Note: For additional provisions on noise control, see Ch. 23.76 of this code.
Refer to Section 23.76.050.
(Prior code § 18.21; Ord. 79-O-124 § 1, 1979)
It is unlawful for any person to sound or cause to be sounded any musical instrument, horn, bell or other sound making device on any commercial vehicle in any residentially zoned district to attract persons for the purpose of pending advertising or soliciting in connection with the use and operation of a tradesman's, peddler's or huckster's cart or vehicle, unless such person has first obtained a written permit issued by the chief of police.
The chief of police shall revoke, or refuse to issue, any such permit to any person who sounds or causes to be sounded any sound making device in the manner described in (a) of this section:
Between the hours of eight p.m. and nine a.m. of the following day;
When the vendor has stopped to make a sale;
Within five hundred feet of any church while services are in progress;
Within five hundred feet of any school while the school is in session;
Within five hundred feet of any hospital;
When the sound produced is a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise, or when the sound produced either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of other persons.
Any person denied a permit by the chief of police may appeal the decision to the city council. Such appeal must be filed in writing with the city clerk within ten days following the denial or revocation of the permit.
(Prior code § 18-22; Ord. 450 § 1, 1967)
No person shall use, operate or employ any system or electrical hookup or connection, including but not limited to, any public address system, loudspeaker or sound amplifying system or device in such a manner as to permit the sound emitted therefrom or transferred thereover or carried through such system or device, to travel into, on or over any other building or property or any public street or any space occupied by any such public street or property, in tones or volume which emits a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise, or which emits any noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of other persons.
(Prior code § 18-28; Ord. 450 § 2, 1967)
The provisions of Section 10.32.030 shall not apply to any regularly licensed radio or television dealer, demonstrating any radio or television set or receiver where the volume of sound used or employed in such demonstration is not more than is reasonably necessary for the purpose of demonstrating such sets or receivers, and providing the sound therefrom shall not be more than is audible to a person of average hearing faculties or capacity at a distance of more than fifty feet from such dealer's place of business or place where such sets or receivers are demonstrated.
(Prior code § 18-29)