For the purpose of this title certain words and terms are defined as follows:
"Domestic sewage"
means water which has been used for washing and flushing waste products from the home;
"Equivalent of domestic sewage"
means wastes not constituting a greater load of oxidizable organic material and settleable solids or otherwise constituting a greater loading or burden upon treatment plants, or otherwise requiring greater, more or different treatment, care and attention than domestic sewage;
"Industrial wastes"
means fluid wastes incident to the operation of oil wells and refineries and other oil field operations, canneries, creameries, wineries, laundries, distilleries, all other similar and dissimilar fluid wastes and sewage of every kind other than domestic sewage.
(Prior code § 26-1)
The sewage disposal system of the city and the county sanitation district No. 2 were constructed and are operated and maintained primarily for the disposal of domestic sewage.
The disposition of industrial wastes shall be permitted through the sewage systems only to the extent that the same may be done without interfering with the ability of said systems to dispose of domestic sewage. Industrial wastes shall not be permitted in said systems to an extent or of such a character as to cause overloading of the. carrying capacity or of the treatment capacity of said systems, or of such character or quantities as to cause damage to the facilities thereof. Said sewage disposal systems must be operated in such a manner as not to constitute a nuisance or to cause odorous or other objectionable conditions along transmission lines or in the vicinity of treatment plants and other facilities of said systems.
(Prior code § 26-2)
Before any person discharges industrial wastes into the municipal sewers of the city, it shall be the duty of such person to first apply to, and obtain from, the city engineer a permit therefor.
(Prior code § 26-3)
Application for permit to discharge industrial wastes in the municipal sewer shall be made in writing to the city engineer and shall contain the following information:
Name and address of applicant;
Location of connection or proposed connection with municipal sewers;
Estimated gallonage of wastes proposed to be discharged and statement as to approximate time of discharging same, together with information as to peak loads, and such other similar data as the city engineer may by rule prescribe;
Statement of the character of waste proposed to be discharged, including such detail in connection therewith as the city engineer may by rule prescribe.
(Prior code § 26-4)
Upon receipt of an application, as provided for in Section 16.04.040, the city engineer shall promptly give the same his consideration and make such investigation relating thereto as he deems necessary. In the event that the city engineer finds and determines:
That there is unused carrying and treatment capacity not necessary for the disposition of domestic sewage of the city;
That the amount and character of the wastes proposed to be discharged by applicant is such that the same can be transported and treated in such a manner that an effluent will result which complies with all applicable state laws and regulations, and which, in the opinion of the city engineer, will not result in a nuisance nor any objectionable or unpleasant odors along the pipe fines or in the vicinity of treatment plants and other facilities;
That such wastes will not result in damage to pipe lines and other disposal facilities, he shall issue to applicant a permit, as requested.
(Prior code § 26-5)
The city engineer, in his discretion, and toward the end of fulfilling the intent and purpose of this chapter may grant an application in part only, and may prescribe conditions with respect to discharge of such wastes into such sewers, and may require treatment thereof by applicants before granting a permit.
(Prior code § 26-6)
In the event of demands upon the sewer systems by several applicants which in the aggregate exceed the surplus capacity of such systems, the city engineer shall prorate among the several applicants the available carrying and treatment capacity upon an equitable basis, taking into consideration the total amount of industrial wastes of each applicant and the character and quantity of such wastes.
(Prior code § 26-7)
In the event that after the granting of a permit, as provided for in this title, it shall develop by reason of increased flow of domestic sewage, or for any cause whatever, that the discharging of such wastes in pursuance of such permit, causes the carrying or treatment capacity of said systems to be exceeded, or causes a nuisance or objectionable or unpleasant odors or conditions along the lines or in the vicinity of treatment plants or other facilities, or resulting in damage to pipelines or other facilities then, in his discretion, the city engineer may revoke the permit, or may impose further conditions with respect thereto, toward the end of remedying such conditions.
(Prior code § 26-8)
No person shall dispose of industrial wastes, or solids therefrom, by depositing the same in ditches or natural water channels or in ponds for evaporation and percolation into the ground, or in beds for drying or by processing through chemical or biological or other type treatment works, without first obtaining a permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.08.050.
(Prior code § 26-9)
Application for such permit mentioned in Section 16.04.090, shall be in writing and filed in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.08.060.
(Prior code § 26-10)
Such permit mentioned in Section 16.04.090, shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.08.080.
(Prior code § 26-11)
All persons to whom a permit shall have been granted for the disposition of industrial wastes into the sewer system of the city, shall pay to the city as rental for the use of such facilities as follows:
For the first seventy-two thousand gallons in any day, no charge;
For all quantities in excess of seventy-two thousand gallons per day, there shall be paid a base charge of ten dollars per million gallons. The base charge shall be deemed to cover the cost of gravity transmission of the equivalent of domestic sewage only, and shall not include the cost of extra pumping, treatment, chlorination or other service or attention that may be required to dispose of such wastes. The city engineer shall in each case, determine the cost to the city for pumping, treatment, chlorination and any other attention or service required in order to properly dispose of such industrial wastes, which amount shall be added to the base charge. The charges provided for in this paragraph shall be billed on the first day of each month covering the preceding calendar month, and shall then be immediately due and payable.
(Prior code § 26-12)
The city engineer shall have full authority to require of any person disposing of industrial wastes, to make a deposit in such reasonable amount as he may consider necessary in order to secure to the city the payment of the charges herein provided for. The city engineer may require meters to be installed to determine the quantity of industrial wastes, and may require the installation and maintenance of such devices and apparatus as he may, in his discretion, deem necessary to determine or record the character and quantity of such industrial wastes.
(Prior code § 26-13)
Any person dissatisfied with the action of the city engineer. in denying or granting a permit, as provided for in this title, or with any condition imposed by such permit, may within ten days appeal to the council, by giving notice thereof to the city engineer and to the city clerk. In the event of such an appeal, the city engineer shall transmit to the city clerk all papers on file in his office relating to the matter and copies of all reports and other data relating thereto, and at the next ensuing meeting of the council the matter shall either be determined or a time set therefor. The council shall have full power to review any action of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 26-14)