The purpose of the “R-A” district is to permit mixed farm and residential uses by providing an area for people to have parcels of land larger than typical residential lots where livestock, poultry, and small animals may be kept or raised in limited number.
(Prior code § 25-5; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
Uses permitted in the “R-A” district shall be as follows:
One (1) single-family dwelling per minimum lot size;
General light farming of agricultural crops, including horticulture, grazing, and the maintenance of:
Not over two (2) equine or bovine animals for private use per twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of land area,
Not more than twenty-five (25) rabbits, chickens or small animals per twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of land area,
Not more than an aggregate of four (4) sheep, goats, or similar animals per twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of land area;
Accessory buildings, structures, and uses ancillary to the uses permitted in this district. This is not to be construed as any commercial use;
Home occupations, in compliance with the provisions of Section 23.81.020;
Crop and tree farming;
Accessory dwelling units in compliance with Chapter 23.73.
(Prior code § 25-6; Ord. 72-O-109 § 3, 1972; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975; Ord. O-2019-01 § 5, 2019)
Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit in the “R-A” district shall be as follows:
Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utilities, public and quasi-public buildings and uses;
Large family day care home per Section 23.81.160;
Day nursery;
An aggregate of two (2) single-family dwelling units per minimum lot size;
Other uses determined to be compatible with those uses listed in Section 23.10.020.
(Prior code § 25-7; Ord. 72-O-109 § 5, 1972; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984; Ord. 84-O-118 § 2, 1984; Ord. O-2019-01 § 5, 2019)
Maximum allowable height in the “R-A” district shall be thirty (30) feet.
(Prior code § 25-8; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
Minimum building site required in the “R-A” district shall be as follows:
Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet on both interior and corner lots; churches, three (3) acres;
Minimum lot width required: one hundred (100) feet.
The city council upon receipt of a report from the planning commission may, by a majority vote of its total members, approve subdivisions with less than the minimum lot width and depths on irregularly shaped and oddly located lots, such as those resulting from curved or angular street layouts, particularly triangular-shaped corner lots, trapezoidal lots, and lots with more than four (4) lot lines; provided, however, that in no case shall the minimum frontage be less than fifty (50) feet at the property line.
(Prior code § 25-9; Ord. 454 §§ 1, 2, 1967; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The maximum allowable lot coverage by buildings or structures subject to all other requirements of this title in the “R-A” district shall be forty (40) percent.
(Prior code § 25-10; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The minimum front yard required in the “R-A” district shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(Prior code § 25-11; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The minimum side yard required in the “R-A” district shall be as follows: corner lot line, eleven (11) feet; interior lot line six (6) feet one side, twelve (12) feet other side.
(Prior code § 25-11; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The minimum rear yard required in the “R-A” district shall be as follows: corner lot, five (5) feet; interior lot, five (5) feet; provided that not less than seven hundred (700) square feet, clear and unobstructed, is provided on the rear one-third (1/3) of lot.
(Prior code § 25-11; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The provisions of Chapter 23.78 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use.
(Prior code § 25-12; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
The provisions of Chapter 23.90 shall apply to signs in the “R-A” district.
(Prior code § 25-12.1; Ord. 71-O-109 § 4, 1972; Ord. 75-O-129, 1975)
When a development has been approved by the planning commission and affirmed by the city council under the optional design and improvement standards of Title 22 of this code, then such building sites, coverage and yards under such plan shall be considered as the requirements of this title.
(Prior code § 25-13)