on or before 30 days from and after the date of this posting. If not abated on or before this date the City of Placentia will abate the public nuisance, or cause the same to be abated, and the costs thereof may be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon. Reference is made to the provisions of Municipal Code Section _____ of the City of Placentia, California, on file in the office of the City Clerk for further particulars.
The owner of said land, or any party therein, may appeal to the City Council of the City of Placentia and show cause, if any there be, why the public nuisance should not be abated by the City. Such an appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk within 15 days from the date of this notice.
Dated and posted__________________
Weed Abatement Officer,
City of Placentia
(Prior code § 13-42; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 82-O-130 § 2, 1982)
The city council shall hear and consider all objections to the proposed removal or correction of said public nuisance or conditions. It may continue the hearing from time to time. By motion or resolution at the conclusion of the hearing, the city council shall allow or overrule any objections. The decision of the city council shall be final and conclusive and need not depend upon any particular evidence, showing or findings.
(Prior code § 13-43; Ord. 441, 1967)
At the conclusion of said hearing, the city council may order the weed abatement officer to abate said nuisance by entering upon private property to abate and remove the same, may sustain the objection, or may provide for any additional time period or conditions for removal it deems appropriate.
(Prior code § 13-44; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979)
The weed abatement officer shall serve by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, a copy of said abatement order forthwith upon those persons who have filed written statements of objections whose objections have been overruled. The abatement order shall specify that, unless the nuisance is removed and abated within 15 days from the date of mailing, said officer will abate the same and will, if necessary enter upon or into the private property of said person without further notice of liability therefor in order to abate said nuisance.
(Prior code § 13-45; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 82-O-130 § 3, 1982)
The weed abatement officer, or his representative, may enter upon any private property and abate any nuisance found thereon, or in front thereof, after more than 30 days following the posting of the notice to abate such nuisance as required by this chapter, if no person has filed with the city clerk a written statement of objections as herein provided within 15 days thereafter. In the event objections have been duly filed and overruled by the city council, such officer may enter upon any private property and abate any nuisance found thereon, or in front thereof, in accordance with the order of the city.
(Prior code § 13-46; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 82-O-130 § 4, 1982)
The weed abatement officer shall keep an account of the cost of abatement on each separate lot or parcel of land where the work is done. He shall submit to the director of finance an itemized written report showing such cost. A copy of the report shall be posted by the city clerk for at least three days prior to its submission to the city council on or near the city council chamber door with a notice of the time of submission.
An itemized written report showing all uncollected charges for abatement performed shall be submitted by the director of finance to the city administrator, who shall forward the report to the city council for confirmation.
The director of finance shall send a notice to the owner of the subject property either as shown upon any city record or upon the last equalized tax roll, whichever he determines to be the best means for reaching the actual owner, through the United States mail, showing the cost of abatement on each separate lot or parcel of land of such owner and designating the time fixed for receiving of payment. The notice shall also state: "All property owners having any objections to the amount of billing are hereby notified a written statement of such objections specifying the address or description of the property concerned, the reasons for objections, and the name, address, phone number (if any) and status (owner, manager, lessee, tenant or other) of the objector, which statement shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than __ day of___ 19__" (a date more than 21 days after the mailing of this bill). A charge of 35% of the contractor's cost for each parcel of land abated shall be added and paid to the city to cover the costs of administering the weed abatement program.
The administration charge shall not be less than $50.
Upon receipt of such written statement of objection, the city clerk shall notify the objectors by mail of the time and place of the meeting at which the city council shall hear and consider such objections. Such meeting shall not be sooner than three days after the mailing of such notices. The failure of the owner to receive such notice shall not affect the power of the city or its officers or employees to proceed as herein provided, nor shall it invalidate the assessment against the subject property. At the time fixed for receiving and considering the report, the city council shall hear it and shall hear any objections of the property owners liable to be assessed for the abatement. The city council may modify the report if it is deemed necessary, and shall then confirm the report by motion or resolution.
(Prior code § 13-47; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 72-O-112 § 1, 1972; Ord. 76-O-128 § 2, 1976; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 82-O-130 § 5, 1982)
Prior to assessment being made as provided in this chapter, the property owner shall be notified by mail that such assessment will be made on or about August 10th and given an opportunity to provide payment to the city prior to that date as a means of avoiding the assessment. The cost of abatement on each lot or parcel of land constitutes a special assessment against that lot or parcel. After the assessment is made and confirmed, it is a lien on the lot or parcel.
(Prior code § 13-48; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979)
After confirmation of a report, a certified copy of the same shall be filed with the Orange County auditor-controller on or before August 10th. The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the same parcels on the Orange County assessor's map book for the current year. The Orange County auditor-controller shall enter each assessment on the Orange County tax roll opposite the parcel of land. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary municipal taxes. If delinquent, the amount is subject to the same penalties and procedures of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes. As an alternative method, the Orange County tax collector, in his discretion, may collect the assessments without reference to the general taxes, by issuing separate bills and receipts for the assessments. Laws relating to the levy, collections, and enforcement of county taxes shall apply to such special assessment taxes.
(Prior code § 13-49; Ord. 441, 1967)
The director of finance shall receive the amount due on the abatement cost and shall issue receipts at any time after the confirmation of the report, prior to July 15th of the current year.
(Prior code § 13-50; Ord. 441, 1967)
Any assessment erroneously made may be cancelled or reduced so as to correct such error, and the tax paid on account thereof, not including any penalties, or interest, may be refunded to the person who paid the same, in accordance with the following procedure:
A claim of error may be filed with the director of finance at any time before April 10th of the tax year following the year in which such assessment appears or would first appear on the tax bill for the affected property. Such claim shall be in writing, in such form and detail as shall be required by the director of finance, and shall be verified;
Any claim filed shall be forwarded to the weed abatement officer for review and report to the director of finance. If the weed abatement officer determines that such assessment was erroneously made, in whole or in part, the director of finance shall direct the Orange County auditor-controller to correct the tax rolls as to the affected property by removing or reducing the erroneous assessment, and the direction of the director of finance shall be authority for the Orange County auditor-controller to so correct the tax rolls. If such assessment shall have been paid, the part determined to be erroneously levied shall be refunded to the person who paid the same, by the director of finance. In lieu of proof otherwise, the director of finance may presume that the person or persons to whom the cost was assessed was the person or persons who paid the same;
Any claimant whose claim is not favorably acted upon in whole or in part within 60 days after the filing of the same, or whose claim is denied, in whole or in part, in writing, by the director of finance within 10 days after such denial or after the expiration of such period, may appeal such denial or failure to act favorably to the city council, by written letter filed with the city clerk;
The city council shall consider such disputed assessment at an open meeting, upon reasonable notice to the claimant, and shall afford the claimant an opportunity to be heard. If the city council shall find the disputed assessment to be erroneous in whole or in part, it may authorize the director of finance to correct the assessment accordingly, to cause the tax rolls to be corrected, and to make a refund of any portion of the assessment paid, all in the manner as hereinabove provided for such corrections and refunds;
Not later than 30 days after the correction of any assessment or refund of any moneys hereunder, except by direction of the city council, the director of finance shall transmit through the city administrator to the city council a report of such action, together with the report of the weed abatement officer.
Whenever the tax rolls have been corrected or a refund has been made hereunder by reason of an erroneous assessment, a corrected written report of the type required by Section 8.08.130, relating to the work for which such erroneous assessment was levied, may be prepared by the weed abatement officer. Such report shall show the cost of abatement on the parcel or lot where the work has been done and shall state that it is proposed to assess such cost against such lot or parcel. A copy of such corrected report shall be mailed to the owner of said lot or parcel as shown upon the current assessment rolls. In all other respects Sections 8.08.130 through 8.08.160, inclusive, shall apply to such corrected assessment, except that the time for doing all things therein specified shall relate from the date of confirmation of the corrected assessment.
(Prior code § 13-51; Ord. 441, 1967; Ord. 79-O-106, 1979; Ord. 90-O-104 § 2, 1990)
Violation of this chapter is a public nuisance which may be abated as provided in Part 3 of Division 4 (Section 3470 et seq.) of the Civil Code of the state and in Chapter 2 of Title X of Part 2 (Sections 731 et seq.) of the Code of Civil Procedure of the state which remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy provided in this chapter or by state law, including Section 372 of the Penal Code of the state.
(Prior code § 13-52; Ord. 441, 1967)