Streets which are a continuation of streets shall be so aligned as to assure that their centerlines shall coincide. In cases where straight continuations are not physically possible, such centerlines shall be continued by curves. Where this is physically impossible, and where right angle offsets are required for development such streets shall have a minimum of 160 feet between centerlines of such offset streets. This distance may be increased or decreased by the city engineer in order to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of citizens.
Street stubs may be required to serve adjacent unsubdivided property where, in the opinion of the city council they are necessary to adequate future access. The construction of such shall be to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
Streets shall intersect at as near right angles as is practicable.
Street corners shall have a curb radius of not less than 25 feet except that on arterial highways a 35 foot radius shall be required. All property lines shall be designed so as not to reduce parkway widths.
Reserve strips, where required to control access over certain lot lines or over the ends of street stubs, shall be dedicated to the city.
Names for proposed new streets shall be as established by the city street naming committee.
Streets, alleys and easements in any standard subdivision or parcel map shall be offered for dedication. The city, at its option, may accept or reject any such offer.
Streets shall conform as to general alignment and width to the adopted circulations element and/or any adopted precise plans.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Street design shall conform to the city's engineering standards and to the requirements set forth in Sections 22.20.030 through 22.20.080 or to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Standards for public streets including major, primary, secondary, local and minor shall be as follows:
Right-of-way Width (in feet)
Pavement Width (in feet) Curb Face to Curb Face
Median Island Width (in feet)
(1) Major street
(2) Primary or modified major street
(3) Secondary or modified primary street
(4) Modified secondary street
(5) Local industrial street
(6) Local residential/ commercial street
(7) Minor residential street
(A) 500' or less in length
(B) Looped 800' or less
(C) Cul-de-sac streets, 500' or less serving 12 lots or less
(8) Cul-de-sacs residential/ commercial
50 radius
40 radius
(9) Cul-de-sacs industrial
50 radius
44 radius
Parking shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988; Ord. 88-O-121 § 1, 1988)
Minimum standards for private streets shall be as follows:
Pavement Width (in feet) Curb face to curb face
(1) Private residential streets
(2) Private industrial and commercial streets
(3) Private streets shall be constructed to the same standards as public streets.
(4) Gated entrances to private streets from public streets shall be constructed to provide vehicle turnaround and vehicle queuing lanes between the gate and the public right-of-way. The length of the queuing lane(s) shall be one foot per dwelling unit served by the private street. The design shall be to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
Parking shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988; Ord. 88-O-121 § 2, 1988)
Minimum centerline radius on streets shall be:
Major or primary street, 1,200 feet;
Secondary street, 1,000 feet;
Local street, minor street, and multifamily restricted parking street, 200 feet.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Minimum curb radius shall be:
Alleys at arterial highways, 15 feet;
Local street, 25 feet;
Minor street, 25 feet;
Multifamily restricted parking street, 25 feet;
Arterial highways (major, primary or secondary street), 35 feet.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Grade standards shall be as follows:
Maximum permitted:
Local street, minor streets, multifamily restricted parking streets: Maximum 8%,
Major, primary or secondary street: Maximum 6%;
Minimum permitted: thirty-five hundredths (.35) percent; longitudinal fall across cross gutters shall be forty-five hundredths (.45) percent;
Transverse cross fall shall be 2%;
Deviations for special conditions shall be to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Separation strips may be required along major highways, limited access highways or freeways to separate a frontage roadway from the traffic roadway. All dimensions on such multiple roadway thoroughfares shall be as designed by the city engineer.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
The minimum requirements of Sections 22.20.030 through 22.20.070 may be reduced or increased by the planning commission upon the recommendation of the city engineer, where such deviations are deemed necessary to help alleviate problem conditions as in the case of local and minor streets where railroads, parkways, grade separations, freeways, land use and contour or other dominant factors are involved.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)