All improvements shall conform to the city's standard details and specifications. Any deviation shall be only with the written approval of the city council. Permits shall be obtained from the city engineer before construction is started. Construction materials and methods shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the APWA-AGC standard specifications or other standard specifications as designated by the city engineer.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Improvements to be provided by each subdivider or building permit applicant shall include the following:
Curb, gutter, sidewalks and walkways;
Water lines, gas and other utility services to serve each lot and stubbed to property line prior to paving;
Fire hydrants;
Sanitary sewers and laterals to serve each lot and stubbed to property line prior to paving;
Storm sewers, drains and channel improvements;
Silt basins or other form of erosion control;
Paved streets;
Underground service ornamental street lights throughout the development including those locations where overhead electrical service exists;
Walls for each residential lot;
Street trees not less than one tree per lot (average spacing 70 feet on center), of a type and size specified by the city engineer;
Street signs at locations approved by the city;
Traffic-control signs striping and markings needed as a result of the development;
Medians in accordance with city standards;
Cable TV conduit under driveway aprons.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Site improvements and improvement fees mentioned in Sections 22.64.040 through 22.64.080 shall be required.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
The development of facilities, or financial contributions in lieu thereof for the improvement or extension of any existing source of supply of utilities and the construction of utility lines from that supply to the proposed development, shall be required.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 2, 1988)
In areas served by the city, a sewage acreage fee as prescribed in the fee schedule set out in Title 5, current at the time of the issuance of a grading permit or, if none, at the time of the issuance of the building permit shall be assessed. Said offsite facilities shall include improvement to a point in a public dedicated street or easement at the furthest upstream boundary of the development which may border undeveloped property.
In areas not served by the city, the development of off-site sewage disposal facilities shall be as required by the serving agency subject to review and approval by the city engineer.
The developer shall construct portions of the master plan sewer facility as required by the city council. He may, after completion of said facilities, be reimbursed for the cost of master plan sewer facilities from funds contained in the sewer fund. If funds are insufficient for immediate reimbursement, the city council may enter into a reimbursement agreement to permit the developer to recover construction costs from subsequent sewer acreage assessments.
The city council may require sewer facilities to be installed at the developer's expense. When the cost of the master plan portion of sewer facilities exceeds the amount of the sewer acreage fee assessment for the development, the city council may waive said assessment. However, no reimbursement will be made for portions of sewer mains traversing through or adjacent to a development unless the sewer main exceeds eight inches in diameter. In such instances, reimbursement will be made only for that portion exceeding eight inches in diameter as approved by city council.
Sewer acreage fees as required by this section shall be paid into a master plan sewer fund. Moneys in such fund shall be expended solely for the construction or reimbursement for construction of master plan sewer facilities.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
The construction of drainage facilities as indicated in the master plan of storm drains and any revision thereto is required. Drainage acreage fees shall be assessed in order to fund the construction of said facilities, in accordance with the city schedule of fees established for the drainage district at the time of the issuance of the grading permit or, if none, at the time of the issuance of the building permit.
The developer shall construct portions of the master plan drainage facilities as required by the city council. He may, after completion of said facilities, be reimbursed for the cost of the master plan drainage facilities from funds contained in the respective district's funds. If the funds are insufficient for immediate reimbursement, the city council may enter into a reimbursement agreement to permit the developer to recover construction costs from subsequent drainage district assessments. Said reimbursement will be made for lines of 36 inch diameter or greater.
The city council may require drainage facilities to be installed at the developer's expense. When the estimated cost of the master plan portion of said drainage facilities, as approved by the city engineer, exceeds the amount of the drainage assessment for the development, the city council may waive said assessment. In addition, the council may enter into a reimbursement agreement to permit the developer to recover the difference between the construction costs and the drainage assessment.
Drainage acreage fees as required by this section shall be paid into a "planned master drainage fund." A separate fund shall be established for each drainage district. Moneys in each such fund shall be expended solely for the construction, or reimbursement for the construction, of master plan drainage facilities within the drainage district from which the fees comprising the fund were collected.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
Other improvements required shall be as follows:
Properly graded, drained and paved access roads;
The extension of other utilities.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)
In addition to all other requirements herein:
Improvement work, including grading, shall not be commenced until improvement plans for such work have been submitted to and approved by the city engineer, in conformance with Chapter 20.40;
All improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the city engineer;
Cost of inspection shall be borne by the subdivider. Inspection fee schedule shall be as prescribed by city council resolution. Estimated construction costs of the improvement shall be determined by the city engineer.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988; Ord. O-2007-07 § 30, 2007)
Whenever the city imposes as a condition to its approval of a tentative map or a parcel map a requirement that necessitates replacing, undergrounding, or permanently or temporarily relocating existing facilities of a telephone corporation or cable television system, the subdivider shall reimburse the telephone corporation or cable television system for all costs for the replacement, undergrounding or relocation.
All these costs shall be billed to the subdivider directly by the telephone corporation or cable television system after they are incurred, and shall include a credit for any required advance payments and for the salvage value of any facilities replaced.
In no event shall the telephone corporation or cable television system be reimbursed for costs incurred in excess of the cost to replace the facilities with substantially similar facilities.
In no event shall the city be obligated for such reimbursement.
(Ord. 88-O-117 § 1, 1988)